Waiting for a train

[QUOTE Kemble3 (Ian me old mucker) - Thank you. Shot at Kemble station ;)

Although I havnt't been there for a few years, I recognised the station right away. I have a Cirencester model to shoot later this month so I'm very tempted to shoot there.



Oiiiii! That's my station. Hands off ;) Let me know if you need any help fella OR a coffee at AV8! (y)

Well if you fancy joining me for the model shoot, you would be more than welcome. I may use the airfield too, see if I can get her drapped over some standing metel.

Great idea and pictures, ok removing the lampposts would top them off, I didn't notice them immediately though . Keep up the good work
hi there Dav,

lovely sets again. anyways, i browse through your website and the wedding shot are amazing. i really love it! :D
Thanks flintheart.

Tony, that's really nice of you to say so - thank you very much.

As everyone else has said, great individual shots but even better as a collection.
Great set with a retro feel. Losing the mordern lamposts would help the atmospheric feel to the lighting.
Thanks for commenting Paul.

Cheers Phil. I may well go back (one day) and edit out the posts

Cheers Graham

Chris - 52 seems about right. I also recall a bridge over a river in the town centre and being dangled off it as a student!


These are terrific. I LOVE the first one but the others are terrific too. Great work Dav. You really captured the time.
These are terrific. I LOVE the first one but the others are terrific too. Great work Dav. You really captured the time.

Thanks very much Mick!

So, any inside info on what Mr June shot is going to be like ? :clap: Not sure MsPeep and I can wait!
Haha, funny you should ask. About 20 mins ago I said to Tracy "Hey, it near the end of the month and inspiration still hasnt struck" :)

I've got an idea or two though. Better pull the finger out hey.
No 1 for me - a real war time evacuee type shot- brilliant lighting too (y)

slight crit- the lamp posts look out of place, slightly

10/10 for the set :clap:

Les :cool:
Haha, funny you should ask. About 20 mins ago I said to Tracy "Hey, it near the end of the month and inspiration still hasnt struck" :)

I've got an idea or two though. Better pull the finger out hey.

Mick, you really had me worried there - I thought maybe Mr May was the last in the series! I love your work. Taking aside the fact that you have one hell of a sense of humour, the use of strobes is simply superb!

We can't wait for June! (y)

No 1 for me - a real war time evacuee type shot- brilliant lighting too (y)

slight crit- the lamp posts look out of place, slightly

10/10 for the set :clap:

Les :cool:

Thank you very much Les. Yeh, I totally agree on the lamposts. Hopefully I'll get some time to revisit soon.

