Allan.H TP 52 2021 SHOWCASE added

Nice image that works well in B&W, if I had a criticism it would be that the window is off centre (but that's just my OCD :) )
The window is off centre to the monument nothing I could do with that I blame the builders but they are now long deceased
great range of captured tones makes for an impressive image

Snappers Choice
Well focused, its a pity the bee wasn't obliging and spread it wings out, although maybe it knew how you planned to crop it :)
The green section touching the bottom edge personally distracts a bit.

Just the right amount of detail with the OOF background working well to create the atmosphere
The right choice of dof for me, good control of the bright window behind. Really good textures in the hands.
great range of captured tones makes for an impressive image

Snappers Choice
Well focused, its a pity the bee wasn't obliging and spread it wings out, although maybe it knew how you planned to crop it :)
The green section touching the bottom edge personally distracts a bit.

Just the right amount of detail with the OOF background working well to create the atmosphere
Thanks for looking in
Nice couple of 'tangs. Took some at Chester Zoo on Sunday but they weren't in nearly as good condition as these and where in a concrete corner indoors.
Who says ginger isn't cool :)

Another really tidy composition and the detail and skin texture is amazing. Great stuff.
That works great viewed large, the detail really comes out. It's a lovely scene.
Nice couple of 'tangs. Took some at Chester Zoo on Sunday but they weren't in nearly as good condition as these and where in a concrete corner indoors.
Thanks, I know the enclosure you are talking about it’s not the best place to see them
Where is Clint Eastwood!
Great photo of the pair, good details and very sharp

Yep -that's a nice clean image :)
I really like this Allan. Not often you'll see such a clean feather too. Works really well.
Now that's my kinda view :) I'll have the Kasteel Donker at 11% please :D
Glass behind glass! Imaginative and thought out as always... Do you ever suffer from creative drought?
Nice simple image, but with plenty of interest and detail. Really nicely thought out, good job.
Glass behind glass! Imaginative and thought out as always... Do you ever suffer from creative drought?
Yes would be the simple answer to that. This shot was just luck really,
walking down the canal to go to a local paint supplier for work I passed this window about 30 yards past something clicked and I went back and took the image.
Very minimalist image. Nice and clean.

Lots of glass, nicely composed.
Fab shot - happy pooch :)
Brill. I'm guessing there is a certain amount of work to be done before this one is allowed inside the house :)