2014 Photo52 Challenge : Week 52 : Support

Dam it looks like I'm in for another year! I've missed the bit about posting the themes on Friday's now, why is that?
that's great news :clap:
Edit. DK I know you'll add me to the spreadsheet, can I be the same colour? Cheers and have a nice time in London.
thanks Marsha.:). And yes of course you can have the same pink :D
You feeling better now ?

Not been yet but it's getting closer.....need to start packing me thinks :) Just been another of those weeks at work ....

Had a mega catch up & think I have made it round everyone , feel free to pm me if I missed you though :wave:

Much better, thanks.

I thought you'd been...when do you go?

The rabble were getting impatient Chris ;)

But yes, I'll be putting the theme up on a Friday evening now, for all those loonies who want to make a REALLY early start on a Saturday morning :wacky:

OOooh awesome!
Not going to deny I was a little excited about a new theme...
After completing last years.. I wasn;t going to go through the pain again this year... but as I somehow seem to have shot Week 1, and made a thread.....

I'm in for 2014. @Dark Knight - you must have known as I'm still in the top half of the SS. (y)

Welcome to the new 'uns, and good to see all the old 'uns too. :)
I did have a feeling :D - Excellent news :)

(Now back on PC too so can catch up for a couple of hours before I'm off out for lunch :))

Oh my freaking giddy Aunt...I really must learn not to disappear for a week.....loads of new starters & photo's to catch up on now before I even think about the new theme :eek:
Your right Lynne it really is not good :LOL:
Could I please have a shade of pink as my name suggests............ There's a :jaffa: Cake in it for you.
Ohhhh go ON thennnn... Ahh small hick-up, Google have limited the Pink options... put a couple of options on if you want to have a look, which do you prefer... A dark Rose Pink/White tick or Pale Pink/Bright Pink tick ??

DK....Btw I am actually called Chris ;)

LOL... I put them question marks there before 2013's 52 started, at the time I wasn't too sure :D
I did have a feeling :D - Excellent news :)

(Now back on PC too so can catch up for a couple of hours before I'm off out for lunch :))

Your right Lynne it really is not good :LOL:
Ohhhh go ON thennnn... Ahh small hick-up, Google have limited the Pink options... put a couple of options on if you want to have a look, which do you prefer... A dark Rose Pink/White tick or Pale Pink/Bright Pink tick ??

LOL... I put them question marks there before 2013's 52 started, at the time I wasn't too sure :D

A dark rose pink please would be lovely.
Ok...who's been messing with flickr....:rage: Can't get my uploader to work , keeps rattling on about duff internet connection & would I like to twiddle with my wires....ooooerrrr .....strange that I can get on to Flickr & here without any bother! Why can't they just stop fixing things that ain't broken :banghead: Then I used the upload facility when logged into flickr it wouldn't put the shot in to the right set......:punch:

& breathe.......

feel better for that ;)
Right, I am definitely back in now, there's no going back I have posted for week 1, and my OCD won't allow me to have an unfinished 52 on my hard drive.
I will get started on commenting on everyone's threads.
A dark rose pink please would be lovely.
Done (y)

Ok...who's been messing with flickr....:rage: Can't get my uploader to work , keeps rattling on about duff internet connection & would I like to twiddle with my wires....ooooerrrr .....strange that I can get on to Flickr & here without any bother! Why can't they just stop fixing things that ain't broken :banghead: Then I used the upload facility when logged into flickr it wouldn't put the shot in to the right set......:punch:

& breathe.......

feel better for that ;)
Hahaaaaaa... I can never get LR uploader to work, Damn new fangledTechnology :pompous:
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Ok...who's been messing with flickr....:rage: Can't get my uploader to work , keeps rattling on about duff internet connection & would I like to twiddle with my wires....ooooerrrr .....strange that I can get on to Flickr & here without any bother! Why can't they just stop fixing things that ain't broken :banghead: Then I used the upload facility when logged into flickr it wouldn't put the shot in to the right set......:punch:

& breathe.......

feel better for that ;)

I tried to upload from Flickr this afternoon and it wouldn't do anything.
Well i am upto date with all my comments for now.
Well done you :) - due to being out all day and evening I am behind again :D

Anyway... - Spreadsheet updated (trying to do it every night I am home even if I don't have time to comment....), good to see we have a few more join in, in comparison to last year it seems to be going up weekly rather than down lol :thinking:

Quick Update:

84 Entrants (well have said they would be joining in)

Wk 0 - Odd - 45 submissions
Wk 1 - Lines - 69 Submissions
Wk 2 - Play - 21 shots already

Going by week 1 that's going very well - keep them coming guys n gals :clap:

But already it looks like 12 to go on the naughty list not even posted 1 image yet... come week 4 on the list they go :bat:

That excludes Manxmaid, who has a pass as catching up on 2013's first :D
Will be trying get around to posting some comments. Apologies in advance if I miss anyone. Paul
Apologies, I've just realised I'm guilty of not thanking Sarah (SarahLee) for starting this thread and pulling the themes from the hat every week, :ty:

And :ty: to DK for doing the spread sheet, cheers :beer:

As for getting round to everybody's 52 to comment, I'm getting there............. slowly :D
I am BAD. I got sooo bogged down in trying to find out how to insert a flowchart into my wordpress blog - I lost about a weeks worth of life and still haven't succeeded.

So, time to take the camera out and blow all these wildly synapsing confusions from my mind. Am I allowed to submit a bit late? Please? Can I? Tomorrow?
I am BAD. I got sooo bogged down in trying to find out how to insert a flowchart into my wordpress blog - I lost about a weeks worth of life and still haven't succeeded.

So, time to take the camera out and blow all these wildly synapsing confusions from my mind. Am I allowed to submit a bit late? Please? Can I? Tomorrow?

You can submit a week late....but it has to be twice as good ;)

I am BAD. I got sooo bogged down in trying to find out how to insert a flowchart into my wordpress blog - I lost about a weeks worth of life and still haven't succeeded.

So, time to take the camera out and blow all these wildly synapsing confusions from my mind. Am I allowed to submit a bit late? Please? Can I? Tomorrow?

Hey at least you have an excuse, I blink and a week has vanished somewhere!?!

And you can post as late as you like, you go by your own rules! I have found that setting very stringent rules can lead to misery and not finishing! Last year was bad for me so I just posted as and when the photos came to me!
For that reason I've only just finished last years 52!
I am BAD. I got sooo bogged down in trying to find out how to insert a flowchart into my wordpress blog - I lost about a weeks worth of life and still haven't succeeded.

So, time to take the camera out and blow all these wildly synapsing confusions from my mind. Am I allowed to submit a bit late? Please? Can I? Tomorrow?
Bad BAD Christine :bat:


All in your own time... It is better if you do a theme in the correct week, but we all get behind at times for certain reasons so not essential, whatever you do don't let it bug you :)
Hey at least you have an excuse, I blink and a week has vanished somewhere!?!

And you can post as late as you like, you go by your own rules! I have found that setting very stringent rules can lead to misery and not finishing! Last year was bad for me so I just posted as and when the photos came to me!
For that reason I've only just finished last years 52!
Bad BAD Christine :bat:


All in your own time... It is better if you do a theme in the correct week, but we all get behind at times for certain reasons so not essential, whatever you do don't let it bug you :)

Yep! Marsha and Dean, the lastminutedotcom couple ;)
Well... spreadsheet is up to date AND I have 50 shots of my nephew playing... the downside, can't find a decent one among the whole lot (But ok for a placeholder/re-shoot week if needs be), he always stops when I get the camera out, he played great for 45 mins before I ran to the car to get me kit :bang: Little Fncker :D
New to this forum as I only joined last month. A friend of mine is doing a 365 and I thought it was crazy. Browsing through yesterday I seen the 52 and thought that would be more me as I work shifts and wouldn't be able to possibly capture a pic every day so weekly suits me better. Hoping to get to know a few of you better and possibly comment on yer stuff.
Well, it was a bit of a rush and I only had my little point and shoot (ok, a poor workman always blames his tools :withstupid:) but I got a 'lines photo' on for week 1
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Phew posted after really struggling with the scope of this weeks theme. Please can we have something a little narrower next week, not that I won't think of countless impossible photographs that would be far too tricky to achieve. I will try to catchup commenting on others photographs as an when I can.