Working gundogs

You've done a great job of capturing the action with that first shot.
Good action in #1 although bit of a scruffy bird! Maybe slightly too cropped.............? The Autumn carpet always makes a pleasant background.

I think the trick is anticipating where the dogs will approach from and being ready and in a low position. Water retrieves and retrieves involving jumps over walls are good action shots to get. The more you re-visit the specific drive, the clearer it becomes which way the dogs will come back. Try standing next to a handler although picking the right one is always a gamble - I often leg it to the handler when I can see the dog approaching so you can get a front on retrieve shot.

On #2 I would have zoomed in and filled the frame with his face - would have made a great portrait shot with that light in his eyes. The bokeh in #2 looks a little odd - what lens were you using?
Good action in #1 although bit of a scruffy bird! Maybe slightly too cropped.............? The Autumn carpet always makes a pleasant background.

I think the trick is anticipating where the dogs will approach from and being ready and in a low position. Water retrieves and retrieves involving jumps over walls are good action shots to get. The more you re-visit the specific drive, the clearer it becomes which way the dogs will come back. Try standing next to a handler although picking the right one is always a gamble - I often leg it to the handler when I can see the dog approaching so you can get a front on retrieve shot.

On #2 I would have zoomed in and filled the frame with his face - would have made a great portrait shot with that light in his eyes. The bokeh in #2 looks a little odd - what lens were you using?

Thanks, the bird actually dropped in the stream, a clean cock pheasant would have made a better shot, I used a 70-200 f2.8 vr1
Excellent images, what lovely day out, I do it often (y)
I don't often shoot, I brush twice a week now ;)

I should take the camera really.