Topsy's Dartmoor Rambles

I've had East Dart Falls on my list for ages having never been before. TBH I understand why it is so popular but photographically there isn't that much scope. I was hoping to get more from the walk than I did, I was going to go back along the other side of the river and take in Hartland Tor but by the time I had faffed around finding shots of the falls with the Bronica I didn't have either the time or enthusiasm.
I only have one photo, from a very long time ago, taken after a very stormy night when Waterfalls was running very high and red with peat. Funnily enough there was no-one else out. I think every other time I've been there there's either been a lack of water or an excess of people. Getting down in the middle of winter should help on both counts. I struggle photographing waterfalls in general so for me this one counts as 'easy'
Week 26.

With good weather forecast once again I decided to go out with my Fuji GFXs over to Emsworthy Rocks and Haytor Quarry, this time I was stepping a little out of my comfort zone (nod to @trevorbray & @Mr Perceptive) I shot hand held with them and different subjects, as usual you can see the full story and photos here

012 Emsworthy Rocks (Lone Tree) 05-1013 PS Adj.JPG018 Hound Tor and Greator Rocks 02-2566 PS Adj.JPG022 Haytor Quarry (Yellow Water Lilly) 01-1035 PS Adj.JPG024 Haytor Quarry (Water Lillies) 03-2592 PS Adj Crop.JPG026 Haytor Quarry 05-1038 PS Adj.JPG

That’s all for this week folks, thanks for looking in and as always, comments welcome.
@Topsy lovely selection there. Thanks for the tag.
Thanks Trev, when I was out shooting the light was good and I remembered asking you some time ago if you shot your GFX hand held and you said you do (I am sure David @Mr Perceptive does too) so I thought I would give it a try. I was at first sceptical but as I went on I got more confident and will be doing it again. On these Photowalks I would normally (and did have this time) have an X-T2 for the hand held stuff but Tuesday coming I'm going to ditch the crutch and just take my GFXs.
Thanks Trev, when I was out shooting the light was good and I remembered asking you some time ago if you shot your GFX hand held and you said you do (I am sure David @Mr Perceptive does too) so I thought I would give it a try. I was at first sceptical but as I went on I got more confident and will be doing it again. On these Photowalks I would normally (and did have this time) have an X-T2 for the hand held stuff but Tuesday coming I'm going to ditch the crutch and just take my GFXs.
Just don’t worry about bumping the ISO up if needed, the files are very clean
Just don’t worry about bumping the ISO up if needed, the files are very clean
I have to say last week I stuck at 100 ISO and struggled a bit with camera shake as I wanted f11/f16 but the shutter was down to 1/60th for some shots which was ok on the 20-35 but I struggled with the 64 end of the 32-64. was lucky that when I was using the 100-200 not only did I not need such narrow apertures but the light was bright enough for 1/125th upwards.

This week I'll let the ISO creep up to get 1/125th minimum.
Week 26.

With good weather forecast once again I decided to go out with my Fuji GFXs over to Emsworthy Rocks and Haytor Quarry, this time I was stepping a little out of my comfort zone (nod to @trevorbray & @Mr Perceptive) I shot hand held with them and different subjects, as usual you can see the full story and photos here

View attachment 427352View attachment 427354View attachment 427355View attachment 427356View attachment 427357

That’s all for this week folks, thanks for looking in and as always, comments welcome.

Lovely images Paul :)

I will say, for the past few years I shoot my handheld, general walkabout photography in Av with autoISO/minimum shutter speed and more often than not I don't even pay any attention to what the ISO is.
I have to say last week I stuck at 100 ISO and struggled a bit with camera shake as I wanted f11/f16 but the shutter was down to 1/60th for some shots which was ok on the 20-35 but I struggled with the 64 end of the 32-64. was lucky that when I was using the 100-200 not only did I not need such narrow apertures but the light was bright enough for 1/125th upwards.

This week I'll let the ISO creep up to get 1/125th minimum.
The 100-200 has OIS so you can ‘get away’ with longer exposures, but you will find the files recover very well up to 1600 ISO - you will lose a little DR but you’ll probably still have more than the X-T2 had.
Lovely images Paul :)

I will say, for the past few years I shoot my handheld, general walkabout photography in Av with autoISO/minimum shutter speed and more often than not I don't even pay any attention to what the ISO is.
That's what I do with my X-T2s Lee but I have up till now only really used my GFXs on the Tripod, I'll experiment this week with Auto ISO min shutter speed 1/125th.
Week 27.

This week with another dry and bright day I decided to take my Fujifilm GFX 50Ss out over Sheeps Tor and through some of the Plantations around Burrator Reservoir. Encouraged by last week's hand held shooting (thanks to @trevorbray and @Mr Perceptive) I was once again shooting mostly hand held but this time I didn't bother to take my X-T2 for documenting the walk I did that also on the GFXs, as usual you can see the full story and photos here

Sheeps Tor overlooking Burrator Reservoir.

019 Sheeps Tor 01-1083 PS Adj.JPG

Foxgloves on the Bridleway through Middleworth Plantation.

002 Foxgloves on Track from Norsworthy Bridge CP 01-1049 PS Adj.JPG

Middleworth Farm.

003 Middleworth Farm Ruins 01-2617 PS Adj.JPG

Deancombe Farm, this tree has been struck by Lightning a couple of years ago but not all of it dies.

007 Dead Tree at Deancombe Farm 01-2628 PS Adj.JPG

Longstone Manor ruins on the edge of the Reservoir.

031 Longstone Manor Ruins 01-1116 PS Adj.JPG

That’s all for this week folks, thanks for looking in and as always, comments welcome.
Week 28.

This week with rain and fog on the forecast I decided a river/woodland walk would be more productive so I took my Fujifilm X-T2s over to Cadover Bridge and followed the River Plym down to Shaugh Bridge then crossed over the newly refurbished footbridge and followed the river back via Dewerstone Rocks up to the top and along past Oxen Tor (aka Cadworthy Tor) back to Cadover Bridge, as usual you can see the full story and photos here

Cadover Bridge.

038 Cadover Bridge 02-2706 PS Adj.JPG

The River Plym (high and fast).

004 Bridleway beside River Plym 02-8886 PS Adj.JPG

The newly refurbished Footbridge.

013 Shaugh (wooden) Bridge 02-2672 PS Adj.JPG

Dewerstone Rocks.

026 Dewerstone Rocks 05-8917 PS Adj.JPG

Oxen Tor.

033a Oxen Tor (AKA Cadworthy Tor) 01-2695 PS Adj.JPG

That’s all for this week folks, thanks for looking in and as always, comments welcome.
Week 29.

This week with better weather I wanted to get up on the open Moor so I took my Fujifilm GFX 50Ss out around North Hessary Tor and over to Foggintor Quarry (around the top), as usual you can see the full story and photos here

Hollow Tor on the way up to North Hessary, guarded by a Mountain Cow............ :ROFLMAO:

001 Hollow Tor 01-2678 PS Adj.JPG

The TV Mast on North Hessary Tor.

008 North Hessary Tor TV Mast 01-1153 PS Adj.JPG

The Trig Point and TV Mast.

011 North Hessary Tor 01-1163 PS Adj.JPG

Foggintor Quarry Managers Building Ruins.

018 Foggintor Quarry 04-1177 PS Adj.JPG

The Quarry from the top.

028 Foggintor Quarry 14-2719 PS Adj.JPG

That’s all for this week folks, thanks for looking in and as always, comments welcome.
Week 30.

Another dry & bright day with some cloud this week, I decided to take my Bronica SQ-B out loaded with Kodak Portra 160 to Ingra and Leeden Tors, I also took my Leica M9s along to document the walk, as usual you can see the full story and photos here

Ingra Tor with Cox, The Staples, Roos and Vixen Tors in the background (M9).

201 Ingra & Vixen Tors 01-1001192 PS Adj.JPG

Ingra Tor (M9).

004 Ingra Tor 01-1000966 PS Adj.JPG

The Bridge I call The Bridge to Nowhere (M9).

013 Bridge to Nowhere 02-1000984 PS Adj.JPG

Here's why I call it The Bridge to Nowhere Bronica).

204 Ingra Tor & Bridge to Nowhere 03-000130370004 PS Adj.JPG

Leeden Tor (Bronica).

205 Leeden Tor 01-000130370005 PS Adj.JPG

210 Leeden Tor 06-000130370010 PS Adj.JPG

Little Leeden Tor (Bronica).

211 Little Leeden Tor 01-000130370011 PS Adj.JPG

That’s all for this week folks, thanks for looking in and as always, comments welcome.
Should have been up on the Moor on Sunday, Paul. The Exeter Classic Motorcycle Club had their annual Dartmoor run!
Should have been up on the Moor on Sunday, Paul. The Exeter Classic Motorcycle Club had their annual Dartmoor run!
I was mate, I was on my way back from a rideout, I stopped in Princetown and chatted to the Marshal on the Plume of Feathers roundabout but I had to get on before the main bunch came through. He said you don't even have to own a bike let alone a classic to be a member as long as you are interested in classic bikes. I was on my 92 FXR which is almost a classic. :ROFLMAO:
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Older than what I was on for sure!!! Although, at a quick glance, I have had a couple of "I had one just like that back in the '50s" comments (on the Bobber) or "'60s" on the "standard" Bonnie. Easy to tell the difference between the moderns and the classics - the moderns don't bleed!!!
Older than what I was on for sure!!! Although, at a quick glance, I have had a couple of "I had one just like that back in the '50s" comments (on the Bobber) or "'60s" on the "standard" Bonnie. Easy to tell the difference between the moderns and the classics - the moderns don't bleed!!!
If I'd known you were on it we could have met up I would have got there earlier. Ho-hum.
After getting soaked on the last two, I wasn't sure I'd be doing it this year until I opened the curtains!
Week 31.

This weekas I had a blue sky day and it was going to be hot I decided to go and find Easdon Tor which has been on my list of Tors to find for some time. Given it was forecast to be the hottest day of the year so far I decided to travel light, just my Leica M9s with 21, 35 & 75mm lenses no tripod. I have to say I didn't choose my walk wisely as the majority of it was through heavily overgrown roars and Bridleways plus Bracken above head height but Hey-ho I just had to bite the bullet and see what I could get, as usual you can see the full story and photos here

Easdon Tor Trig Point.

013 Easdon Tor 02-1001053 PS Adj.JPG

On the way I passed Figgie Daniel.

010 Figgie Daniel 02-1001041 PS Adj.JPG

As well as the Whooping Rock.

017 Whooping Rock 01-1001058 PS Adj.JPG

As I said the Bridleway was overgrown and full of Flies & Midges.

005 Bridleway to Easdon Down 04-1023729 PS Adj.JPG

Nice Bridge on the North-east of the Village though.

027 River Bovey Bridge (NW) 02-1001069 PS Adj.JPG

That’s all for this week folks, thanks for looking in and as always, comments welcome.
Week 32.

After last week's epic Jungle bashing I have been struck down with some kind of stomach bug sincewhich has left me rather at less than peak fitness. This week I wasn't up to a walk until Friday and even then only a short "easy" one so I decided to pop over Barn Hill from Pork Hill Car Park to shoot Windy Post and get a couple of shots of my favourite Dartmoor Tor - Vixen Tor, as usual you can see the full story and photos here Rather unusually I only made 9 photos on that trip all of which are in the Blog.

Vixen Tor.

004 Vixen Tor 01-2743 PS Adj.JPG

Windy Post.

002 Windy Post 01-2757 PS Adj.JPG

Heckwood Tor (including Vixen Tor).

006 Heckwood Tor & Vixen Tor 01-2747 PS Adj.JPG

Heckwood Tor (including Vixen Tor, The Staples & Mistor(s)).

008 Heckwood Tor & Vixen Tor 03-2753 PS Adj.JPG

That’s all for this week folks, thanks for looking in and as always, comments welcome.
Only discovered this thread today, and I’ve just spent a very enjoyable couple of hours looking through it from start to finish. Apologies @Topsy for spamming your notifications with hundreds of “Kerry liked your post” :D

I lived in Princetown when I was a kid (not in the prison!), so there are lots of memories coming back as I look at your photos and descriptions. I’ve been back a couple of times, just for a few hours. The house I lived in (on the corner opposite the officers mess; my mum & stepfather ran the supermarket - it’s the visitor centre now according to Google maps) is gone now, but I’d love to go back and spend a couple of days down there and have a proper mooch/shoot some photos at some point.
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Only discovered this thread today, and I’ve just spent a very enjoyable couple of hours looking through it from start to finish. Apologies @Topsy for spamming your notifications with hundreds of “Kerry liked your post” :D

I lived in Princetown when I was a kid (not in the prison!), so there are lots of memories coming back as I look at your photos and descriptions. I’ve been back a couple of times, just for a few hours. The house I lived in (on the corner opposite the officers mess; my mum & stepfather ran the supermarket - it’s the visitor centre now according to Google maps) is gone now, but I’d love to go back and spend a couple of days down there and have a proper mooch/shoot some photos at some point.
No problem Kerry, there's more detail in my Blog if you haven't looked in on that.

If you do get chance to visit again, message me I may be able to get out with you and show you around.
Week 33.

Not the longest of Rambles this week, I think I probably cavered a whole 300 yds in total around Combestone Tor. Still crook but now on tablets my strength/fitness has left me for now so I loaded my motorcycle tank bag with 3 Leica M9s and rode over to Combestone Tor, just for added interest I went up to the Harrowbeer 1940s Weekend yesterday for another gentle amble around and to add some interest into my Blog this week, as usual you can see the full story and photos here

Combestone Tor.

001 Combestone Tor 01-1020213 PS Adj.JPG002 Combestone Tor 02-1001075 PS Adj.JPG014 Combestone Tor 14-1001096 PS Adj.JPG

Harowbeer 1940s Weekend.

002 Harrowbeer 1940s Weekend 02-1023763 PS Adj.JPG005 Harrowbeer 1940s Weekend 05-1004910 PS Adj.JPG015 Harrowbeer 1940s Weekend 15-1023786 PS Adj.JPG016 Harrowbeer 1940s Weekend 16-1001231 PS Adj.JPG

That’s all for this week folks, thanks for looking in and as always, comments welcome.
Week 34.

Another short walk as I am still not over the stomach bug yet. I decided to park below Rippon Tor and just head up it to get some shots of Haytor Rocks & Saddle Tor with my Fujifilm GFX 50Ss, as usual you can see the full story and photos here

005 Saddle Tor & Haytor Rocks 02-2779 PS Adj.JPG

003 Rippon Tor 02-2773 PS Adj.JPG

009 Rippon Tor 07-2821 PS Adj.JPG

That’s all for this week folks, thanks for looking in and as always, comments welcome.
Week 34.

Another short walk as I am still not over the stomach bug yet. I decided to park below Rippon Tor and just head up it to get some shots of Haytor Rocks & Saddle Tor with my Fujifilm GFX 50Ss, as usual you can see the full story and photos here

View attachment 432023

View attachment 432022

View attachment 432024

That’s all for this week folks, thanks for looking in and as always, comments welcome.

Lovely - I especially like the second shot :)
Week 35.

Another short walk with light kit (not up to strength yet)this time on Peter Tavy Common to Boulters Tor, Smeardon Down Tors, Twyste Farm (disused) and Set Tor, as usual you can see the full story and photos here

Boulters Tor.

001 Boulters Tor 01-1001112 PS Adj.JPG

Smeardon Down Tors.

006 Smeardon Down Tors 02-1001121 PS Adj.JPG

Ponies on Smeardon Down.

007 Ponies on  Smeardon Down 01-1001240 PS Adj.JPG

Twyste Farm (disused).

012 Twyste Farm 01-1001130 PS Adj.JPG

Set Tor.

014 Set Tor 01-1001136 PS Adj.JPG

View of Boulters Tor from Set Tor.

015 View from Set Tor 01-1001245 PS Adj.JPG

That’s all for this week folks, thanks for looking in and as always, comments welcome.
Week 36.

Another short walk with the Leicas this week (still not 100%) this time to an unnamed (on the OS Map) Tor called Over Tor near \Merrivale, then across to Little Mis Tor.

Over Tor is a small Tor not far from the road between Merrivale and Princetown, I think it has character though, as usual you can see the full story and photos here

003 Over Tor 01-1001145 PS Adj.JPG

007 Over Tor 05-1023798 PS Adj.JPG

On the way to Little Mis Tor I passed Church Rock (not marked on the OS Map).

008 Church Rock 01-1001154 PS Adj.JPG

The main stack.

009 Church Rock 02-1001157 PS Adj.JPG

A different view of Little Mis Tor.

010 Little Mis Tor 01-1001160 PS Adj.JPG

The more usual view.

013 Little Mis Tor 04-1023803 PS Adj.JPG

That’s all for this week folks, thanks for looking in and as always, comments welcome.
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My next planned walk may be in that area but the route will edge into the Merrivale range so depends what's happening there. If the weather had played nicely last week I might have seen you. I chose the Quantocks instead. I have a very long list of Dartmoor photos I need another go at and places I need to get back to. Wouldn't it be nice to have a cold clear winter?
My next planned walk may be in that area but the route will edge into the Merrivale range so depends what's happening there. If the weather had played nicely last week I might have seen you. I chose the Quantocks instead. I have a very long list of Dartmoor photos I need another go at and places I need to get back to. Wouldn't it be nice to have a cold clear winter?
Nice indeed Jan, I would wish for snow that lasted a couple of weeks that way all the sledgers from Plymouth will have got bored and the roads will be passable again. We can but hope. I have a list of about 20 shots that I want to get in the snow.
Week 37.

This week I took a quick spin with my Fujifilm X-T2s around Roos Tor across to Great and Middle Staple Tors then up to Cox Tor, as usual you can see the full story and photos here

Roos Tor was first and that very prominent Logan Stone.

006 Roos Tor (Logan Stone) 04-2722 PS Adj.JPG

The view across to White Tor from Roos.

005 White Tor from Roos Tor 01-2721 PS Adj.JPG

Then it was over to Gt Staple Tor.

009 Gt Staple Tor 02-2729 PS Adj.JPG

A shot looking back from Mid Staple to Gt Staple.

012 Gt Staple from Middle Staple Tor 01-8963 PS Adj.JPG

Cox Tor Trig Point.

016 Cox Tor Trig Point 02-2753 PS Adj.JPG

That’s all for this week folks, thanks for looking in and as always, comments welcome.
Lovely as usual, @Topsy :)

Are you feeling better now?

EDIT: Just seen on your blog that you're still not 100% :confused: Hope you're soon back to full fitness.
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Something about the trig. pillar shot really appeals to me, I would typically avoid having it in shot but it works here