Why we chose our username.

Darksaber still makes me laugh

sounds like an afro-american porn star

Provided by my son and latin for "Soul of the Temple" with the temple being neighbourhood slang for my darkroom.
Mine was dubbed while watching the new Italian Job. Theres a character named Skinny Pete in it and my friend said hey I'm going to call you that from now on and its stuck. Its a shame I'm not called Pete, but I am Skinny. :)
Mine is my first name and initial. Someone took Rob so I was going to sign up as RobE, however I didn't want people to mistake me for a loose-fitting outer garment.

me? :thinking: not sure :LOL:
Steve from Hampshire, originally! Guess I should change to SteveOz?!!!!
I've always been rather ... ehm... chubby, and at school I was known as Battlestar thanks to my size. That too stuck with me (including my size!)!!:):LOL:
Mines the name of a meerkat off the TV programme Meerkat Manor.

Just googled Rocket Dog in case their was any more info, and it appears that I have unwittingly chosen to be a 'dominant female ??!!??

Well Im a 40 yrd old fella so............erm..........well there you go :thinking:

Actually the Northern part pretains to Bradford Northern RLFC but the Nikon bit is obvious.

In past incarnations on other forums I have been SteamPig (the old nickname for Bradford Northern) and Raging Bull, er I ranted a lot and am a Bulls (Ne Northern) fan.

On writing forums I am simply Barney.
I was called Ruthie Toothie as a kid and as i am rubbish at thinking up things like nick names i just use toothie all the time.
Taken from the line 'Kiss your apocalypse for the last, last time', in the song 'Anytime' by Eve 6. It's on the 'Out Cold' OST, not that I've ever seen the film. Love the band though :D
Concatenation of my name STEven ELiott JAMes. Been using on forums since 1989
Some people think I must be a member of a West Indian steelband.
mine's the first two letters of my name (alasdair) but everyone calls me al and the xxx comes from when i used to text my ex, i always used to end it with alxxx al and three kisses, I'm to lazy to think of another nick name so it stuck.
Been quite a few new members since the last post so time to give this a bump :) .
Newbie to the Forum my forum name is because I drive a Mazda MX5 (Spring/Summer) then I run me banger:) Rover 214 wedge type a couple of forums I am on I use Rovermaz
My nickname was actually G-Spot (don't ask :naughty:) but I didn't think it would be appropriate for here.
well first name andy no2 came about cause i do a lot of work for oap,s and they gave me nickname handyandy them someone said thats andy2 and it stayed that way for 4yrs :nuts:
I like Triumph Dolomite's hence my name, easy!
I'm not a scoundrel, a bounder or a cad with a 'liver as yellow as yesterday's custard' like the fictional Flashman... I'm actually quite nice..... honestly! :nuts: I thought it was an appropriate name for a photography forum though...... Flashy
I like Triumph Dolomite's hence my name, easy!

I had a Dolomite 1500HL in my youth... I remember on the Snake Pass once I turned the steering wheel right and the wheels went left! :eek: Something had broken in the steering linkage... Fortunately it was a slow corner so the bump wasn't too bad... kind of lost confidence in it after that :LOL:
Mines is just my long time gaming name from Unreal and Unreal Tournament days, been using it since 98/99 online in gaming and forums.

When I was an apprentice electrician many rolls of film ago (1979), some of the other guys in the factory started calling me tappilappi. I did not dare ask them what it meant or where it came from as they all seemed to be a bunch of psychos.....
It has kind of stuck, and I tend to use it online as my real name Tim is normally taken.
Veracocha, the two man collaboration that produced the most powerful euphoric instrumental track you will ever hear; Carte Blanche. They took their name from the cave painting 'god', you know the one with the space suit/helmet?

Perhaps not.
Mine's the name of one of my sister's cats (RIP), and because I used to be, er, a little bit naughty...

OutLaw is always taken, so I use the olde english spelling which is normally available :)
mine comes from a favourite track from a band called Foriegner, years ago:shrug:...was also my cb radio handle (name) when i was a truck driver...all very odd..:wacky:
Missed this first time around. Badger comes from the expensive highlights (!!) in my otherwise dark hair. Been called Badger for about the last 8 years or so and its kind of stuck. The Grumpy bit? Well those that have met me will understand...
No idea why I chose it other than its one of my favourite films :D

Dark Star

John Carpenter's first and best :D

I LOVE that film, first saw it as a student in the late 70's and have owned the DVD for years... The crew trying to talk the bomb out of detonating itself is a priceless bit of classic cult cinema!