52 from Dark Star - 26/52 Night 1 and Night 2

Week 5: Opposites

I've been struck by the beauty of the whiteness that the snow has imbued on the landscape lately and wanted to use it in this project somehow. And so I have done :)

So my rationale here is lots of opposites:

White/Colour, Cold/Warm, Purity/Impurity, Clean/Stained

Its snow from this morning's fresh fall in the Midlands and a few spots of my own blood (I suffer for my art :D or I'm mad :D. )

And I hope you're not too squeamish!

:clap: well done John, that's another superb interpretation. This isn't the first time you've spilt your own blood for this is it ?
This is such a great interpretation of the theme, John - four sets of Opposites for the price of one - bargain.:) :clap::clap:

I love the simplicity of the colours (clearly good red blood you've shed), and the clarity of the snow crystals. Very well executed. ooooops, wrong choice of word. :muted: You could have got away with one drop - but 2 makes it sort of generous, imo.

Where did you shoot this? If it was indoors you must have worked very quickly.

Excellent. :)

Many thanks Jean - these were but two of wide spread of drops :) I'm quite a bleeder (or so the nurses tell me when I donate blood - so it isn't all wasted :D)

These were taken just outside my cottage in Dunchurch this morning (completely out of sight I'm glad to say :D)
Great Idea,

also as an opposite there is solid/liquid (can't you tell I teach yr 6 science:LOL:)

I wish we had snow, we were supposed to be one of the worst hit parts of East Anglia yet we've had 'bo diddly squatt.' :shake:
Well you just keep coming up with the goods Sir:clap:

I can honestly say this is technique I won't be trying at a later day to hone my skills...:LOL:

I like the way you think...(y) and going by the number of hits for your 52s a lot of other people like your stuff too...

Excellent as always...(y)
Thanks Marcus thats very kind of you - as to the way I think - it baffles me :)
Nice image if a little disturbing.

Mind, we once had to do a set of four pictures on a theme for a camera club competition, my wife is a nurse so I paid my 'mercenary' daughter Kirsty £1 to let her mum give her an injection, she was 13 at the time. I suppose these days it would be classed as child cruelty.

I took an image of the syringe outfit (still life), my wife expelling the air from the syringe (portrait), the needle in the skin (macro, actually the fourth shot taken) and a picture of Kirsty's face when the needle went in (action, slow shutter speed). The pictures were brilliant, and they really told a story, but I got castigated as people didn't like the subject matter or the fact that I had even done it, such is life eh!
I can honestly say this is technique I won't be trying at a later day to hone my skills...:LOL:

I can honestly say it's one I tried yesterday... mine didn't work nearly as well as yours though!

Great take on opposites - I for one like your thinking (y)
Thanks Ed and Thanks DS - I did wonder how it would be taken - seems to not have made too man folk upset (I hope)

Sounds like an interesting set that Ed :)!

And what did you try DS?
Great, compelling shot John - and like La Cruz, no John's hurt in the making of this photograph :D

I really like this and fits the theme on a number of levels as said before. :clap::clap: Looking forward to your Special shot.
Hi John,

I find it hard to keep track of all the other 52'ers but always make a point of following those who comment on mine. Really enjoying your work so far. The one with the newspapers and arm bands really sticks out in my memory, it's just a lovely 'memory' and technically a nice photo too, as has already been said It'll be something you're really glad you have kept, now and in years to come.

Also liking the egg and beans shot, it takes you a second to realise, that its beans.

Not so keen on the last one, not to say it's a bad shot, just it's the least strong (if thats a phrase I can use) That being said though, there's nice detail and texture in the snow and the exposure's good too. I can't exactly place what it is I don't like about it, just my gut reaction wasn't to admire it the way I had done with your first 4. (I always hate being critical of peoples work and not having a good reason so try to explain it as best i can)

Anyway, good luck for the rest of the weeks, keep up the good work, and I'll add you to my subscriptions list!

Jill, John and Maureen thanks, as ever, for your comments.

John thanks for catching up - its hard keeping track of all 52ers - I'd missed yours for a few weeks :( The blood shot is odd I admit and perhaps a bit 'easy' but it was simply a concept I wanted to try :)

Maureen thanks 'Well executed' Hmmm what a phrase given the image :D
6 of 52: Special

This is way out of my comfort zone :(

I said to Suzanne at the start of the week "Whats 'Special'" and she said "Me :D"

So I asked her if she'd be okay with a portrait and (foolishly) she said yes!

Not sure if I'm happy with the end result when I look at other folks work on here but its one hell of a learning experience!

Taken with my Canon Flash on using the 50mm with flash on ettl and tripod mounted camera on manual - 1/100 at f8

Should have used a reflector to bounce some light up I think :) and I tweaked using the Virtual Photographer plug-in in photoshop

Anyway here is Suzanne - who is, of course, very special to me :)



1) Portrait work is bloody hard
2) Your model has to believe in themselves in order to relax and pose well (Suzanne hates her picture taken and was not keen on the exercise - so credit to her for helping me)
3) Lighting is EVERYTHING (y)
4) Decent backgrounds are hard to find in the home :thinking:
5) I need lots and lots more practice!!! :(
5) Don't rush it! (I did)
Well done for trying something new...:clap:

and I think you have done a very good job of it...

I've had a go at portraits a while back, but without the right lighting it a tough one to win.

You had a great start with a beautiful model and got the catch light in the eyes.

The background works well with her hair and overall a excellent effort.

You should be pleased the way it's turned out...I know I would..(y)
Thanks Marc and Marcus - I must invest in a cord for my flash as I don't have an off camera facility yet :

I guess I am pleased with it overall - I just feel I have a long, long way to go to command this particular aspect of photography :)
Well done for trying something out of your comfort zone and also very well done to Suzanne for stepping out of her comfort zone, too :clap::clap:

This is a lovely portrait (although I do think Suzanne is way too young to have grown up children :)) and you have caught great eye contact. I like the light falling on her hair on the right (her left) and you've judged the 'head and shoulders' crop point beautifully. Oh and the background's fine and all the colours work really well - background and Suzanne's hair and dress.

If I was being very, very picky indeed I would have asked Suzanne to lift her chin very, very slightly and cloned out the back of the chair(?) on her left and possibly the border on the wall. But they really are minor things and I think you've done a great job.

I hope you're going to get this printed and framed for her. :)

Suzanne - well done. It's not easy being a model for your OH - as my husband tell me everytime I take his photo. I hope you enjoyed the session and John did all the washing up after dinner. :)

Well done to Suzanne for getting in front of the camera. I have recently tried getting some pics of my OH Chris. I found it really hard to do his skin justice both in colour and texture! So well done for relaying the great skin Suzanne has.

Very nice :clap::clap:
well done on getting out of your comfort zone John. I agree with Jeans comments I think it would have been better if Suzanne had lifted her chin a little bit.

This portrait photography lark is difficult ain't it.

Jean - thanks loads :) and I take your points about the chair, chin and border :)

Chris, Angela - thanks both :)

As for the washing up - thats normal for me anyway :)
well done on getting out of your comfort zone John. I agree with Jeans comments I think it would have been better if Suzanne had lifted her chin a little bit.

This portrait photography lark is difficult ain't it.


Thanks Mark - yeah next time chin raising will be in my mind :)

And yes its difficult I agree :D

Still - its about learning :D!!
This is a lovely shot however I think it would work better in portrait format which would allow you to crop out the slight distractions at the sides. The only focal point is Suzanne herself so a tighter crop in her head/face would provide more impact. I hope you don't mind but I did a quick crop to show you what I mean.

Rob thats a nice crop! Thanks for taking the effort to give that a go!

As I say - lots to learn :)
What a great thread....How did I miss it? You have brilliant ideas (y)

And how on earth did you manage to snare such a lovely looking lady :p :LOL:
Superb portrait John. I've not tried, and don't think I'd be able to pull one off. Excellent for the theme, and well done on getting outside and trying something new.
What a great thread....How did I miss it? You have brilliant ideas (y)

And how on earth did you manage to snare such a lovely looking lady :p :LOL:

Thanks Pat - if I had a penny for every time that had been said in the last 28 years I'd have £23.76 by now :)

Superb portrait John. I've not tried, and don't think I'd be able to pull one off. Excellent for the theme, and well done on getting outside and trying something new.

Thanks John although I suspect your self portraits are a tad trickier :)
John, pic of People are never east espically if they don't really want there photo taken. I think your off to a great start. I agree with the others about her chin being low and the crop done by Rob, works well :)
Looking good again.

I think it's got a slight colour cast to it though, and also agree that the portrait crop looks better.

It's never easy to get out of your comfort zone, so well done on that front.
