Walking your dog whilst on a bike.

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I do it a lot with my two collies on and off the lead because sometimes I can only get them out once a day so I like to let them have a good long run, but I've never done it on a main road. Are there actually any rules against it or is it more common sense than anything? Like making sure you're in complete control of your dog and not weaving about all over the place, staying well in on the road, etc.

I'm just curious more than anything. I cycled with the dogs along the 6mile dirt track from my house to the main road and I turned back on myself when I reached the road because I wasn't sure if there were any rules regarding riding bikes and walking dogs at the same time.
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If you cycle and still hold your dogs with a lead then to be blunt you're stupid and irresponsible (hypothetically), what if something spooks your dog, it runs after a cat or something else, you will be dragged under a car and some poor sod will kill you, not so bad in itself but terrible for the car driver to live with
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I only keep them on the lead when there's game about and only holding them with finger tips whilst going at walking pace. I don't do it on a road, I have no need with the land I live on I'm just curious that's all, not "stupid and irresponsible";)
I was riding a bike once and her dog snuck into the room and licked my bum ... but that's a totally different story.
Depends if they are deemed to be dangerously out of control or not.


I had the scenario of Benji being chased into my garden and up the stairs by two terriers whose owner was shouting at them (and who they totally ignored) I dread to think what would have happened if I had not been in. I have asked her on several occasions to keep her dogs on the lead when she is near here and have now had to resort to getting the police involved as she refuses to do so.

While driving on the M4 this afternoon, Mrs M spotted someone in an adjacent field, apparently walking his Labrador (on a lead) from the driver's window of a Range Rover…
Could be wrong but I thought The Highway Code said dogs have to be on a lead and under control on roads :thinking:
no idea, but there is a guy round here with some knd of off road skateboard thing.. he takes his dog (big fluffy very friendly thing) walkies by standing on the board and letting the dog pull him along. I will endeavour to get pics..
While driving on the M4 this afternoon, Mrs M spotted someone in an adjacent field, apparently walking his Labrador (on a lead) from the driver's window of a Range Rover…

Now I'm not that lazy lol. When I get them out on my bike I can cover more distance and they can get twice as much exercise than if I was walking, unless I have the frisbees, which is 90% of the time. I don't cycle on the road with them. My house is 6miles into the mountains so the only time I see the road for myself is when I'm in the car doing shopping:)

Could be wrong but I thought The Highway Code said dogs have to be on a lead and under control on roads :thinking:

I'm not sure myself but when I do walk them near a road they're on the lead at all times. I don't like seeing dogs off the lead near roads, anything could happen no matter how good your dog is off the lead.

A while ago i saw a man on a mountai bike being pulled by 3 huskies, they were moving at quite a pace. He was on a cycle track adjacent to a main road. I could not see by what method the dogs were attached to the rider/bike.
Probably had them tied to the bike. Could have been interesting if he fell off:D
You can get these springy things that make it a bit safer... still wouldn't want to be riding along a road though:


I can see where they are coming from with that idea but I still wouldn't ride on the road with it. I don't plan on using my bike with the dogs on main roads anyway, it was just a thought out of curiosity if you're allowed or not. Whilst watching that video I was thinking to myself "I'd probably forget the dogs were there and end up going round a post", but then the clip came up showing what happens when you do get it snagged on something, good idea.

Most of the time the dogs just pelt it along behind me when I'm on the bike. They love going up the hills and sprinting back down them behind me. I'll have to put the GoPro on my bike facing backwards one day.
I only keep them on the lead when there's game about and only holding them with finger tips whilst going at walking pace. I don't do it on a road, I have no need with the land I live on I'm just curious that's all, not "stupid and irresponsible";)
I didn't say you did it, i did start my reply with the word "If"
A while ago i saw a man on a mountai bike being pulled by 3 huskies, they were moving at quite a pace. He was on a cycle track adjacent to a main road. I could not see by what method the dogs were attached to the rider/bike.
Hopefully round the cyclists neck, stupid numpty deserves to be dragged over a cliff.
Could be wrong but I thought The Highway Code said dogs have to be on a lead and under control on roads :thinking:

Yes, that is contained in one of the Road Traffic Acts.
I didn't say you did it, i did start my reply with the word "If"

Sorry miss read it. When I'm on my bike I only keep them on a lead going past game animals. All the deer on the estate are pretty tame and they will sometimes come right up to you. I wouldn't want one of my dogs to go chasing them, for a start I'd get fired lol.
My wifes best mate a physically fit forty something, walked her dog while riding a bike for about 3 months then something spooked the dog one day & she fell over/off breaking both wrists. Despite making a full recovery she has gone back to the more traditional method.
I tried that once with my old english sheepdog (think more like the size of a small polar bear!) I put the flexi lead on my belt, attached to the dog and off I went.

It all went well for a few yards then he decided to stop... it was like slinging a bloody great anchor out behind me... I came flying off the back of the bike and landed in an undignified and rather painful heap whilst he just sat there looking bemused.
There are a couple of guys round here who ride their bikes to take a whole pack of hounds walking on the roads, although not on leads!
It never looks like a wise idea, and one time my friend and I were cycling the opposite direction when one of the dogs, which had got distracted by something in a bush, looked up and started following us instead. I almost ended up with a new pet!
There are a couple of guys round here who ride their bikes to take a whole pack of hounds walking on the roads, although not on leads!
It never looks like a wise idea, and one time my friend and I were cycling the opposite direction when one of the dogs, which had got distracted by something in a bush, looked up and started following us instead. I almost ended up with a new pet!

Seen that a few times as well around here. I don't like seeing dogs off the lead near roads. I stay 6miles along a single dirt track in the mountains, it's only me, another house and the main lodge for the estate near by so I don't have to worry about my dogs getting run over off the lead. When I cycle they normally run behind me and do their own thing. They always catch up in the end or appear somewhere lol