The "What is it?" thread - Part III

Wow, that was rapid fire! Impressed myself with that one. I'll get one up this evening
Dalek cervix? (And you thought THEY ^^^ had issues!!!)
Is it clue time yet?
Okay, there are a few types of this item, but this is the only one with this particular bit on it.
Lift the dot fastener?
Lift the dot fastener?
It is used to connect it to something, but not a fastener that you would normally think of.
I currently have more than 9 ov these in my house. Some usable, some not.
Looks like it clips onto something, just can't make out what. Therefore this post is invalid lol
No to all above. It is a fastener of some sort, but not in the sense that your thinking of.
Is it the earpiece of headphones?

I would suggest people go back and read the clues again. Im not usually one for mis-spelling things