52 from Dark Star - 26/52 Night 1 and Night 2

Simon, Maureen, Marc, Jamie - your comments are very much appreciated - I wasn't sure how this one would turn out :) The next one looks a tricky one though :help:
A great take on History John(y) Well thought out and well taken.

On to next week, which I think could be quite a challenge to interpret.
Very nice John and I am sure that you will never forget those dates!
Only just catching up with the 52 shots.

Firstly - how great that you've kept both the papers of the day the children were born, and their hospital id tags, John. Did you get the papers with the intention of keeping them for the children? I think that's a lovely idea. :)

The composition is fine, imo, and there's just enough of the headlines showing to make me want to pick them up and read them properly. If the papers were still pristine and white it wouldn't look authentic.

So - lots of :clap::clap::clap:

Mark, Ed, Jean, Adele - thanks for the comments!

Jean - yes we bought those as a reminder of what was going on in the world on the days our two joined in :)
Well done John, a great shot of a couple of personal moments in time (y) :clap:
Thanks John - I suspect 'learning' will be a damn sight harder - no ideas at all yet :(
I know what you mean, I've a couple of ideas, but no idea how to implement them. Good luck.
Good luck to you John you're 2 up on me :)

I've got a few shots on the card, ready to process. They're rubbish really, but it's a starting point.
Love that shot John (y)The texture of the papers give it more punch too. I just wish I'd thought of saving a newspaper from when my 2 were born :bang: I've still got their Crib cards though.

As for Learning, I'm struggling too, and, until I can get out of the house, I fear it's going to be something well inside the box this week. :LOL:
Lovely and sharp and I like the composition, a good one I think.
Jill, Frank many thanks for the comments - we have other paraphernalia from their baby days but this seemed simple enough and met the brief :)
Learning....hmmmm ....another slice of personal history..and a hard theme for me!

The exercise book is from my days at Strand School, Tulse Hill and would have been last used in 1974. Physics, Maths and Chemistry at A Level - what a fool! I let the subjects I was best at, rather than those I enjoyed, dictate my path in life :) Ah well what do you know at 17 eh?

As it turns out my A Level days were the last full time education I took as I decided that work was more appealing than University - that, at least, was the right decision for me I think :D

The slide rule I bought in 1970 and I used it an awful lot in those days along with log tables (remember those :)?)



And what did I learn from this one....well not a lot as I haven't really stretched myself.

I have learned that I need to be more creative at times and make more time for this exercise. This feels to me a bit of an easy shot but at least I managed one again this week :)
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Great stuff John the side rule really adds to the book. Is this a bad time to mention that it is older than me;)
I really like this John, and brings back memories for me too. I certainly remember slide rules and log tables. I remember telling my kids we didn't have calculators at school and they said 'why, were they not allowed?' and i told them that in 1970 when I left, they hadn't been invented :D

The blue background of the book and the sharpness of the slide rule really complement each other, and simple doesn't mean it's not creative :LOL::clap:
Lovely to see a slide rule again, John. I still have mine somewhere!!

Wish Id kept my school books too, Im of such a volatile nature that things get chucked out in a certain mood.. then years later I wish I hadnt!!!

Lovely memory provoking shot.

Good shot John and a lovely bit of personal history too... No wait, wrong theme :D. It's a good take on learning, I like it. Although when I did Maths, Physics and Chemistry A-Level we had calculators.
Great stuff John the side rule really adds to the book. Is this a bad time to mention that it is older than me;)

Thanks Ruth for the comments and its okay I'm 52 and the Sliderule is 38 - both probably older than most people on this forum :LOL:

I really like this John, and brings back memories for me too. I certainly remember slide rules and log tables.

The blue background of the book and the sharpness of the slide rule really complement each other, and simple doesn't mean it's not creative

Thanks Jill much appreciated :D I loved that slide rule :geek:

Lovely to see a slide rule again, John. I still have mine somewhere!!

Wish Id kept my school books too, Im of such a volatile nature that things get chucked out in a certain mood.. then years later I wish I hadnt!!!

Lovely memory provoking shot.


Thank you Janice - I have no idea why I kept this stuff but I'm glad I did :D

Good shot John and a lovely bit of personal history too... No wait, wrong theme :D. It's a good take on learning, I like it. Although when I did Maths, Physics and Chemistry A-Level we had calculators.

Thanks John and yes it is a bit of a History thing :D - lazy me , I know :) My first calculator I bought in '78 for a day release HNC in Applied Physics - a chunky red LED Commodore thing :D How times have changed eh?
log tables (remember those :)?)

Indeed - they were great and it was easy to get maths right when all you had to do was look up the log table!

Great stuff John the side rule really adds to the book. Is this a bad time to mention that it is older than me;)

But not to worry John - I was on my way to becoming a 2nd time mum in 1974. :LOL:

simple doesn't mean it's not creative :LOL::clap:


For someone who was struggling for an inspiration for this theme, you have come up with an excellent shot with a designer-ish graphic feel to it. I like it. :)

Well that fits in very well for learning...you know I can't remember using a slide rule at school...but then don't remember much about school either...:LOL:

I really like the blue book under the slide rule, it works for me...

good effort 10/10 :LOL:
Jean, Marcus thanks very much for your comments :) Very much appreciated!

I've just noticed the faint word 'mint' after my surname on the label :) How many years have I endured that :D?
Love the label on your excercise book - is there anything that doesn't get doodled on at school / college?

It might seem like an easy shot but it certainly fits the theme.

Like all your shots so far - looking forward to the next one (y)
Like the idea John and it fits the theme perfectly. Nicely exposed and composed shot.
I toyed with the idea of using my sons school book and took some shots this afternoon and none worked nearly as well as this. Nice interpretation (y)
Great image BTW, I agree the brilliant blue really works well and the diagonal line of the slide rule really works. Has there been any significant enhancement of the saturation in this image as the blue looks almost too good to be true?

I'll share with you now that when my other half pulled "learning" out the bag I thought a slide rule might figure in one of the posts, and flows nicely on from last week too ;) I nearly did the same A-levels as you (I did Physics, Maths and Geology) but by the time I did them we had graphical calculators and although I've heard lots about these mythical slide rules I've never seen one. Thank you for enhancing my education :D

p.s. Is that 3x 10^8 written on the name label to remind you of the speed of light
Nice one John, unfortunately I do remember the slide rule and log tables. boy, don't the youngsters get it easy today.

Great image too, I like the contrasting colours and the angles .. will we be visiting and tech drawing board next?
Good interpretation of the theme. Glad you explained what it is though as I would have been scratching my head otherwise. Never seen a slide rule before.

Amazing that you still have your exercise book as well.
Has there been any significant enhancement of the saturation in this image as the blue looks almost too good to be true?

Thanks for the feedback Simon - I did apply a touch of saturation and contrast boost but not a whole lot

p.s. Is that 3x 10^8 written on the name label to remind you of the speed of light

I have no idea :D I did wonder!!

Great image too, I like the contrasting colours and the angles .. will we be visiting and tech drawing board next?

Cheers Gary - I think not :D

Good interpretation of the theme. Glad you explained what it is though as I would have been scratching my head otherwise. Never seen a slide rule before.

Amazing that you still have your exercise book as well.

Thanks Andrea :D Well it is a learning theme :) And I guess I'm a hoarder :D
That's a really nice shot - I've not seen a slide rule in years - I used one at school too, even though it is older than me! Yours looks in really good shape too - I don't know whemre mine is now :(
Looks like I've jogged some memories here :)

Thanks Richard, thanks Marc :)
Thanks Dave - I have many more squirreled away in the loft :D Of no use whatsoever :)
A sharp, strong image, right on theme. Would showing an edge(s) of the book add? I don't know. Liked it.(y)
Frank - thanks :) Good point about the edges - maybe I'll try that for a reshoot :)
These are super shots. The blue in the taps is very clever ;) and the history one, :clap::clap: