Wedding shoot for Work Colleague

Great feedback from Dave, exactly what these forums should be about.

A strong set of images, I especially like the shots on the staircase, were they all just bounced flash?
I saw the images and considering the OP stated limited experience I have to say well done. I can't provide any additional C & C that has been offered, especially given the detail that our Dave has posted, which is fantastic.

Flipping shame a thread was nearly spoiled again, by a random attempt at self justification, be nice to see less of this in 2013.
I saw the images and considering the OP stated limited experience I have to say well done. I can't provide any additional C & C that has been offered, especially given the detail that our Dave has posted, which is fantastic.

Flipping shame a thread was nearly spoiled again, by a random attempt at self justification, be nice to see less of this in 2013.

Be nice to see you stop taking a swipe at me too.

And as I said before it would be nice if people stopped having a dig at wedding photographers. I don't see it happen with any other genre of photography.
You know what I absolutely love these photos.

That first photo is almost surreal fairy tale.

I think the light has worked in your favour and youve handled it well.

These are better than some pro stuff I've seen.

Only my opinion of course,but I've got good taste.:)
I made my post before I read the comments and so are genuine and not meant to offend.
I just like them,then again I like raw guitar that isn't to smoothed out.

Ryan I like you and the comments you often make so don't take it to heart,I hope things get better for you and your family.
Be nice to see you stop taking a swipe at me too.

And as I said before it would be nice if people stopped having a dig at wedding photographers. I don't see it happen with any other genre of photography.

It won't stop Ryan, it would be nice to think it would but it won't and people will keep making negative comments about pro wedding photographers because frankly the photography output varies so much at pro level that a lot of the time the shots such as the ones posted in this thread do rank higher than some. It may not be nice to read if you take a high level of pride in being a pro wedding photographer, but unless the comment is made directly at you or your work, does it really matter so much you have to have swipes yourself at other TP members?

As for having swipes at you, using this thread as an example you continue to have a holier than thou attitude regarding your work and your profession which regardless of how competent anyone is, isnt really very nice to read, again and again. It wasnt a swipe, just a reflection and comment on what I saw. Check the attitude, and then I'll have no reason to have these supposed 'swipes'. New year new start.
ryanyboy said:
Be nice to see you stop taking a swipe at me too.

And as I said before it would be nice if people stopped having a dig at wedding photographers. I don't see it happen with any other genre of photography.

I see you take a swipe with almost every post you make in critique. You return over and over stating that someone else started it almost every time. Makes me wonder considering you clearly have issues away from TP, why you return just to play the 'expert of everything/victim of everyone'. You look to take people's comments as out of context as possible to create as much controversy as possible.

I've spent the Xmas period caring for a very ill mother in law who has just been released after an incredibly serious operation to deal with her massively serious cancer, an auntie who's has life-threatening liver and pancreas failure and a family who is at war over the money they will get when someone who is still alive passes on. Everyone has stuff to deal with, life's a bitch. People don't know your situation, same as you don't know theirs. It shouldn't have any bearing on the critique forum anyhow.

As for these shots, I agree the colour temp is too cold outside, but other than that, these would make any couple smile. You did a really nice thing so really well done you. :)
Marcus Geezer said:
As for having swipes at you, using this thread as an example you continue to have a holier than thou attitude regarding your work and your profession which regardless of how competent anyone is, isnt really very nice to read, again and again. It wasnt a swipe, just a reflection and comment on what I saw. Check the attitude, and then I'll have no reason to have these supposed 'swipes'. New year new start.

I see you take a swipe with almost every post you make in critique. You return over and over stating that someone else started it almost every time. Makes me wonder considering you clearly have issues away from TP, why you return just to play the 'expert of everything/victim of everyone'. You look to take people's comments as out of context as possible to create as much controversy as possible.

I've spent the Xmas period caring for a very ill mother in law who has just been released after an incredibly serious operation to deal with her massively serious cancer, an auntie who's has life-threatening liver and pancreas failure and a family who is at war over the money they will get when someone who is still alive passes on. Everyone has stuff to deal with, life's a bitch. People don't know your situation, same as you don't know theirs. It shouldn't have any bearing on the critique forum anyhow.

As for these shots, I agree the colour temp is too cold outside, but other than that, these would make any couple smile. You did a really nice thing so really well done you. :)

I wondered how long it would take TP's number one sycophant to dive in. I don't appreciate your character assassination either.
ryanyboy said:
I wondered how long it would take TP's number one sycophant to dive in. I don't appreciate your character assassination either.

Ahhh bless you. If I was a sycophant, would I not be kissing your arse as you are clearly the brightest most influential mind on here?

I have limited scope for critique as I'm a beginner, but at least I try and offer what little I can. You're assassinating your own character mate. Keep marginalising yourself and picking on your 'inferiors', it's all your character has to offer. :)
Some brilliant shots from the OP - really enjoyed looking at them and I'm sure the bride and groom will be more than happy.

It's a shame your thread has turned into a 1 man ****ing contest, as the photos really are cracking.
As it happens I'm often found defending the 'small guy' here on TP, not picking on anyone. I'll leave that to you and your cronies.
Right, pack it in NOW!

It's not constructive to the thread, if you want to discuss the ins and outs of how the wedding photographers of this world....or any other genre for that matter, start your own thread in the correct section of the forum.

No more warnings, it's Christmas.... a time of goodwill to ALL, so wind it up ! and get back to giving constructive critique on the images.
Now that is what I call critique! Excellent! Many thanks for taking time to write all that and it is genuinely very helpful. :)

Glad it came across as intended bud :)

I had hoped it'd also 'rescue' the thread from its downward course, seems not :(

Oh well - Happy New year everyone (Wedding togs included :LOL:)

wow, this is a good thread indeed!!
great set of wedding photos;
good job of a photographer that never shoot weddings before;
and the excellent reply and critique;
ALL could be found in this thread!!
really enjoy DG Phototraining's reply. :D
Dave's comments are brilliant,well thought out,very helpful and totally pro

but I think it was the rawness that appealed to me,that and the muted colors.
The first one reminds me of a black sabbath cover crossed with a horror movie still.

Still I have different tastes than most. :D
You know what I absolutely love these photos.

That first photo is almost surreal fairy tale.

I think the light has worked in your favour and youve handled it well.

These are better than some pro stuff I've seen.

Only my opinion of course,but I've got good taste.:)

:D I agree - you must have good taste!! Seriously, glad you like them!

As for these shots, I agree the colour temp is too cold outside, but other than that, these would make any couple smile. You did a really nice thing so really well done you. :)
Many thanks and I hope things work out with your family.

Some brilliant shots from the OP - really enjoyed looking at them and I'm sure the bride and groom will be more than happy.

It's a shame your thread has turned into a 1 man ****ing contest, as the photos really are cracking.
(y) Thanks man - they certainly seem to love them!

wow, this is a good thread indeed!!
great set of wedding photos;
good job of a photographer that never shoot weddings before;
and the excellent reply and critique;
ALL could be found in this thread!!
really enjoy DG Phototraining's reply. :D
DG's reply was fantastic - amongst other very good critque - have definitely learnt a some very useful stuff in this thread.

Dave's comments are brilliant,well thought out,very helpful and totally pro

but I think it was the rawness that appealed to me,that and the muted colors.
The first one reminds me of a black sabbath cover crossed with a horror movie still.

Still I have different tastes than most. :D
Not sure Black Sabbath and horror movies were entirely the look I was going for but errmmmm...thanks :LOL:

A great set for your first time, really enjoyed looking at these.

And a great response from Dave, this is what the forum is for.


Thanks, and yes it is!! :clap:
Great feedback from Dave, exactly what these forums should be about.

A strong set of images, I especially like the shots on the staircase, were they all just bounced flash?

Sorry, nearly missed your question in the midst of the battle!! :D

I did use Bounced flash quite a bit that day but the staircase shots were with Ettl off camera flash with a softbox umbrella. Used the Yongnuo ETTL triggers (622's?) and Yongnuo 568 flash. Works a treat - very little faffing about with settings - just adjust the FEC to make it brighter/darker. Still learning how to get the best out of it though as it's a fairly new addition to the kit bag and only used it in anger twice now (plus practise in the living room!)
I think a lot of people are far too precious about wedding photography...

... However, at the same time, a lot of people are flinging themselves into the market when they are totally unprepared in terms of experience, business and attitude

There is a difference between "shooting a wedding for a colleague" and putting your self on the open market as a "professional wedding photographer. In the first instance, there is little or no expectation, and the details of the wedding are singular. I feel that any good photographer could manage this once or twice

In the latter instance, you need to be able to deal with anything and everything on a week to week basis and consistently get things right. You then need the time and the skills to manage so many photographs, and the business skills to keep everything going

Camera magazines don't help, as they gloss over all of the hard bits
its not as hard as patrolling in Helmand provence or working in a coal mine :)

i dont get why on a wedding thread it allways turns into a debate rather than just looking at the photos and giving thoughts.:thinking:

i turned down several weddings this year because of the heated debates on TP.

any way back to photos they are playing black sabbath on planet rock
this is the cover i was thinking of

i used a Black sabbath inside cover as a inspiration for a band shoot last year :LOL:
The first one reminds me of a black sabbath cover crossed with a horror movie still.

Still I have different tastes than most. :D

No, I thought the same as well. decided against saying so given how the thread has gone.

For the record, Dave has given excellent critique, I cannot add anything to his post and have learned from his critique as well.

The couple will be delighted,i`m sure.
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Love this Frac ^^^ :D

Did you create it ???


No, stole it from an Aussie guy on another forum.
A nice set of images, I have shot a few weddings myself also and to be honest I have decided to focus (no pun) my efforts in other area’s of photography lately for various reasons.

I am new to this forum so can’t comment on the wider picture but Ryan you are coming across very poorly in this thread. The reason for peoples comments is clear and relevant, having seen some of the work so called “professionals” try to palm off on people. IMO it is more common in the wedding industry as this is an easy area to make cash from photography compared to other routes. That said, it is a minority of people doing this and, considering you are a professional wedding tog, is something I am sure you will be well aware of. Your attitude towards peoples innocent comments are quite frankly shameful. Anyway, enough on that now as I don’t want to de-rail the thread again, just thought it shouldn’t go without mention.

In short, lovely images and a great first effort, you have set the bar pretty high for your second shoot ;)
DiddyDave's critique is first rate and I really wish that a few other professionals would take the time to give such fine thoughts.
DiddyDave's critique is first rate and I really wish that a few other professionals would take the time to give such fine thoughts.

DD's wasn't the only critique, neither was he the only supportive Pro.
A nice set of images, I have shot a few weddings myself also and to be honest I have decided to focus (no pun) my efforts in other area’s of photography lately for various reasons.

I am new to this forum so can’t comment on the wider picture but Ryan you are coming across very poorly in this thread. The reason for peoples comments is clear and relevant, having seen some of the work so called “professionals” try to palm off on people. IMO it is more common in the wedding industry as this is an easy area to make cash from photography compared to other routes. That said, it is a minority of people doing this and, considering you are a professional wedding tog, is something I am sure you will be well aware of. Your attitude towards peoples innocent comments are quite frankly shameful. Anyway, enough on that now as I don’t want to de-rail the thread again, just thought it shouldn’t go without mention.

In short, lovely images and a great first effort, you have set the bar pretty high for your second shoot ;)

We are all aware that some pros are rubbish. I'm just sick of people thinking that wedding photographers are fair game. I never see people in the wildlife or landscape (for example) threads compare an OP's work with that of a pro. For some reason wedding photographers have to bear the brunt of all sorts of abuse - mostly from jealous wannabes who for various reason aren't pros themselves.

I am sorry if you don't like my attitude (I call it a point of view but it is very popular these days to say 'you have an attidtude').

I'm not ashamed of the point I made. And I don't think it's shameful. What I do think is a shame is that people can't say 'well done' to someone who's taken some wedding photographs without having a dig at the industry.

And as you're new here Rick Luke you won't be aware that....

DiddyDave's critique is first rate and I really wish that a few other professionals would take the time to give such fine thoughts.

.....I too have (on many occasions) taken the time to post critique like Dave's.

However I am seriously worried at present that TP will be devoid of professional photographers at all in the not too distant future. There's only so much you can take before you start to wonder why you bother. Perhaps if we could have a forum where we just commented om the work produced without the need for snidey comments this would be a better place...?
We are all aware that some pros are rubbish. I'm just sick of people thinking that wedding photographers are fair game. I never see people in the wildlife or landscape (for example) threads compare an OP's work with that of a pro. For some reason wedding photographers have to bear the brunt of all sorts of abuse - mostly from jealous wannabes who for various reason aren't pros themselves.

I am sorry if you don't like my attitude (I call it a point of view but it is very popular these days to say 'you have an attidtude').

I'm not ashamed of the point I made. And I don't think it's shameful. What I do think is a shame is that people can't say 'well done' to someone who's taken some wedding photographs without having a dig at the industry.

And as you're new here Rick Luke you won't be aware that....

.....I too have (on many occasions) taken the time to post critique like Dave's.

However I am seriously worried at present that TP will be devoid of professional photographers at all in the not too distant future. There's only so much you can take before you start to wonder why you bother. Perhaps if we could have a forum where we just commented om the work produced without the need for snidey comments this would be a better place...?


From an outsider looking in...

I don't see why someone would take a comment so personally unless there is quite a bit of insecurity there to begin with. Sorry to be blunt.

I would say rather than assume every insult at wedding photographers is a pop at you, just stand back and either be satisfied with the work you produce and don't worry about what people say...or don't and aspire to be better but in either case, I don't think there is any need to (knowingly or not) give yourself the rep that is apparent thus far...

Matty made a comment about other pro's giving critique - that wasn't directed at you so why make it about you??

Sorry pal, I do mean that in the nicest possible way. Its apparent that you are proud of what you do and I'm sure you are trying to help but I really don't think there is any need to take things so personally...
Fabulous work for a first time wedding. Hope the couple were happy with the shots.
Excellent, personally I love the photo's. I think you've done a very good job and some of the critiques on this thread has been very useful to myself, thanks all.
The indoor shots are much nicer than the outdoor ones. The actual shots are ok outdoors, but they have an over-processed look which isn't pretty.

Having said that, if it was just for a favour, I'm sure the Bride and Groom will be happy.
Excellent, personally I love the photo's. I think you've done a very good job and some of the critiques on this thread has been very useful to myself, thanks all.

Many thanks and I agree the critque has been most helpful!

The indoor shots are much nicer than the outdoor ones. The actual shots are ok outdoors, but they have an over-processed look which isn't pretty.

Having said that, if it was just for a favour, I'm sure the Bride and Groom will be happy.

Thanks, I would agree that the indoor is better (y) - had some compliments on the outdoor processing too so bit of a Marmite one! Understandable though why you wouldnt like it. Appreciate you taking time to comment