Abundance - an unusual idea works well though
People - great street scene.
Heavy - nice find and great for the theme super peice of art.
Perhaps a bit tight on the framing, but perhaps there was nothing that could be done about that.
Interesting, I seem to have missed your original shot. Not sure how that happened.
The original shot is perhaps a little soft? I can't work out where the focus is. (It might be on the pink, but as we can't zoom in it's hard to tell).
The re-shoot, er... Marmite and I don't know which side of the fence I'm falling. I quite like the OTT processing, but the almost halos around the balls, with no texture look odd. Of course, for all I know, that was simply how the table actually looks...
Juxtaposition - I think the original image is better than the processed one although you have an interesting effect
I kept sprinkling a spoonful of water over it Dave, but it kept drying up, I see its now in the pot soaking lol.Good effort for wet, think it did dry up.
Well, it's an alternative image for Wet, I'll give you that
It doesn't say wet to me, but it's well taken regardless.
I like how the background isn't quite black, but seems to have a slight green hue to it to match the rest of the image.
The second Juxaposition shot looks well over cooked, not like your wet cauliflower, I quite like the treatment, just not how it has been applied around the snooker balls.
I think it looks better cropped and possibly straightened so the sky and chimney are gone.