Neat, very neat! I think it's spot on, and the B&W suits it very well indeed
Abstract - clever use of mirror, abstract indeed and the mono carries it off nicely..
A good use of black and white - it makes you focus more on the abstract images from the mirror instead of being distracted by colour!
Interesting pic my eyes don't know where to look
Hi Paulie
Very interesting mirror mister & great use for the theme , mono works really well
Hi Paulie - bit of catch up.
Random - it's a random shot so i suppose on theme. Good use of focus. Really like the pp which gives it a bleak unsaturated feel with detail of patina in the bar.
Temperature - excellent exposure ; like the detail of the ribs in the umbrella. good contrast in colours and a lovely blue in the sky, highlighted by the halo around the edge of the brolly.
Abstract - very abstract image. Like the mono treatmant
Hi, Paulie, abstract, not one of your strongest, I feel.
I'm not seeing abstract. B&W is good to reduce the amount of information and it's an unusual photograph.
Abstract - Very nice, loads of interest in the picture without it being over fussy... nice one
Well spotted. The multi facets of the mirror do make this very abstract whilst still keeping some resemblance of normality in there
Temp - good sunburst, clever doing it through the umbrella. Nice sky colour and the contrast against the black.
Abstract - unusual! Definitely on theme and good use of B&W
I like it the pic is symmetrical and also the object is symmetrical too
oooo I like this one. A little niggle in that I'd have liked to have seen the base of the subject but have to say this has been really well lit giving it a natural feel to it which has been complimented by a nice background colour.
I like this one too, nice bit of colour in the bg.
Good idea and nice shot. Agree with you that the lighting gives the impression that the candelabra is floating. good colours
Hi Paulie
Symmetry - A nice idea that, love the lighting, background and the feint detail in the actual candelabra, well set up and taken !!!!
Very nice symmetry shot. I like these ones that use symmetrical subjects rather than creating symmetry in PP. I like that they're not perfectly symmetrical.
(BTW, I do like the PP created ones too, it's maybe just that ANYTHING can fit the theme if you mirror it )
Symmetry bang on, the composition and lighting i think you've nailed, its very nice
Very nice Paulie, the lighting is great and makes it very atmospheric! I also like the background colour!!
Cracking shot for Symmetry Paulie , really well lit ( as always )def appears to be floating & spot on with exposure it
A very atmospheric shot. Good capture, the flames are clear and its nicely lit.
Like that one Paulie, very atmospheric the base being in darkness doesn't detract any from the image, the candles hold the viewers eye IMHO. Iain've posted some belting images Paulie , be a shame to see you go....maybe have a couple of weeks off then see if your enthusiasm for the challenge returns ? But if you decide no , then shame , but I can appreciate why...felt like throwing in the towel for the last 23 weeks myself
whichever way you go , don't be a stranger mister
Oh no, does this mean you're not continuingPaulie-W said:But just wasn`t enjoying it any more.
Oh no, does this mean you're not continuing
You do take some superb shots.
Noooooooooooo I cant recall seeing your 'Get out of Jail free' in the terms and conditions signed :rules:Moody & Re-Shoot ... I`m passing (as i`m not sure if i`m going to continue).
It had got to the stage, where it was becoming a chore, and that`s when the plug has to be pulled.
Noooooooooooo I cant recall seeing your 'Get out of Jail free' in the terms and conditions signed :rules:
Real shame Paulie...I ain't blowing smoke up your a**s when I say you've posted some crackers.
Keep photographing bud...been a pleasure
No point doing it if you're not enjoying it, but it certainly didn't show in your results.
It's a shame your leaving. Many thanks for your input both in good photos and your comments. Hope to bump into you elsewhere on TP in the future.