A Day in TalkPhotography™ Time. Discussion. FINAL DEADLINE - 1800hrs GMT 29/9/10

Well I think this is a great idea! I went out to take something and struggled for inspiration, got one of my daughter throwing stones at the beach. After a bit(!) of a crop and some photoshop I think its the best I can do. I hope you all like it. Theres some great photos posted already.
I've been hugely struggling with this all day! But I've finally got an idea, not very original and I think I can almost guarantee that someone else will do the same thing, but oh well. Now I've just got to wait another 59 minutes! :D
What a great idea. I've taken mine, I need to take one everyday anyway as part of my 365. Is there a different thread for submissions?
:LOL: Errrm. I am afraid it is a no Darren - royalty issues thankfully unfortunately!

I am liking the idea of getting our very own piece of music composed. Simon (Spooky) has put me onto a really good guy! I will of course be getting together a committee to help choose.
What a Day!!!

I can't believe, and am somewhat overwhelmed at the sheer amount and quality of images posted. Thank you so much for each of you who have taken part and I am seriously looking forward to all the images that will hopefully continue to roll in!

I have been really grateful for all the PM's etc that have been sent - especially from those people who say it has got them out shooting something they enjoy and reignited some of their passion for photography; totally sums up what TP Day was all about in my eyes.

I can't wait to start putting together the slideshow and working on a possible photobook with the TP Staff.

Thank you so much for shooting on this here TP Day! :D
:LOL: Errrm. I am afraid it is a no Darren - royalty issues thankfully unfortunately!

I am liking the idea of getting our very own piece of music composed. Simon (Spooky) has put me onto a really good guy! I will of course be getting together a committee to help choose.

I forgot about this. The only photos I took today were just rubbish modern art. I hadn't pressed the shutter button in a while so I just pressed it when the camera was pointed at the roof or something.
So, is this to be an annual TP day (y)?
I hope you'll feel empowered to cull any that aren't up to scratch
or is the plan to show every submission "warts an all"?
Weather was a bit worse than forecast here and finally settled on a shot that showed people out and about on the bank holiday
Nothing spectacular, but had a bit going on in it and hopefully one of those pics where you take a second look to see what people are doing
I took some images of the stars last night, first time :D Am I the only one?

It was on film so it might be a while before I get them processed.
With regards to the Blurb book, will it just be the pictures in there or would there be a small paragraph about the picture and the photographer who took it?
I hope you'll feel empowered to cull any that aren't up to scratch
or is the plan to show every submission "warts an all"?

Personally, I'd like to see the book have all the submitted photos; otherwise it's just an edit of those doing the cull :shrug:

Can't believe I completely forgot about this :bang:

Personally, I'd like to see the book have all the submitted photos; otherwise it's just an edit of those doing the cull :shrug:

In discussion at the moment.

As for the book text - we have requested location and time along with username. If the project is given the go ahead we will probably stick with that underneath each picture. Anything more becomes difficult in terms of workload, and also remaining specific.
I hope you'll feel empowered to cull any that aren't up to scratch
or is the plan to show every submission "warts an all"?

Personally, I'd like to see the book have all the submitted photos; otherwise it's just an edit of those doing the cull :shrug:


didn't mean to start a battle, just opening the door for my own entry to fall by the wayside
Who decides the criteria for a cull, very subjective and feelings are bound to be hurt

Not like its a publication that needs to sell and make a profit, think if its edited you will be hard pushed to get such a good response again

Personally couldn't care one way or another if my entry stays or goes because I enjoyed it and my pictures are primarily for my own enjoyment. Would like to think others like looking at them, but that's not the main reason for taking them

Not everyone feels like that though and would be a shame for such a good idea to turn sour (that very nearly happened with another recent venture)
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if space allows we'd put everything in a book, thats only fair?
if space allows we'd put everything in a book, thats only fair?

Totally agree matty. It has been my preference to include all entries in any slideshow/photo book as a result of TP Day. It represents all the members and differing levels of progression.
I totally forgot about this when I went out yesterday, leaving the camera at home! I was up in the early hours on the 30th working on getting a shot I wanted though, if it's not "on theme" let me know and I'll remove.
I may be wrong but wasn't the remit to submit just one image? Bob and I have just looked at all the postings and at least 1 member has posted 3 times. :thinking:

Hope a cull isn't done because the pics show that TP is for all standards of photographer. From the most experienced to the just starting out. From the professional to the newbie.

Thanks for the idea, hope it becomes an annual event. :clap:
I headed up to the lakes with my other half and the kids yesterday. Didn't make it cause the car decided it was very poorly. All I managed was a few shots of my youngest at home.
Will have to use one of them.
I may be wrong but wasn't the remit to submit just one image? Bob and I have just looked at all the postings and at least 1 member has posted 3 times. :thinking:

Hope a cull isn't done because the pics show that TP is for all standards of photographer. From the most experienced to the just starting out. From the professional to the newbie.

Thanks for the idea, hope it becomes an annual event. :clap:

Hey Diane. There is only one member who posted three and he is going to edit the post to choose just one.

I am hoping it could be an annual event but lets see how well received the results of this one are first.
Hope it's ok with everyone as I although I didn't sign up I have managed to post a shot. If not let me know and I'll remove it. For the full res shot do you want jpgs / tiffs or summat else?

That is perfectly OK Mark!

And same to either format for the full res :)
Hey Diane. There is only one member who posted three and he is going to edit the post to choose just one.

I am hoping it could be an annual event but lets see how well received the results of this one are first.

Damn! Why can't I type with feelings in the words? I wasn't sniping just wanted to clear something up. Now I know why I don't post very often I not very good at it. :shrug:

If they were my 3 pics I'd be happy for anyone of them to be the final choice. I don't envy him, no really.
:D No worries Diane - and I didn't think you were sniping at all! And you should post here - TP is an awesome place.

I appreciate your suggestion of making it an annual event - it could be really good! I would love to see it continue - especially if the project goes to print - imagine all the books of years lined up for viewing!
:D No worries Diane - and I didn't think you were sniping at all! And you should post here - TP is an awesome place.

I appreciate your suggestion of making it an annual event - it could be really good! I would love to see it continue - especially if the project goes to print - imagine all the books of years lined up for viewing!

Next year I'm shooting on digital - The suspense is killing me already :LOL:
didn't mean to start a battle, just opening the door for my own entry to fall by the wayside

Not at all, it was a fair point you raise; and I just thought of expressing my opinion. I am sure the Admins. / Mods. & smoothedit will find a very accommodating mid-ground.
Can we have this as the music track? :love:


Hmmm, embedding playing up again - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcCHRW8G9yY

Darren, you ****** I'm going to have that so-and-so tune going round in my head for days and days and days ... :bang::bang::bang: :)

It's a massive argument in favour of copyright music. :LOL:

I forgot all about this, as it wasnt a bank holiday in Scotland and I was working.
However, as luck would have it the evening was nice and I did shoot a sunset :)

Bujjer.......hell of a time to quit drinking....I'm in.....

ok - film off to dev onto high res CD

do I just send the jpeg as an attachment to your email address..?

any size limitations..? ..:thinking:
I've just spent 10 minutes viewing the entries so far, and well done to everyone who took part.
I've been delaying looking until I sorted mine out in case I got scared off by all the other photos :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

:clap: A big thank you to Matt for putting the effort into organising this. Would be great to see it carry on as an annual tradition.