2014 Photo52 Challenge : Week 52 : Support

You doing reshoot too?
I had a superb play idea on Sunday, but it needed daylight. I don't get any time in daylight unless it's a weekend. I had the idea at dusk. Bugger.
You doing reshoot too?
I had a superb play idea on Sunday, but it needed daylight. I don't get any time in daylight unless it's a weekend. I had the idea at dusk. Bugger.
I mean when 'Sarah' picks out a 'Re-Shoot' theme, we get 4 a year if I recall correctly, so on them weeks we get a new theme plus a re-shoot :)

So yeah your play Idea keep it in mind and do it again on a 'Re-Shoot' week, handy if you post something not happy with or think of a better idea :)
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Damn. I was hoping for architecture of Madrid as this weeks topic.
Hi, all, don't tell Dean....but I need to borrow his LastMinute.Com crown ;)

Just posted my Play.

Thought I was up-to-date with comments, but I appear to have missed a few. I will catch up (y)

Close....I WILL NOT POST A PORTRAIT.....:whistle:

Cheers, all.
Well I started off doing well commenting for week 1, so far week 2 not had time to go through everything.
I have been liking the posts when I see something I particularly think is good though....it's commenting for lazy people. Can we somehow have a star rating on photo posts on this new forum? That would be even better LOL!
It is very difficult to try and keep up with the commenting on everyone's threads - I'm pretty sure I'm up to date(ish) - but there's bound to be one I've missed :D
I'm doing very badly with commenting, working full time, and we're decorating at the moment, but will do my best to catch up!
I try to comment only if I have something to say, if a photo appeals to me or there is something glaring that others haven't already pointed out. Is this wrong? Should I be commenting on everything if only to acknowledge appreciation that someone has posted in the Challenge? As I'm new here I am unsure of protocol.
I try to comment only if I have something to say, if a photo appeals to me or there is something glaring that others haven't already pointed out. Is this wrong? Should I be commenting on everything if only to acknowledge appreciation that someone has posted in the Challenge? As I'm new here I am unsure of protocol.

I think it's good manners if someone takes the time to comment on your thread that you respond and comment on there's, doesn't matter how big or small the comment is it all helps. The point of this is to support one and other and offer encouragement to one another as well as to help the not so experienced with positive and constructive crit wherever possible.
I think it's good manners if someone takes the time to comment on your thread that you respond and comment on there's, doesn't matter how big or small the comment is it all helps. The point of this is to support one and other and offer encouragement to one another as well as to help the not so experienced with positive and constructive crit wherever possible.

Theres also the "Like" button... which I think is more personal...
I don't get round to commenting on everyones pics as I too have a job and family which takes up a lot of my time... I think using the like button can help without critique sometimes...
Theres also the "Like" button... which I think is more personal...
I don't get round to commenting on everyones pics as I too have a job and family which takes up a lot of my time... I think using the like button can help without critique sometimes...

I disagree I'm afraid. I did this in 2012 and I felt my photography vastly improved over the course of the year. Two main reasons. I was taking more photographs which I put more thought into and secondly I gained a lot from all the comments from others. Even if someone likes a photo it's good to know why. If they dislike it (and there isn't a button for that) it's good to know why. People always see things differently and the critique element of this challenge is invaluable.

Ok it takes a lot of time but you don't have to do everyone every week. And, if other years are anything to go by, the numbers of entrants will decrease fairly rapidly so it becomes easier.

Over the weeks you'll also start to get a sense of community which brings us all closer as we help each other get through the full 52. That and Posiview will start to organise mid and end of year trips away LOL
I disagree I'm afraid. I did this in 2012 and I felt my photography vastly improved over the course of the year. Two main reasons. I was taking more photographs which I put more thought into and secondly I gained a lot from all the comments from others. Even if someone likes a photo it's good to know why. If they dislike it (and there isn't a button for that) it's good to know why. People always see things differently and the critique element of this challenge is invaluable.

Ok it takes a lot of time but you don't have to do everyone every week. And, if other years are anything to go by, the numbers of entrants will decrease fairly rapidly so it becomes easier.

Over the weeks you'll also start to get a sense of community which brings us all closer as we help each other get through the full 52. That and Posiview will start to organise mid and end of year trips away LOL

It's not easy, I know. This is my fourth year and I really feel that these projects depend on C&C. Many of us work full time, have families, and other hobbies. I usually have a weekly marathon thread catchup up as I do feel it's important to feedback.

There are 87ish taking part so people can be forgiven, if you like, for missing a few. But, as I've said before, I work on a quid pro quo basis (y)

As Peter said, I a few weeks there are likely to be around 40 left then there will be a steady reduction.

Oh, and there will be a mid project meet to be organised is a few weeks....need to get the TP52 2013 end of project meet out of the way first.....any suggestions for the mid project meet...let us all know :)

Cheers and hope you take this in the spirit it's meant.
by the way there are still some people not posting links to their own thread or don't have threads of their own at all, so I can't comment on those :naughty:

True dat :)

Well, taking part in Dry January means I'm able to keep current with posts. Up to date and some cracking submissions.

Can you please tell me how to set up a "My 52" thread and then create the weekly link to it on this page? I think this 71 year old is going senile!
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What you need to do is post the photo into your own thread then copy the HTML address in your explorers address bar. Then go to the the pictures only thread and type something like click kinky then highlight it, then click on the link icon the one with the green plus icon in the tp comment tool bar. Then paste your link to your own thread and that's job done all you have to do is insert your image and click post.
I try to comment only if I have something to say, if a photo appeals to me or there is something glaring that others haven't already pointed out. Is this wrong? Should I be commenting on everything if only to acknowledge appreciation that someone has posted in the Challenge? As I'm new here I am unsure of protocol.
Theres also the "Like" button... which I think is more personal...
I don't get round to commenting on everyones pics as I too have a job and family which takes up a lot of my time... I think using the like button can help without critique sometimes...
Looking at other peoples' images and offering constructive feedback will not only help them improve their photography but also help you improve yours. Having said that, nobody expects you to spend all your free time looking at photos and posting feedback... You do what you can, when you can. We all have lives outside of photography and sometimes we fall behind with commenting. Most of us catch up, but for those that don't, there's enough people doing this challenge to ensure everyone receives feedback from a few different people every week.
I'm all for giving feedback on as many shots as possible , I also work silly hours so end up falling behind with commenting then suffer guilt pangs as I don't want anyone thinking I'm ignoring them :eek:
However , being away has meant I've missed a load of shots & now have to do a mega marathon catchup , so please bear with me , I will get round to you eventually , even if it is just to agree with whats already been said !

Whatever you manage with feedback it's appreciated & it does help with learning but don't put yourself under too much pressure or it becomes a core & then the whole thing becomes less enjoyable.

Andy.......2014 mid term meet........:banana:places kinda depends on who wants a meet & where they're based but I'd be up for Northumberland ,Scotland or Cumbria again , Wales (Lake Bala type area) possibly incorporating the mach Loop, .
So , there's your starter for 10 :D
I there a link to previous 52 meets where I can see what type of places and where you have been?

Hi Craig, I don't think there is a link as such but it has been mainly coastal and hilly areas where we've been.
Off the top of my head, its been Cumbria, Northumberland coast, Malvern and Glencoe last year.
Typical I live 10 min from Malvern.

Has the welsh coast been considered the Gower in particular ?

Lynne (Blondie) mentioned Wales in respect of the mid year meet as a consideration.
Shout up about it, I am sure it will get enough interest. Shout loud enough and you can be the lucky one who organises it ;)