What do you plan to add to your kit in 2008?

Lol lots more knowledge and talent please!! :p
I won't be adding anything. I like to keep things very simple, and I've always found that new gadgets and gear distract me. I don't think I've bought anything since I bought my 1938 Speed Graphic in June '06. LOL.

- CJ
My wife bought me a Nikon 80-200 f2.8 AF-D for christmas
and my parents bought me a nikon 50mm f1.8 and a manfrotto 190xb and a head.

so i think for me next year all im after is

MB-D80 battery grip ( which will come out of my jessops vouchers ;) )
Nikon 105mm VR macro lens
Graduated ND filters
Hotshoe Spirit level
and some more memory!

i think that just about covers it all ...
Then during my visit to Focus on Imaging on the Sunday, I am going to buy another bag - yes another one. This time, I will 'see' it first and not trust the photo on 'tinternet as I keep getting it wrong :bang: This time the bag needs to carry my 17" lappy, 2 bodies, 5 lenses, plus accessories and be complete with wheels and handle. Any ideas Guys?

I got a bag from Santa this year, see threadhttp://www.talkphotography.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=42676
, ok its not got wheels but its great. Might be worth a look.

As for kit, i'm getting a 2nd body in the next few weeks. And i would love to get up to the 400mm range in lenses.
I have started to put some money aside with the intention of upgrading to a 40D by the end of 2008.

I don't really *need* anything but some nice to haves this year:

i) Bigger bag
ii) Monitor calibration thingi
iii) 70-200 F4L IS or 24-70L

We are going on a weeks photographic holiday to the lakes in August with Lakeland Photographic, so this has taken up most of our 'spare' cash for this year. So unless I come into some extra money then the list above will carry over into 2009! Doesn't bother me as I am reeeeeaaallly looking forward to the holiday!

Trying to work out to get the D300 of the 70-200 F2.8 VR

I was lucky enough to get the 70-200 a few months ago and it is the absolute love of my life (sorry, hubby, kids, grandkids, dogs ...) It's rejuvenated my enthusiasm for my ageing Fuji S3Pro.

Of course I'd like:

New Speedlight
Very lightweight tripod
Set of filters
Fast macro lens
a bag that works for my kit (there MUST be one out there!)

and so the list goes on. Winning the Lottery would be good :D

But most of all, I want to set myself a year-long project - something out of my comfort zone to get my teeth into. And I'll probably live to regret having such a stupid idea :bang:
Canon 70-200 f2.8 IS ;)
Mamiya 6 50mm
Bronica EC polaroid back, I managed to buy an S2A back by mistake if anybody wants it.
flippin scanner

D300 is really messing with my mind:bonk:, if it dips below 1k highstreet, this list might go out the window...
Canon 1d mk11 (n?)
Canon 300mm f2.8
some studio lights
1.4x and 2.0x mk2 extenders
1: Lots of books!
2: A low f-stop lens, fixed
3: A low f-stop lens with zoom
4: If I get serious about photography, and if the quality of my shots justify it, I would love to get a D3 or some other top of the line body. Unlikely however.

Mamiya 6 50mm
Bronica EC polaroid back, I managed to buy an S2A back by mistake if anybody wants it.
flippin scanner

D300 is really messing with my mind:bonk:, if it dips below 1k highstreet, this list might go out the window...

I am kind of gutted that I bought the D200 only 3 or 4 months ago. However one thing which keeps getting my goat in the books I read, the full frame cameras seem to be able to capture "much more" of your scene, this seems especially apparent in Landscapes which I think are my favourite shot types.

Do you think a D3 would be overkill for a new comer? Obviously very hard to justify that cost for a toy, but will it be harder than the D200 for example to use?
I am kind of gutted that I bought the D200 only 3 or 4 months ago. However one thing which keeps getting my goat in the books I read, the full frame cameras seem to be able to capture "much more" of your scene, this seems especially apparent in Landscapes which I think are my favourite shot types.

Do you a D3 would be overkill for a new comer? Obviously very hard to justify that cost for a toy, but will it be harder than the D200 for example to use?

Whether its worth it or not depends on how well off you are, and how often you'll use it but it won't be any harder to use as such... there's more options and more 'stuff' but it doesn't mean you need to know more about photography - in fact its highly capable in auto mode but if all you were going to do was point and shoot I'd imagine that's get some people here who can't afford them all riled up!

I'd love one though and constantly think about how nice it'd be to have a full frame sensor for things like portrait shots... I'd use cropped modes for macro and sports photography I expect.

Its a wonderful bit of kit and when I come to sell my home I will have some money that I 'could' buy one with... that thought is seductive.
I think D200 is overkill for a newcomer...:LOL:
Its gonna last you a long long while, its a posh bit of kit to "learn" on, the biggest up-grades you can make with any body is glass.
I dunno about fullframe and landscapes, I dont think you can limit its advantages just to landscapes, seems like an odd way to look at it.
If its mostly about resolution, you can always do with more of it, whatever your shooting.
Thanks for the link. Had a quick look and you have been lucky to get that off Santa. Funny actually, because one of the bags I have been umming and arring about is the Tamrac Cyber pro.
I got a bag from Santa this year, see threadhttp://www.talkphotography.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=42676
, ok its not got wheels but its great. Might be worth a look.

As for kit, i'm getting a 2nd body in the next few weeks. And i would love to get up to the 400mm range in lenses.
Nifty fifty
Battery Grip
Extra Memory Cards
longer lens (eventually want a 70-200 f2.8L IS, but need a car first)
elinchrom d-lite 4 set
400mm L lens, as yet undecided as to how much use it'll get, so it could be a cheap f5.6 or the more expensive DO version
Well, i probably will not get a lot this coming year, I have spent a far amount in the past twelve months :D. Having said that 70-200 vr might be tempting :LOL:
Well since I've only just got my first SLR, the 350D, for Christmas, in 2008 I think I'll try to invest in the 50mm 1.8, a longer zoom lens for some basic wildlife photography, and some filters (UV, grad, polarizing etc). I'll also get a tripod.

Snap :D
I want a good photographer !!!
err... no not like that...

I mean I want to be able to use the kit I have properly...
looking at my little booklet, for my G9 camera I could get:

-Conversion lens adapter LA-DC58H
-Wide converter WC-DC58B
-Tele-converter TC-DC58C

-EX-series speedlites
-speedlite transmitter ST-E2
-high power flash HF-DC1

as i'm new to my camera i'm not sure what i'll get..
I've been busy over the last couple of months acquiring kit but for 2008 I'd like the following:-

A better quality walkabout lens (something up to 70mm if poss)
Canon 40D :D
I dream of one more lens to add to the line up. It'll either be a 300 f/2.8 or a 200 f/2. Have to wait and see price and performance of the new Canon 200 before deciding.

Hmm, having just bought Diego Garcia's Sigma 300 f/2.8 I guess that may leave the route open for a Canon 200 f/2. Or I may just be happy with the 300.

I've also been monitoring the price of used 1DS Mk IIs and I am wondering if I should swap one of the 1D Mk IIs I have for a 1DS?

Who knows? A year is a long time.
I take early retirement at the end of March and so with pleanty of time on my hands I feel I can then justify...........

Nikon AF-S 500mm f/4G ED VR (y)
The next thing I want is a 24-70, a good monopod, x1.4 and x2 TC,and last on my list is a 24-105 oh nearly forgot a BG-E4.maybe a fisheye lens, after all a whole year is a long time :LOL:

just got a 28-70 so thats one off my list (24-70) and its only the 1st of jan 2008 :LOL::LOL::LOL:
I'd saw this topic early on, and was not going to post as I really did not think I would want to get anything much, but I'm more and more tempted by a EF 50 f1.4.
I think for me its going to have to be either an EF 70-200 f/4l or an EF-S 17-85mm f/4 IS.
I cant make my mind up on weather i should replace the kit lens first, or make do with it and get the telephoto.
I have a long list :( But in order of importance...

Couple of SB800's and an SU800
1.4/1.7/2.0 TC's
200/2VR to replace my Sigma 300/2.8
2nd D3 to act as a second body.

Just need to sell some more shots to pay for it all :LOL:

I've just bought a new laptop and I'm ordering Elements 6 for the editing.

I currently have a Sigma 17-70mm and a Canon 50mm f1.8 on order from Kerso.

In the new year I just need to get out more with the camera!