The "What is it?" thread - Part II

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F'godsakes you two you get worse :shake:

Wanna put money on that? :p

Wouldn't want you to shell out too much -I think that if you look back you'll find that we've easilly eggceeded anyone's wildest eggspectations - it's been so eggciting for me personally as I viewed it as a social eggsperiment and I got eggsactly the results I'd hoped for - though I'd have preferred to have had an eggstraterrestrial subject involved but eggcept for that eggsotic ommission we've egcelled and I thunk that we've now pretty much eggshausted the available possibilities unless anyone would like to eggschange some alterative theories ?
...besides - aren't you only here for the "crack" ?

...which might explain the off-base guesses - in case you win ;)
...besides - aren't you only here for the "crack" ?

...which might explain the off-base guesses - in case you win ;)


Wouldn't want you to shell out too much -I think that if you look back you'll find that we've easilly eggceeded anyone's wildest eggspectations - it's been so eggciting for me personally as I viewed it as a social eggsperiment and I got eggsactly the results I'd hoped for - though I'd have preferred to have had an eggstraterrestrial subject involved but eggcept for that eggsotic ommission we've egcelled and I thunk that we've now pretty much eggshausted the available possibilities unless anyone would like to eggschange some alterative theories ?

Goddamn and blastocyst (it) I'm far too tired to even try an compete with that
tonight. However,
I'll try and re-membrane to get back to this airsackly where you left off, tomorow
Morning mastur reprobates......cop this :D

Its a dogs feeding bowl (y)
Lid for a slow cooker?

Handle for a drawer or toolbox?
Is it a camera shutter button, or infa red reciever.
exhaust pipe
actually it looks like the air switch on the side of my macerator
Top of a plunger?
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