WAMT....what annoyed me today!

Another related issue is tailgating. I try to drive at a sensible distance from the car in front relating to the conditions and the speed. However, some motorist drive within a few inches and expect you to pull over on the basis that if you are not tailgating then you are too slow.


My mantra.......

"My braking space is not an excuse for you to pull out!"

I have been known to stop on a single carriageway, open the boot, and ask the guy behind if he wanted to get in.... My Dad taught me that one :ROFLMAO:
My mantra.......

"My braking space is not an excuse for you to pull out!"

I have been known to stop on a single carriageway, open the boot, and ask the guy behind if he wanted to get in.... My Dad taught me that one :ROFLMAO:
I understand why but there are too many violent people around now so I try to ease my annoyance by watching Police Interceptors. I saw one where a young driver was tailgating an unmarked police car. So the policemen pulled him over and then discovered the driver was already banned and not insured as well as over the limit for drugs. If he had driven as per the highway code, he would not have been stopped but, as it is, he ended up with a large fine, community service, an extended ban and his car taken off him.


I try to keep two car lengths from the car in front, so if someone wants to overtake they have a space to get into,

Unfortunately, some people have been known to get silly about others trying to drive with care and politeness.

Did you mean 2 secondsas two car lengths is not a lot

From .gov:

The Highway Code tells drivers to allow at least a two-second gap between you and the vehicle in front on roads carrying faster-moving traffic and in tunnels where visibility is reduced. The gap should be wider as speeds increase. It rises to 2.4 seconds – about 53 metres – when driving at 50mph and 3.1 seconds – or 96 metres – at 70mph.

Furthermore, the gap should be at least doubled on wet roads and increased still further on icy roads.
Did you mean 2 secondsas two car lengths is not a lot
Room for two cars to insert themselves and leave a sensible gap.

Probably something like 60 - 80 feet, which I think is the distance between the gap arrows southbound on the M5 near Clifton. The main thing is that it's a distance I'm able to stop in, if I see the vehicle in front slam on its brakes.
My mantra.......

"My braking space is not an excuse for you to pull out!"

I have been known to stop on a single carriageway, open the boot, and ask the guy behind if he wanted to get in.... My Dad taught me that one :ROFLMAO:

I wonder if your dad got it from one of the documentaries in which a TV crew tag along with Traffic police.I've never forgotten it.It was quite a few years ago. A lorry drove really close to the back of a Traffic car..an estate, infact and the police driver made comment about it so it was picked up by the TV crew inside the vehicle. The driver put the blue lights on and caused the lorry driver to stop. The officer went to the tailgate and lifted it and then went to the lorry driver and and asked him if there was anything in particular he wanted to see. I thought it was a brilliant move. :D
This makes me more angry rather than "annoyed" but didn't want to give it a thread of its own.

This morning my wife said that she'd try several times to contact the salon where she had an appointment for a pedicure to confirm the time of the appointment She has her hair done there too and the staff are great. They always send a text as a reminder but my wife hadn't received it so she thought she may have got the wrong date. Not wsihing to miss thbe appoiuntment she decided to go there.Upon arrival the salon was closed apart from one female and my wife spoke to her. The saloin was no longer. On Thursday mornin g the staff received an Email stating that from immediate effrect the salon was closed. That was it. They were unable to let customers know. As of today none of the staff..14 hairdressers,two beauticians and two reception staff, have had their due pay for the last month and neither have they received any communication re redundancy. :mad:
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This makes me more angry rather than "annoyed" but didn't want to give it a thread of its own.

This morning my wife said that she'd try several times to contact the salon where she had an appointment for a pedicure to confirm the time of the appointment She has her hair done there too and the staff are great. They always send a text as a reminder but my wife hadn't received it so she thought she may have got the wrong date. Not wsihing to miss thbe appoiuntment she decided to go there.Upon arrival the salon was closed apart from one female and my wife spoke to her. The saloin was no longer. On Thursday mornin g the staff received an Email stating that from immediate effrect the salon was closed. That was it. They were unable to let customers know. As of today none of the staff..14 hairdressers,two beauticians and two reception staff, have had their due pay for the last month and neither have they received any communication re redundancy. :mad:
Our laws covering things like this are so ineffectual.
Apart from the treatment of staff, customers pay deposits etc the day before a business KNOWS they are going bust, and you can do nothing. The following day they can start up again. It's a farce.
Our laws covering things like this are so ineffectual.
Apart from the treatment of staff, customers pay deposits etc the day before a business KNOWS they are going bust, and you can do nothing. The following day they can start up again. It's a farce.
Yes..that business of taking customers' money knowing they are about to go into liquidation is really bad. I've tried to find out why it's allowed and only get answers about liquidation. As you say, quite often,after debts have been written off, they re-open under another name.

Look what I've just found and it's dated June 6th. First Link below. About three weeks ago when my wife went to have her hair done she noticed how few products were on the shelf and the lad doing her hair said they were short of stock but he had no idea why. He has a very good reputation and has been taken on by a local salon in the city . The manager is going to "hire a chair" in another saslon in Tewkesbury. 10 miles away. Love the salon is run by three people..a married couple and a third person-the secretary. They seem to have had two salons here.One in Barnwood ,Gloucester where my wife went and one 6 miles away in Cheltenham so very local. The one Cheltenham seems to be still open but,obviously, re the links, there are problems.

May 15th 2024 https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/06272054/filing-history
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Did you mean 2 secondsas two car lengths is not a lot

From .gov:

The Highway Code tells drivers to allow at least a two-second gap between you and the vehicle in front on roads carrying faster-moving traffic and in tunnels where visibility is reduced. The gap should be wider as speeds increase. It rises to 2.4 seconds – about 53 metres – when driving at 50mph and 3.1 seconds – or 96 metres – at 70mph.

Furthermore, the gap should be at least doubled on wet roads and increased still further on icy roads.
Years ago when I was bored at work I calculated the times for the different speeds.
From those I worked out that if you divide the speed by 10 and then halve it you get the number of seconds you should be away from the vehicle in front.
So 50mph becomes 2.5 secs and 70 becomes 3.5 secs. It is a bit cautious at the higher speeds and a bit too close at the lower speeds but is a good guide.
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Our laws covering things like this are so ineffectual.
Apart from the treatment of staff, customers pay deposits etc the day before a business KNOWS they are going bust, and you can do nothing. The following day they can start up again. It's a farce.
The rules are shown on this page and there do seem to be sanctions that can be applied, if people are prepared to report abuse to the correct authority...

Did you mean 2 secondsas two car lengths is not a lot

From .gov:

The Highway Code tells drivers to allow at least a two-second gap between you and the vehicle in front on roads carrying faster-moving traffic and in tunnels where visibility is reduced. The gap should be wider as speeds increase. It rises to 2.4 seconds – about 53 metres – when driving at 50mph and 3.1 seconds – or 96 metres – at 70mph.

Furthermore, the gap should be at least doubled on wet roads and increased still further on icy roads.

You get anywhere near 50m gap on any modern motorway and white van man will just see it as an invitation to pull out. I think many have forgotten the golden rule of not doing anything to make another vehicle change speed or direction.....