weekly blakesters 52 for 2013 Finally Complete! Last 3 weeks added

Hey Iain :)

Movement - Really liking these, was thinking of something similar but more straight on (and still will I think), Love the masses of yellow and green

The 'Night Drive' shot is a close second for me, nice and sharp interior of the car excellent trails out of it :clap:
Hi, Iain, Movement #1 works well. The yellow really pops as does the detail in the orb.

Bbbuuutttt...it's the night drive for me. I've always been a fan of this one. Great perspective and well composed. The lights outside look a hot, but to get the movement longer shutter speed may have been needed.

I've got a similar idea for another movement, if I get time.

Pattern, the first you have chosen I like because of the symmetry and contrast between the structure and the building in the background but I do like Curvature quite a lot too because of the angle its shot at.


Curvature wins by a nose (y)

:LOL: Thanks f4e (y)
It was the symmetry that swung my decision but I do like curvature just as much.

Hey Iain :)

Movement - Really liking these, was thinking of something similar but more straight on (and still will I think), Love the masses of yellow and green

The 'Night Drive' shot is a close second for me, nice and sharp interior of the car excellent trails out of it :clap:

Hi Dean, thanks (y)
I look forward to your take on something similar.
I did take some shots without the ball but thought it just gave it a little twist.

Hi, Iain, Movement #1 works well. The yellow really pops as does the detail in the orb.

Bbbuuutttt...it's the night drive for me. I've always been a fan of this one. Great perspective and well composed. The lights outside look a hot, but to get the movement longer shutter speed may have been needed.

I've got a similar idea for another movement, if I get time.


Cheers Andy (y)
I do like "night drive" but was happier with the crystal ball shots.
The exposure iirc was around 2 seconds so not a massive amount of time, I wanted to get the interior as sharp as I could and felt any longer would have introduced vibration.

I look forward to your take on the theme too.
First choice for pattern for me Iain,

For movement, they all work very well, your 1st choice is my preferred one of the crystal ball shots, but the in car shot would be my choice, I felt like I was moving at speed when I looked at it, great pov and exposure is nicely controlled.

Cheers Michael (y)
The in car shot seems to be the more popular of my submissions this week :LOL:
There wasn't a lot of speed involved, 20mph according to the speedo. I didn't want to go too fast to keep the sharpness in the interior. So, I am pleased that it had that effect on you.
Hi Iain

Pattern - #1 , your chosen shot is spot on for me . Like the exposure, toning and symmetry. Good pov. For me Curvature is better because it is such a well thought out shot - more quirky, more impact (y)

Movement - anothergood set and real originality on #1. Great colours and a real sense of movement.
Again, tho, I prefer another , the Night Drive - utterly brilliant. Well executed, good colour (that real purple/blue night time feel), that impression of driving into an explosion - again a real sense of movement :clap:
Hi Iain

Pattern - #1 , your chosen shot is spot on for me . Like the exposure, toning and symmetry. Good pov. For me Curvature is better because it is such a well thought out shot - more quirky, more impact (y)

Movement - anothergood set and real originality on #1. Great colours and a real sense of movement.
Again, tho, I prefer another , the Night Drive - utterly brilliant. Well executed, good colour (that real purple/blue night time feel), that impression of driving into an explosion - again a real sense of movement :clap:

Hi Alan,
Thanks (y)
I like curvature too but wasn't sure if it was as 'on theme' as my final choice :thinking:
Another preference for 'night drive' :LOL: do you ever get that feeling you've made the wrong choice :LOL: I know I have ;)
To be honest, night drive was my initial idea but thought it maybe seen as being a bit 'done before' so instead went with the crystal ball shot.

It serves me right for putting more than one image up eh? :LOL:

Still, new theme tomorrow maybe I can limit myself this week to one submission :LOL:
Night drive for me too Iain. It would benefit from a bit of photoshop to move the needle round though! :D
Night drive for me too Iain. It would benefit from a bit of photoshop to move the needle round though! :D

Thanks Brian, another vote for 'night drive' oh well :LOL:

Yes, I should photoshop it round to at least a central position to make it symmetrical :LOL:
Hi mister :wave:

great set of images for Movement.......think your entry #1 is my fave.....seems sharper and more abstract but still holds patterns of light that show movement , great colors to :clap:

Quite liking the fairground ones as well simply cos they show the ride more clearly

Your night drive shot....curious to know how you had the camera set up or attached to....given that you were driving :thinking:
Hi mister :wave:

great set of images for Movement.......think your entry #1 is my fave.....seems sharper and more abstract but still holds patterns of light that show movement , great colors to :clap:

Quite liking the fairground ones as well simply cos they show the ride more clearly

Your night drive shot....curious to know how you had the camera set up or attached to....given that you were driving :thinking:

Hi missus :wave:

Thanks for looking in and commenting Lynne (y)

Night drive set-up: I dropped the back seats in my car to give a reasonably flat base to set my tripod and camera up on. My car is a hatchback so after raising the back I had a look through the viewfinder just to check the camera was level and sorted composition. I used a shutter release cable to activate the shutter as I drove along. I stopped a few times just to check what image I was getting simply by removing the camera from the tripod.
If I do it again, I would use a longer shutter speed just to get more light trails in. Thats about it Lynne, if there's anything else please ask (y)
Love your choice for movement :clap: the car shots not too bad either although I think you need a little more light inside from a subtle bit of flash from what I have seen others do.
Love your choice for movement :clap: the car shots not too bad either although I think you need a little more light inside from a subtle bit of flash from what I have seen others do.

Thanks f4e (y)
Yes, I agree about more light inside the car just to lift it a little.
Night drive for me too ...... really looks like you're driving into oncoming traffic, PS the speedo round to about 120mph and it really makes it stand out.

Of the crystal ball ones (great colour and movement in them all), for me is Into the light, the bokeh I think works better than the streaks of light, which just become too much of a blur with the OOF and the motion.
Night drive for me too ...... really looks like you're driving into oncoming traffic, PS the speedo round to about 120mph and it really makes it stand out.

Of the crystal ball ones (great colour and movement in them all), for me is Into the light, the bokeh I think works better than the streaks of light, which just become too much of a blur with the OOF and the motion.

Thanks Graham (y)
It seems "Night Drive" wins it :LOL:
Into The Light was one of my favourites but wasn't sure how much on theme it was so went for my chosen one instead.
A little late in the week but on time nonetheless ;)
Here is my take on the theme.

Week 22 - Below by iain blake, on Flickr

I would really like to do this from a greater height, maybe say from a skyscraper but for obvious reasons, access is a little awkward and even then I don't think the building occupants would be too happy about me sitting on the edge of their roof :LOL:

Apologies for not being around others threads much, excuses time but my working week is a real drain on spare time. I have on average a 2 hour commute at either end of the day, then there are the hours in between :LOL:
I have just finished a 21hour day, thats not including travel :wacky:

Anyway, thanks for looking/reading if you've got this far :LOL:

C&C welcome as always.
Bugger, bugger, bugger....forgt to send so my response is gone...and the second one is never was good is the first :bonk:

I like how my eye is drawn down your leg, up and around the stairs.

In sum, works for me. Good perspective and detail. Any with to at the other side of the frame.

Cheers and hope works eases of in advance of the meet in 2 weeks :D
Bugger, bugger, bugger....forgt to send so my response is gone...and the second one is never was good is the first :bonk:

I like how my eye is drawn down your leg, up and around the stairs.

In sum, works for me. Good perspective and detail. Any with to at the other side of the frame.

Cheers and hope works eases of in advance of the meet in 2 weeks :D

Cheers Andy (y)
Always the way with technology eh? It'll never catch on ;)

I am not sure what the second last sentence to your post means :thinking: but if I interpret it as asking about width to the frame, this was as shot and as wide as my lens would go. I perched myself at the top of a multi storey carpark, legs poked through a concrete barrier and me holding the camera above that barrier.
I cropped the frame to narrow it at the top but other than that the width is what it is.

Unfortunately, work isn't going to ease up in the coming weeks :(
Suffice to say, I will be working right up to the night before our meet and then setting off in the morning. The meet will be a very welcome break I can tell you :D
Hi, dodgy typing...I meant you at the other side of the frame, above the stairway.


Ah I get you now Andy.
No I didn't take any of me at the other side of the stairs, I was positioned as far along as I could get on the barrier. It was a sharp drop any further along :LOL:

The only thing I could do would be to flip the image to see how that looks with me on the left hand side of the frame :thinking:
DON'T JUMP IAIN !!!!! I won't award you the crown if it upsets you that much :eek:

And Andy... stop looking down Iain's leg :cautious:

:LOL: i was very wary taking this photograph Dean, it was opposite an office block and I didn't want to take too long in getting the image for fear of attracting attention :nono:

But... wouldn't your shoes be on the wrong feet :thinking:

I flipped it horizontally but it just didn't look right.
Hi Iain, been a busier week than expected for me.

The first movement shot is definitely the best, although I do like the cheeky SP in the night drive! Great vibrant colours in there(y)

Below, I like how you manage to sneak in the shots but it's never a full SP :cautious: It works perfect for the theme as I'm following down past your legs and trying to look below :clap:

Oh and yes I'm definitely planning on another walk about London with you! I'll have about two months spare living in London later this year!
Hi Iain, been a busier week than expected for me.

The first movement shot is definitely the best, although I do like the cheeky SP in the night drive! Great vibrant colours in there(y)

Below, I like how you manage to sneak in the shots but it's never a full SP :cautious: It works perfect for the theme as I'm following down past your legs and trying to look below :clap:

Oh and yes I'm definitely planning on another walk about London with you! I'll have about two months spare living in London later this year!

Hi Marsha :wave:
Busy week for you too? :(

Thanks for looking/commenting (y)

Yes, a couple of cheeky SP's well sort of, I have a face for radio so never a full SP :eek:

I will certainly be up for another photowalk(s) Marsha, I look forward to it/them.
I don't know why exactly because the perspective of your below shot seems a bit weird to me, but I still really like it :)

Hi Chris, thanks.
I can see your point about the perspective, maybe it's the stairs that are throwing things out, I dunno :thinking: :LOL:


That below shot is making my stomach lurch!!!
It feels like i'm about to fall off.

Do you have suicidal tendencies? :)

:LOL: Thanks Alan
My objective achieved, to give that sense of height and the drop below.

No suicidal tendencies, no :)
A tendency to put myself in strange positions for a photograph that's all :LOL:
There is no danger at all here, I pushed my legs through between a wall and a concrete barrier above, camera on its strap around my body and held above the barrier.

That's a great shot. As a matter of interest did you try a one with greater depth of field? I would be curious to know how that would have looked.

Thanks H, this was shot at f9, when you say greater do you mean f16 or wider aperture f2.8 for instance? In answer to your question, no, I didn't try that.

As I mentioned to Dean (DK) above, I didn't want to spend too long on the shot so didn't play around with settings. Thanks again for looking/commenting
That gives me acrophobia, yes it would look fantastic from a higher building but it still works, excellent take on the theme :clap:
I get a great sense of the height and feel the peril when I look at this. Nice idea. (y)
The below shot works really well, admittedly I'm not great with heights but even viewing it from my armchair it gave me a shock !
HI ya

Thanks for the info on the set up for your Movement shot.....not quite so sure I could pull it off though it might help me drive a little smoother :LOL:

Below...excellent idea for the theme & well shot , gives me the heebies looking at it :LOL: Can't add crit cos don't thinks there's any to give......

I feel for you with work , I thought my days were long but at least I only have a 7 minute drive home...roll on the trip , 4 days with nothing to think about other than fstops & shutter speeds....yipeeeeee (y)
Movement: All interesting shots. Think i like the driving one best.

Below: Great shot and well on theme, turns my stomach though as i hate heights! :puke:
That gives me acrophobia, yes it would look fantastic from a higher building but it still works, excellent take on the theme

Cheers Allan (y)
i would love to get onto a higher building to shoot this, maybe one day.

I meant wider but totally respect your reasons for not experimenting under those circumstances!

Ah right, I get you now Tony but time was of the essence ;)

I get a great sense of the height and feel the peril when I look at this. Nice idea. (y)

Thanks Brian (y)
I am pleased that it evokes a sense of height and peril,

The below shot works really well, admittedly I'm not great with heights but even viewing it from my armchair it gave me a shock !

Thanks Tim (y)
As above comments to Brian, cheers.

HI ya

Thanks for the info on the set up for your Movement shot.....not quite so sure I could pull it off though it might help me drive a little smoother

Below...excellent idea for the theme & well shot , gives me the heebies looking at it :LOL: Can't add crit cos don't thinks there's any to give......

I feel for you with work , I thought my days were long but at least I only have a 7 minute drive home...roll on the trip , 4 days with nothing to think about other than fstops & shutter speeds....yipeeeeee (y)

:LOL: Thanks Lynne
Yes really looking forward to the trip, shame I am working right up to the night before it though :(
I will need to be ultra organised that week, have the car packed early so it is good to go. See you soon Missus ;)

Movement: All interesting shots. Think i like the driving one best.

Below: Great shot and well on theme, turns my stomach though as i hate heights! :puke:

Thanks Lisa (y)
Below, after a long look I was wondering if the top of the stairs would have been better between you legs but that would have said more Above than Below so putting the stairs to your left makes more sense as you need a clear subject below you.

Below, after a long look I was wondering if the top of the stairs would have been better between you legs but that would have said more Above than Below so putting the stairs to your left makes more sense as you need a clear subject below you.


Thanks for your interpretation of the the image f4e, it's much appreciated. (y)