when people registered, did they get a confirmation email or anything?
Received mine.
Just dropped mine off with the lovely Lauren at Canon in Elstree. I wanted to do it in person to gain a day as I've got rugby to shoot on Saturday, and need to recalibrate my lenses before then. Got to say that it all seems very professional and organised up there.

Anecdotal information for all you folks out there. Lauren said that if it was just for the focusing, the update is quite quick and involves a software update. Apparently this software update is different to the recent firmware upgrade, and that the firmware upgrade would be done as well if it wasn't already. I wonder if the software that handles the focusing is different to the firmware. Sounds a bit curious if so, as formware normally runs the whole camera, but I guess the AF sensor could have some embedded code in it.

Also, I happened to overhear a couple of Getty post processing guys chatting at the rugby yesterday and they were remarking on how images appeared much sharper recently. Getty and some others apparently had the update a few weeks before it was announced and the results were very positive, so that might account for it.

A sensor clean is included in the check by the way.
Just dropped mine off with the lovely Lauren at Canon in Elstree. I wanted to do it in person to gain a day as I've got rugby to shoot on Saturday, and need to recalibrate my lenses before then. Got to say that it all seems very professional and organised up there.

Anecdotal information for all you folks out there. Lauren said that if it was just for the focusing, the update is quite quick and involves a software update. Apparently this software update is different to the recent firmware upgrade, and that the firmware upgrade would be done as well if it wasn't already. I wonder if the software that handles the focusing is different to the firmware. Sounds a bit curious if so, as formware normally runs the whole camera, but I guess the AF sensor could have some embedded code in it.

Also, I happened to overhear a couple of Getty post processing guys chatting at the rugby yesterday and they were remarking on how images appeared much sharper recently. Getty and some others apparently had the update a few weeks before it was announced and the results were very positive, so that might account for it.

A sensor clean is included in the check by the way.

The AF code isnt replaced by a firmware upgrade, as thats separate, so replacing the AF code sounds about right, i speculated this might be the case a while back :)
Got mine back.
service note said
Rep - Work ..: AF - Accuracy - CHK/ADJ.

So I emailed Lauren and got this back
Thank you for your e-mail.

The only adjustment that is required with a focusing problem is a software update which was done. This improves the whole focusing of the camera, but does indeed invalidate any micro adjustments that the camera may have had, hence the need to reset them as advised on the paperwork. There is no need to dismantle the camera or replace any hardware components for this fix.

Aside from this, an up to date firmware upgrade (version 1.2.5) would have been installed if not already done by the customer.

So it looks like it is a software change and new firmware
How long does it take for Canon to make contact after filling in the form?
Looks like canon are going out of there way to please people:D got a email of them saying they got it and a pdf file with a break down of what was sent, it states 1dmk3 waranty repair, 300f2.8Lis goodwill repair.(y)
Thats good of them malla1962, i sent my camera by UPS on thursday, got a letter this morning with a code on to check the status and it said it has been done and is on its way, this was at 11am i checked :)
That sounds goog,I hope I have mine back friday,may have it longer with doing the lens?
Mine came back yesterday and had chance to do a few quick tests with the 300/2.8.

I didn't get the chance to try any moving targets but I have established that the contrast recognition is better. I have a perch set up in the garden (an old branch affair) and the 50D can't pick it out from the background but the 1D2 always does. Previously the 1D3 couldn't pick it out either but it now does.

I'm suspicious that the only change is software though. Prior to sending away, my 300/2.8 was sharp with no micro-adjust offset but now it appears that it needs +5 (only a brief attempt at calibration indoors with a moire pattern)

Prior to sending away, my 300/2.8 was sharp with no micro-adjust offset but now it appears that it needs +5

I hope I don't have to start doing any micro-adjust to any lenses. Good to read everyone's continued feedback (y)
I hope I don't have to start doing any micro-adjust to any lenses. Good to read everyone's continued feedback (y)

Any values that you'd entered will have been cleared out.....all mine were reset to 0.

All mine are at 0 Bob as I have not had to micro-adjust any of my lenses although I'm a little suspicious of the 35mm 1.4 at times.
Nice one Tobers :) I'm still waiting to be contacted as to when to send mine in.
Just got mine back :) They picked it up Thursday which is a very quick turn around :)

Had to set my 120-300m to +20 on the micro-adjustment to get it sharp. Used to be on 0.

Can I ask that when you send the body in, do you remove the battery and or anything else?

Mines getting picked up tomorrow:D
Yes, body only, it's in the instructions.
Had to set my 120-300m to +20 on the micro-adjustment to get it sharp. Used to be on 0.

Just curious how you do a zoom, as I found depending on what focal length you did the measurement at it would give varying results. Then when used in the field would be different again. Resulting in setting back to zero (Talking 100-400) for me...

Just come back from using mine with my EF500 + 1.4 extender and to me the images are sharper in raw out of the camera..... also noted that the camera seemed to pick up low contrast subjects easier than before...... anyway rattled off a couple of 100 images and deleted about 15 as oof .. this for me is a big improvement :) so initial results are good FOR ME....... :)
OK here are 2 images cropped to 100% and resized to 800 wide

Original RAW (converted to jpeg for viewing here) no sharpening etc applied

adjusted using my standard workflow in CS4
Pete, are you shooting in single shot af or servo? ..duck looks fairly contented and not moving too much! My understanding was that this fix is really for AI servo improvement?

Mine came back yesterday and had chance to do a few quick tests with the 300/2.8.

I didn't get the chance to try any moving targets but I have established that the contrast recognition is better. I have a perch set up in the garden (an old branch affair) and the 50D can't pick it out from the background but the 1D2 always does. Previously the 1D3 couldn't pick it out either but it now does.

I'm suspicious that the only change is software though. Prior to sending away, my 300/2.8 was sharp with no micro-adjust offset but now it appears that it needs +5 (only a brief attempt at calibration indoors with a moire pattern)


Blimey, we'll all be calibrating for a week!!
Pete, are you shooting in single shot af or servo? ..duck looks fairly contented and not moving too much! My understanding was that this fix is really for AI servo improvement?


Its also low contrast situations as well George, ie when the background and subject are close in colour/shade. Like a Short Eared Owl against a grassy background ! Thats when i have noticed my focus doesnt lock on all the time anyway !
Its also low contrast situations as well George, ie when the background and subject are close in colour/shade. Like a Short Eared Owl against a grassy background ! Thats when i have noticed my focus doesnt lock on all the time anyway !
Even in single shot, Ian if you are using centre point focus? (assuming the subject is in the centre, of course!!:LOL::LOL:)