weekly 52 in 2014 Cowboy

It's a little small to make fine judgements; what's up with Flickr for you?

It's sharp and shiny but is that an old bone the chain is draped over?
Great mono conversion. It really has been well chosen. I'm not as keen with the chain disappearing of the frame at the right but draping it over the bone/stick(?) is a nice touch. Just adds that little bit more interest to the shot.
I think this is really good. I think the b&w adds effectiveness and brings out the textures. Love it.


Thats good Mark, looks super shiny, minor nit picky crit, not quite sure on the setting and the background looks like it's sloping, excellent detail and again love the shine - nice one (y)

Thanks, It's slightly over exposed 1/3 to 1/2 a stop to try to make it look a bit bleached.
It's a little small to make fine judgements; what's up with Flickr for you?

It's sharp and shiny but is that an old bone the chain is draped over?

New experience, couldn't find out how to share with the new layout, I'm sure I'm not the only one :)

Great mono conversion. It really has been well chosen. I'm not as keen with the chain disappearing of the frame at the right but draping it over the bone/stick(?) is a nice touch. Just adds that little bit more interest to the shot.

I thought about why others might do and decided not many would have an antler laying about.
The chain is quite long and I didn't really know what to do for the best with it.

I like the black and white and the starkness of the image.....is that an antler !!


Good eyes, it is an antler
Re flicke....I had that problem so I now do it like this....if you click on the white arrow in oblong box next to the three dots it opens 'share', click on the drawing pin symbol and the link is there....if you just want to share that one photo not your whole flickr delete the first bracketed link and just share the imge link ....hope that might help :)
Swirl - nice subject but harsh lighting, shadows and placement in the frame doesn't quite work.

Linked - different take on the theme. Doesn't really grab me I'm afraid.
Linked.... lovely shiny chain, I like the drape over the antler nicely focused :)

Swirl - nice subject but harsh lighting, shadows and placement in the frame doesn't quite work.

Linked - different take on the theme. Doesn't really grab me I'm afraid.

linked - fits the theme, good composition like the black and white conversion.

Linked - looks good in mono. The antler adds some contrast to the shot and is worthwhile. I agree with Peter that the chain going off stage right is a bit offputting

Interesting take and I am a fan of uber dark BGs.

Is it a bone? Shame the chain is touching the surface but not a big issue.


Antler :)

Linked looks good the mono works well, like the dark backround but its looks like its bending to me?


The background is a piece of black card curved over a box so there is no seam, it may be a little unlevel though :)

going against the crowd slightly here...I like the Shell swirl image , focus is spot ,plenty of detail & I even like the cork mat it's sat on as it contrasts & blends at the same time (y) The shadow does need lighting slightly......bounce some light in to the front of the shell using some white/silver card, should brighten the underside & lessen the dark shadow just enough

Linked...ovbiously I'm having a blonde moment cos I don't get the connection :thinking: I do like the image in an odd kinda way though......good exposure on the chain with no glaring hot spots , plenty of detail in the antler :) The bg appears a little patchy on my screen though & I might be tempted to crop the base so the antler comes in to shot from the corner ?
Nice composition and BG. some nice highlights in the chain (y)



going against the crowd slightly here...I like the Shell swirl image , focus is spot ,plenty of detail & I even like the cork mat it's sat on as it contrasts & blends at the same time (y) The shadow does need lighting slightly......bounce some light in to the front of the shell using some white/silver card, should brighten the underside & lessen the dark shadow just enough

Linked...ovbiously I'm having a blonde moment cos I don't get the connection :thinking: I do like the image in an odd kinda way though......good exposure on the chain with no glaring hot spots , plenty of detail in the antler :) The bg appears a little patchy on my screen though & I might be tempted to crop the base so the antler comes in to shot from the corner ?

Ta muchly.
Link - chain :)

A bridge walkway with steps every so far rather than a staircase style. It was a bit foggy/misty at the time and I went for a moody, spooky, atmospheric style of shot. Just needs a tall bloke in a cape and top hat :)
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I like the slightly abstract feel to it and the starbursts, but I would have cropped it from the top to bring the handrails into the top corners and draw the eye down to the centre.
Good image Mark, like the composition (y) a couple of things for me though, I scrolled the page down and thought it might be better cropped just to the top of the railings, loosing some of the sky and tree tops where there's no interest. I also might have been tempted to clone out the two star bursts on the right and the two on the left, just leaving the two down the middle :thinking: :)
Good image Mark, like the composition (y) a couple of things for me though, I scrolled the page down and thought it might be better cropped just to the top of the railings, loosing some of the sky and tree tops where there's no interest. I also might have been tempted to clone out the two star bursts on the right and the two on the left, just leaving the two down the middle :thinking: :)

I like the slightly abstract feel to it and the starbursts, but I would have cropped it from the top to bring the handrails into the top corners and draw the eye down to the centre.

Edit - Again, crossed posts with Elaine..............good idea though Elaine ;) :D
Hi, liking the image for step, crops fine for me not really seeing any kind of step in it, though I can tell by the railings it is stepped
Nice shot. Agree that it could take a slight crop but having scrolled as others have I notice that the RHS is slightly higher, I think maybe you were slightly off centre :thinking:
I like the starbursts and mono conversion. (y)
well I think you nailed the moody, spooky atmosphere! I like the low angle composition and mono works very well too. I would crop a tiny bit, as has been said but id take it off the bottom rather than the top as I like the eerie light coming in from the top of the frame, and feel there's nothing much to loose in the immediate foreground. Good work.
the step aspect of it is pretty minimal.. but it's there, and its a well composed shot, love the symmetry and the stabursts from the lights.
Hi Mark
Step - well captured atmosphere. Good conversion. I too find the steps are implied rather than obvious - do I take it from the angle of the railings that the steps are gong down, away from us, and therefore less obvious than if the other way?
I agree with some re slight crop from top and the loss of those lamposts(?) above the RH rail. other starbursts are ok for me.
Thanks for the comments.

The steps go up away from the camera but only one step every 10 feet or so rather than a flight of stairs type.

I had looked at a crop from the top but there is a slight shaft of light that is there but not overly obvious on first viewing, I hadn't thought of a crop off the bottom though (y) thanks.

Plenty to consider next time we have a foggy evening :)
that is lovely Mark, mix of pastelly colours in the flower with the reds and oranges on the butterfly, as well as the greens of the BG

jobs a good 'un. (y)

Oh - and glad someone had some sun this afternoon. :(
Step - I agree with you about needing the tall bloke in a cape and top hat which might add some interest for me

Nature - I just had to look at this one bigger. Absolutely stunning. Sharp exactly where you need it with the exposure just right as is the DoF. Top marks for this one.
Step - good shot. Very atmospheric and a good b/w conversion.

Nature - good composition and great colours. Well shot too!