weekly blakesters 52 for 2013 Finally Complete! Last 3 weeks added

But... wouldn't your shoes be on the wrong feet :thinking:

very funny DK :LOL:

interestig perspective there Iain, nice simple interpretation of the theme - that's two shots your feet have featured in now. :LOL:

seems to be giving me a slide to the left, but I think that's just down to the natural perspective, glad to see you were saftey conscious enough to stay behind the rail!
very funny DK :LOL:

interestig perspective there Iain, nice simple interpretation of the theme - that's two shots your feet have featured in now. :LOL:

seems to be giving me a slide to the left, but I think that's just down to the natural perspective, glad to see you were saftey conscious enough to stay behind the rail!

Thanks Graham (y)
Simple, that's me :D
Feet I don't mind because I have a face for radio :LOL:

There are quite a few angles in there so it was difficult to line everything up.

Hi Iain

Brave man - gives me the willies just looking at the photo. I like the comp with the thirds rule - but as mentioned by others the LHS looks a bit odd. And those trainers look as clean as they did on the 7th April. (y)

:LOL: different trainers Alan ;)

Thanks for looking/commenting.
The lhs does look a little odd, not sure what that's all about, possibly lens distortion :thinking:

All the pattern shots are great, but Kings Cross is a bit special, the symmetry tops it off for me, followed closely by Curvature.

The crystal ball shots are just nuts, impossible to crit, just really great images. I did actually buy a crystal ball from Ebay after seeing a few of your shots in the F & C forums ages ago, but I've not had chance to play with it... Might just not bloody bother now!:D

Below is just nuts in a different way, makes me giddy just looking at it. Bang on theme, and nice composition.
Below: great idea for this theme and very well executed. It really makes me feel queasy just to look at it. How did you feel when you were taking it?
All the pattern shots are great, but Kings Cross is a bit special, the symmetry tops it off for me, followed closely by Curvature.

The crystal ball shots are just nuts, impossible to crit, just really great images. I did actually buy a crystal ball from Ebay after seeing a few of your shots in the F & C forums ages ago, but I've not had chance to play with it... Might just not bloody bother now!:D

Below is just nuts in a different way, makes me giddy just looking at it. Bang on theme, and nice composition.

Thanks Nick(y)
Of course you should bother with the crystal ball shots, I think it's a great effect they produce albeit one which I intend to use sparingly.


Below: great idea for this theme and very well executed. It really makes me feel queasy just to look at it. How did you feel when you were taking it?

Thanks mercurius (y)
I was perfectly safe taking it, just didn't want to hang around too long in case I attracted attention but other than that, I was happy enough. I do have a head for heights though I might add ;)
:bat: you will never guess what I am just about to photograph!!

Great minds. Now, I'll try another idea I've had. I'll come back and comments because I'm just taking my photographs in the garden and it's about to rain :bang:


:LOL: Great minds and all that Andy but please post your idea even if they are similar, I'd love to see how you interpreted it.
Wonderful take on the theme, lovely detail in the fingers and those little workmen are great!

Something telling me it could go a tiny bit clockwise, but apart from that, top job!

Interesting choice to go B&W, very nice "light" conversion though.
Okedoky, dried off :D

Cracker, interesting take with B&W, but best choice I feel as what I suspect are brightly painted finger nails don't distract.

Good detail through out, POV is spot on and the arrangement of the painters is spot on. The LH painter is superb :clap:

Crit, well, the reflections are good, maybe being able to see the full reflection? Suspect because you'd have to pull back the size would be diminished :thinking:

Yet again really good, nothing to add crit wise but i do have to ask why B+W?
Nicely done, a bit Gulliveresc.

Nice detail on the half painted nails, it all works really well imho.
Wonderful take on the theme, lovely detail in the fingers and those little workmen are great!

Something telling me it could go a tiny bit clockwise, but apart from that, top job!

Interesting choice to go B&W, very nice "light" conversion though.

Thanks Graham (y)
Something is telling you correctly about the CW rotation, I never noticed that :LOL:

I processed it in colour and B&W separately and compared the two.
I asked Mrs Blakester which she preferred as the model, and couldn't decide.

I preferred that lightness you mentioned in the B&W, so went with it.
Okedoky, dried off :D

Cracker, interesting take with B&W, but best choice I feel as what I suspect are brightly painted finger nails don't distract.

Good detail through out, POV is spot on and the arrangement of the painters is spot on. The LH painter is superb :clap:

Crit, well, the reflections are good, maybe being able to see the full reflection? Suspect because you'd have to pull back the size would be diminished :thinking:


Thanks Andy,
I posted about the B&W to Graham, I just preferred the mono conversion, not a deliberate decision.
I wasn't really sure about the reflections, the base is a piece of white backing board I use when I mount prints and used that as it was clean/white without realising it would give reflections. You are quite correct about pulling back, I wanted the POV concentrated on the figures.

Yet again really good, nothing to add crit wise but i do have to ask why B+W?

Thanks Allan, B&W? A simple preference really. I might post the colour version as a comparison.

Nicely done, a bit Gulliveresc.

Nice detail on the half painted nails, it all works really well imho.

Thanks Mark (y)
The half painted nails were to give the feel of a job in progress.
That has loads more life to it now. The shirts of the painter's and the half painted nails coming through much much better.
That has loads more life to it now. The shirts of the painter's and the half painted nails coming through much much better.

Thanks again Graham

I thought I'd be more decisive this week and only post one photograph, make my choice and stick with it but................
Sorry to be so late with my comments this week it's all been said already :(

fwiw I preferred the B&W. I think it's because it adds to the unreality of it :)
Sorry to be so late with my comments this week it's all been said already :(

fwiw I preferred the B&W. I think it's because it adds to the unreality of it :)

Thanks Brian, no apologies necessary (y)

:clap: a preference for the B&W.
Hi Iain :)

Size - More excellent props, that works very well mate, I like the B&W best, even the background with the taper of the body adds to it for me - Great image (y)

Cheers Dean,
I have been meaning to get some of these little figures for a while now and this was the perfect opportunity.
I have seen a lot of photographs with miniature figures used and its always appealed to me, not cheap though for what they are but I like them all the same. :D
Hi...sorry its taken me a while to comment. Trying to catch up now :)

Pattern: Great photo..like balance and detail.....and desaturated? colour

Movement:prefer Night drive as find it difficult to see movement in others. Like the abstract shapes and colours in the crystal ball pics though.

Below:wow..hope no one sent for the emergency services! great sense of just about to fall.

Size:prefer the colour version.Very clever idea with the half painted nails.
Hi...sorry its taken me a while to comment. Trying to catch up now :)

Pattern: Great photo..like balance and detail.....and desaturated? colour

Movement:prefer Night drive as find it difficult to see movement in others. Like the abstract shapes and colours in the crystal ball pics though.

Below:wow..hope no one sent for the emergency services! great sense of just about to fall.

Size:prefer the colour version.Very clever idea with the half painted nails.

Thanks Anita, no apologies necessary (y)

Pattern, a little HDR and then desaturated to taste.

Movement, night drive does seem to be the one I should have gone with :LOL:

Below, I hope so too, I didn't hang around long enough to attract any attention I hope.

Size, I am now a little torn between the colour and B&W.

Thanks again for commenting (y)
HI ya :wave:

brilliant....lord I wish I had 1% of your imagination....the whole thing to me is just perfect ( color just nudges into 1st place for me )& your attention to detail is amazing...the 1/2 painted nail is the icing on the cake :clap::clap:
HI ya :wave:

brilliant....lord I wish I had 1% of your imagination....the whole thing to me is just perfect ( color just nudges into 1st place for me )& your attention to detail is amazing...the 1/2 painted nail is the icing on the cake :clap::clap:

Hi Lynne :wave:

Thanks for such kind comments :)

As I mentioned above, this is something I have wanted to try for a while, last weeks theme presented the perfect opportunity.

I just had to choose the figures and the idea of miniature painters sprung to mind.

Just 5 sleeps left to the meet, really looking forward to meeting up with you all again and meet some new people too (y)
Size: I like both but think the colour version edges it for me. Great idea.
Hi Iain

Size - your usual creativity. Good subject well handled. I prefer the colour version as the miniature shirts stand out better and the skin tones are more to my taste. I think that it is also easier to see what the men are doing.

Thanks Alan (y)
I can see what you mean about the colour version being easier to see what is going on.
Onto week 24 - Process :D

My thinking behind this was "Rock, Paper, Scissors" a "process of elimination".
I did mention in the 52 thread that there would be liberal use of the crowbar this week.

I shot this in the afternoon with daylight, playing around with off camera flash, there has been very little pp to achieve the black background, so I am very happy with that, having learned a little more :)

C&C welcome as always.

Process of Elimination by iain blake, on Flickr
like it. (y) is it the one hand re-posed into the three positions? the same hand you used before??

lighting and composition spot on, maybe a tiny bit more DOF on the rock to match the front to back sharpness of the other two??
like it. (y) is it the one hand re-posed into the three positions? the same hand you used before??

lighting and composition spot on, maybe a tiny bit more DOF on the rock to match the front to back sharpness of the other two??

Thanks Graham, (y)
Yes, the same hand I used/made before reposed into the different positions.
I couldn't get much more dof with the lens I was using.

I probably could have went to a longer lens from further back but wanted each hand to have the same look/lighting so basically kept the camera/lighting set-up in the same(ish) place.

Having said all that though Graham, you make a very valid point and its much appreciated.

Very nice. Good comp and really :clap: like the lighting. Agree with Graham re the detail on Rock

Thanks Alan, please see above in relation to the dof. You do both make a very valid point (y)
the return of the hand :eek:, nice idea agree with the DoF, but nice lighting and the three images work well together :clap:
Another Cracker from you Iain, well done.

I see what you said about DOF in the "rock", was your flash at max?