What camera shall i have??

Thankyou, I know not to do that when setting up a website and I have got a friend that would set me up a website for free!! I am getting a laptop for my birthday in April! My mum an my boyfriend and going halves and getting one built for me
Yeah skip facebook, get a flickr account. You can display your pictures full size or whatever size you like. People can order prints if you allow it, and you can tag your pictures with keywords so they are searchable through google. If you want you can link your flickr feed to your facebook, so when you upload a picture to flickr it shows in your facebook feed.

Plus with Flickr you can add your photos to groups so it gets seen by a lot of people and you can get some great feedback on your pictures.
Holly, not that age matters in photography for the results but do you mind me asking how old you are? I'm guessing under 18?

The reason I ask is some advice may be age specific or more accurately if you are under 18 some advice could be wrong.

Could you also give us an indication on what sort of time frame you are looking at developing over. Again advice could be different for different timescales.

Facebook IS a key component to almost any business these days, not for selling photos but for spreading the word through your network of Fans (the business equivalent of Friends).

Whilst you are learning photography before you set up business, Flickr is a good place to show off your photos, but so is your own Facebook profile.

Once you are in business a website is important showcasing what you do.
Facebook IS a key component to almost any business these days, not for selling photos but for spreading the word through your network of Fans (the business equivalent of Friends).

What he said ^.

If you set up a Facebook page properly it can be an excellent way of networking your business.

Depending on which back end you have, it's also possible to drive sales through it. Zenfolio have an FB plugin for example.
Holly, not that age matters in photography for the results but do you mind me asking how old you are? I'm guessing under 18?

She'll be 19 in April (8th to be precise) :thinking: Only as I looked at her profile :confused:
I'm 18, 19 in April, I dont have a time scale, i want to get started as soon as I got a suitable camera!!
Thanks for that.

I dont really want to be spending much more than £400, for a camera and a lens if I can help it.

I want to use it as a fun hobby, and not something that i'll get too serious with and end up spending £1000's!!!

Thats how we all started out , then got hooked and spent a small fortune on ugrading equipment. The best advice I can give is to go to a camera shop and handle a few cameras and see which you prefer. Each make has a different way of presenting the settings and if you get used to one make then best stick with it. One point to look at is the variety/costs of lenses that make offers, something so often overlooked but just as important as the camera itself. Don't forget that memory cards arn't included in the camera price so budget for something like a Sandisk111 4 gig card to start with as well

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I'm 18, 19 in April, I dont have a time scale, i want to get started as soon as I got a suitable camera!!

She'll be 19 in April (8th to be precise) :thinking: Only as I looked at her profile :confused:

I presumed that as there was no location listed that the DoB wouldn't be shown :bang: :bang: :bang:

The path to making a career in photography can be as short as the depth of your purse. If you have an almost bottomless source of funds and plenty of time and energy then you can be owning a number of studios in as little as 4 years (just take a look at EdinburghGary, I don't think he's done a photography course). For most of us the issue is not having enough of either finances and time to make things move a quickly as we'd like :LOL: Whilst you can get a real camera and decent lens for under £500, you will probably find that you will have at least £5000+ of kit before you start getting paid.

Once you decide on a camera I would suggest taking it everywhere, using it daily and regularly making a special attempt at doing something new to learn something specific. Go on some local TalkPhotography Meets to get to know and talk to other photographers.

Work out what areas of photography you like and build up your kit focusing on lenses before cameras for the area you want. Whilst the biggest scope for making a career is in social photography (weddings, portraits and events) there are other photographic careers out there consider them all. You will either have loads of competition (social photography) or it will be very hard to break into the scene (sports, fashion, etc) either way you'll need good business skills to survive (hence focus on the business skills).

I don't have an endless amount of money but I will do everything I can to get a career in photography!!! So having a diploma in business is an advantage to me!!! Thankyou for the advice but I have always been interested in taking pictures of people!! Weddings, portraits etc...

Thankyou to everyone you have all been a good help and if I run into anymore problems I will certainly cone back on here because you all seem so helpful x x x
Ive got a GNVQ and diploma in business and Ive never used it since I left college lol.
Cant even remember how to draw up a profit/loss spreadsheet anymore.
Thankfully my wife who doesnt have any buisness qualifications runs our business :LOL:
Hi Holly,

I was searching google for reviews on Cameras as I am looking to buy one myself, then I saw this thread.

I can't be of much help though, but others seem to have offered very good advice. Especially Simon! I didn't think I could get a good second hand DSLR and lens for under £500 :eek:

I saw this on ebay:


Nikon D70 with 28-300mm lens. Current price £250 with 5 mins left. I have no idea if it's good or not, but it seems a good price. For all I know it could be the one Nikon camera that should be avoided, and knowing my luck, it's the one I would buy.
Its in the USA for a start so with shipping and tax it wont be worth the hassle, but the D70 is a good camera, although quite old now.

You can easily get a DSLR and lens for under £500.
A Canon 450D and a 50mm f/1.8.
Nikon D50, D70, maybe even a D80
A lot of Pentax and Sony's go for that sort of money. You can even buy some brand new for under £500.