Toothie's 52 - All the way to the end

Nicely exposed and composed image Ruth. Like your take on history. Brave of you to open up and share a little of you with us TP folk. Poems great too :clap:
I agree with all of the above so won't repeat it;). You should be proud of what you've achieved and the work you've put into getting there(y).
I know all about that struggle, been there, done it and bought the t-shirt. The photo with the story is really powerful.

Did you try to get the compostion in such a way you could read the poem in the photograph? I don't know if that would have been possible and still get the mug sufficiently in shot to recognise it as a mug.

Definately looking forward to next week's shot from you (y)
Thanks all

Simon - i did try but with the poem being on 2 pages the only real way to do it was straight down which ruined the rest of the shot, i kinda liked the sitting at the table perspective so went with the end.
Thanks for sharing this with us all....

and yes it's very much a piece of history:clap:

Well done(y)
Well done Ruth and thanks for having the courage to share that with us :clap: Great DoF and a nice clean composition, and thanks too for the poem. I can just imagine the spellchecker crashing if you tried to use Word :D
Loved the photo, very nice exposure. only slight thing I found the difference in focus on the mug just slightly distracting but very minor -really liked it.

Not much to say about this really the idea was learning starts with mistakes and trying again :)

It also inspired me to enter the monthly comp here :)
And there goes another idea :shrug:

Nice shot BTW. I really like the small DoF, even if for some reason my eye is drawn to the yellow at the end of the pencil (near your sig). However, I think the plain light blue background really suits the image, I can see this working quite successfully as a Stock image.
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Very well done and clever (y) I like it.
Another great one! And LOVE the competition entry!! How clever!! :D
doing well ruth, very impressive start. subscribed(y)
Ah not commented yet other than on flickr! I like this idea Ruth its well thought out, creative and well executed! :clap: Top of the Class :)
yet again you have come up with the goods (y)

Good use of the DOF on this one....excellent :clap::clap:
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Great shot Ruth. Lovely interpretation and thoughts on the topic. Very nicely executed. Also like the comp entry (y)
Nicely done! Lovely differential focus
Nice image the shallow depth of field is very effective.:clap:
Well had a hard time with this theme, but really wanted to get something today as i'am working the rest of the week.

As the other image is a little too soft, i am swapping it to another from the set that is a little sharper. :) Original image still on Flickr.

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Good idea, nicely composed too.

The plate and spoon make it work, I might have stopped the lens down a little but its a really good shot, I see what you were going for.
Kinda dreamy, surreal shot Ruth! I'm in line with the comments above about the egg being a little more in focus! Good idea and it once again meets the brief :D

I bought some of these yesterday ;) You beat me to the punch!

And why do they ban Tin Tin ;) :)?
Thanks for the feedback guys, i agree about the focus for some reason the other one on flickr with the egg open was a bit sharper - i think i got too close for this one.
I like what you did on Learning - something a bit different again :)

Coming up with a fine idea for suprise too - make me what to know what the suprise was! (MInd I'm sure they are not as good as they were when I was young!)