What is your best photo you have taken in 2013 and why?

Some great pics in the thread folks :).

Derwent Haze
by paulsflicker, on Flickr

This one for me, as it's from a family short break in the Lakes. Walking with the wife, kids and dog from Keswick along Derwent Water in February. I didn't have my camera with me and had to run back to the car, and back again to quickly grab the shot hand held. The foreground figures just makes this for me. Unreal conditions and virtually no PP.
I've really enjoyed taking photos this year and, rightly or wrongly, feel that my journey has shown improvements, a lot of that has to do with this site which is full of knowledgable and helpful members...
So, this is my favourite of the year simply as it was such an enjoyable weekend and the Red Arrows are just such an awesome sight to see.

Through the smoke...(Explore 8th September 2013)
by martyndt, on Flickr

Lone beach hut
by Planetjamez, on Flickr

This year has been my first year getting back into photography and I feel I have developed massively due to the support from all of you! I like this photo because it was a) the first decent shot taken with my 55-200mm lens and b) I feel the composition and aesthetics in this photo is nice, making it my favourite from the year.
Hard to say. Possibly this one.


I shoot events for a live action roleplaying company and this was the ancient world game that my partner runs. I was given the warning that there was going to be some fire dancing at nearly midnight, I have never shot anything like this before, I had no specialist equipment with me, I just grabbed my tripod and camera and belted back onto the game field. A brief discussion with the dancers to see roughly what they were planning and I managed to set up and get this shot. All the while being in costume and 'invisible' to the game participants.

Nothing like working under pressure and it completely captures the atmosphere of the event for me.
Not certain it's my best shot this year but ................

Auschwitz Red Rose 3
by PaulMale42, on Flickr

Managed to finally take the time to tour some of Eastern Europe this year and I only took my old 400D with a Sigma 24-70mm. I didn't expect too much just some shots for the memories and this one really captured a memory for me. It's a rose someone had tucked into the barb wired fence of the entrance to Aushwitz. A place I shall never forget.
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Great thread! :)

I think my favourite of the year would be this shot. I've been very fortunate to work with some amazing artists but working with Chic and Nile Rodgers didn't just give me the most amazing musical experience of my life, it literally gave me the most amazing night of my entire life. This is a very simple, uncomplicated image but it's full of massively good vibes for me from a night I'll never, ever forget. Standing on stage with this amazing band playing monster hit after monster hit and seeing a crowd of 15,000 people absolutely loving every second of it made me feel like the luckiest human being ever, truly magical.

by Paul Nichols, on Flickr
Mainly just because i have tried so many times to get a good shot of this place and the conditions always were against me . I drove up this day in the rain only because i had a new lens and wanted some photo's , as i arrived the rain stopped , the mist fell and the water was eerily silent . Perfect .

Kilchurn Castle
by Smalltownher0, on Flickr
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Crown at the Cenotaph by -DazJamesPhotography-

For me it's probably this one. This was taken on a visit to Central London with the better half as she wanted to go on the London eye for her birthday. We were lucky to experience the cenotaph just after rememberance day and as I have lost 2 friends to the war on terror in the last 3 years it was nice to pay my respects to them and all lost in all wars.

It was a hard day for photography for me as the sun was in and out of the clouds but a worthwhile trip. Being only a year into photography I have hopefully learnt a lot shofar and will learn a lot more in 2014 and hopefully I have seen my photographs getting better and better.

by Brazo76, on Flickr

Not sure about my best or favourite but if theres one image that I would hate to lose from my 2013 database its this one so maybe it is my best/favourite!
Its the shipwreck of the of the Norwegian barque, 'SS Nornen', which sunk at Berrow in March 1897. It was a real history lesson for me having researched it beforehand. The weather and tide conditions were also researched beforehand and upon arriving I took some time to walk around the shipwreck and to touch it and to feel part of the history. The Carl Zeiss lens really made the colours pop and its one of those images that only needed a tiny amount of PP.
There are some real crackers here guys well done (y)

I think probably the most memorable one, for me, was catching the 3 lynx kitts together
on their first ever public outing.

by Chris-the-falconer, on Flickr
My favourite image I've taken this year is this

Water Vole- A Pipe Dream
by Rob'81, on Flickr

It was taken during a trip to Terry Whittakers water vole site in Kent, the visit was the culmination of a summer obsession with water voles.

My second favourite image was of a fox taken at BWC.

Red Fox- I Spy
by Rob'81, on Flickr

The best thing I've got out of this year is that I'm planning photograph trips/days out with two good friends. Getting out and sharing the experience is a nice way to spend a hobby, learn more and spend an enjoyable day with friends.
One from a successful aurora trip to Lofoten Islands in Feb/March.


We went out in hope of some decent northern lights away from light pollution. On the way to this beach we could see the lights dancing all around us and it was a mad dash to get here before they vanished. We got onto the beach and within a few minutes the sky lit up with this display, so much that the whole area had a green glow.
Worth braving the sub zero temperatures for, and I feel very privileged to have seen them.
There's another photo I'd probably have put here but I can't as it's not for me to release onto social media, so after a bit of thinking it's this:

MH434 low pass :)
by Harry Measures, on Flickr

It's Spitfire MH434 doing a low fast pass at Duxford during the summer.

The reason I've chosen this is I managed to wrangle a job doing photography at Duxford which is a bit of a dream come true for me. I took the shot with a borrowed 70-200 standing well past the taxiway as I knew Nigel Lamb would bring her in for another pass after doing a wing to wing with Classic Wing's rapide. I printed this off at work on a 8x6 and it's been on the fridge since. Makes me smile every time I see it!

Some great shots on here.
Final day of my 365 project.

Xavier, Day 365
by scilly puffin, on Flickr

I had decided to do a 365 project of my sons first year. After a rough start to the year, my wife becoming ill after the c-section birth and my grandma died of cancer, I really didn't think that I was going to complete the project, but somehow I pulled it off.
Great idea for a thread. :)

Some great images so far, but a special mention for chris2jz and canon_togger's pics for me. :clap:


St Peter's through a Keyhole, Rome
In 2012 I was on holiday in Rome and went on a Segway tour of the city on the last day (should have went the first or second day:rolleyes:). During the tour we were taken to the Maltese Embassy, where looking through a keyhole gives you the view above. It was designed that way btw. ;) I only had my compact camera with me at the time, and while I was quite happy with the pics I got, considering the situation, I wanted to go back and try with my DSLR. I went back to Rome in September and took the image above with my DSLR. :)

The reason it is one of my favourite images of the year is that I put it up on 500px and a member of the production staff of the Spanish National Geographic Travel magazine asked to use the picture in the December edition of the magazine about Rome. :) Whilst I haven't seen a paper version of the magazine, I have an electronic version, and they used it full page. :) My first pic in a magazine, and I'm quite happy about it. :D
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Has to be this one for me...

by binliner, on Flickr

It took four visits before the tide height and weather came together for this shot and when they did I managed to drop and smash a rather expensive Lee filter in the process. It has earned it's keep though and was commended in this year's Landscape Photographer of the year competition and found it's way onto the cover of the awards book, it's also won a couple of medals in national exhibitions... not bad for a black and white of some concrete blocks in sunny Felixstowe ;)

Possibly this one

I'd just joined a new company after being made redundant and a colleague mentioned they had a band so I went along to their next performance. Terrible lighting, all behind so I mostly shot with B&W in mind. I loved this image taken towards the end of the evening, with a remote flash snooted with two toilet roles and gaffa tape, gaffa taped to the balcony above. I tried something different and it worked.
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Not the most amazing photo or technically perfect, but has a cool meaning to many people. My wifes father and his brothers all race in the TwinShock MX series. This is her brothers first race (number 4), they all lined up and I managed to get this shot - Its rare they are all together in a shot during the race due to various reasons, so the start is the best place. The only person missing is my wifes dad, but thats only because he is in a different class...

Cracking thread! hope it gets more replies!

by david.williams221162, on Flickr

Seem to have taken about 80% kids pictures this year, but this is one of may favourites for two reasons.

Firstly it didn't look much like this, and it looks like this now due to my increasing mastery(!) of Lightroom. Secondly I had the presence of mind to shoot a panoramic sequence and put the camera on manual first (I normally forget)

Shame I wasn't in a slightly more photogenic part of the river, never mind there's always another day.

This one for me. I don't 'do landscape' normally just sport but I had my eye on this location for a couple of months as I passed it on the way to work. So, one morning at silly o'clock I went there and got this.
Really nice photo - I love the atmosphere of that.
Really nice photos guys, you really do have a talent, I can only dream of taking photos of this quality and composition
Some great snaps there guy's......:)
View attachment 2793

I guess it would be this shot.

I did a publicity headshot shoot for the above client. She had a huge natural afro, and this is one of the shots I did of her. In October it was entered into the MPA Awards and won the Epson Black & White category.
This one....he's my closest uncle and was kind enough to let me take his portrait at his 60th Birthday party. He was a big part of my life as I was growing up and used to take me away with him when he was a long haul HGV driver. He's lived a lot, and also had a troubled life but always comes out with a smile on his face. I think this image captures him perfectly;

Uncle Paul
by AlternatePixel, on Flickr
Tremendous work everybody - inspiring:clap:

Dancer and Photographer
by Dibbly Dobbler, on Flickr

I had been shooting the sunset from a short distance away but when I saw people standing on the monument the idea for a silhouette popped into my head. When the girl jumped up and posed I nearly fainted with excitement! Complete fluke of course, I could go back 1000 times and not see that again :)
The one that sticks out for me is this one. I went to the British Wildlife Centre near Lingfield in Surrey for a bit of inspiration and, as it turned out, a challenge to practise capturing moving objects. Loads of mediocre photos later, this little chap appeared just as I turned around. He/she stayed still just long enough for me to get three or four shots.

Red Squirrel
by MrLeebert, on Flickr