The "What is it?" thread - Part II

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G clamp maybe
Old kitchen appliance clamp or old window bracket.
I got that one rather quick when I saw it. My mouth was watering thinking of a half carved leg with flies and a dirty looking tea towel over it. I'm just up so will post something shortly.
I got that one rather quick when I saw it. My mouth was watering thinking of a half carved leg with flies and a dirty looking tea towel over it. I'm just up so will post something shortly.

Delighted to inform you that my tea towel is quite clean ;) This is the first ham of the winter, don't have them in the summer because of the flies, although I will eat it in other places :LOL:

Can't beat a nice bit of rust ;)

That's the non eating end - just for the dogs later :LOL:
although I will eat it in other places :LOL:

Yep, it would take a lot more than a few flies to put me off. My sister had drove back from Spain a few years ago and brought a leg and stand with her. She was about to sell her house at the time and the only advice the estate agent gave before viewing was "Remove that "thing" from the kitchen"
Here we go

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