weekly blakesters 52 for 2013 Finally Complete! Last 3 weeks added

That is true, but you can roll it in glitter! :LOL:

:LOL: true Brian, very true!

The dark shot for me!(y)

The lighting, the detail and the pose are all just spot on. Reminds me of something from a Tool video. There's a real dark, depressing, forboding feel to it which I love. That to me is art.

Thanks Nick (y)
Tool video, not something I am familiar with, I will have to google that :thinking:

It seems that #2 is the popular choice of the two, thanks again!
Hi Iain

Connection- #1 - good idea with the connection to the hand and the connections in the figure, but for me the image is a bit washed out and lacking impact.
#2 - here you have created lots of impact with an impressively eerie stance and really good PP. Those highlights on the joints are very effective. A good shot, well on theme. I take it from other comments that this was taken with the 105mm lens and the only slight distraction for me is the oof feet.

I agree with your point ".... take note of the weekly themes but don't sweat it if I don't get an idea and wait until something comes up.

the only danger is if I get so far behind that I would just end up sacking it altogether "

I have found that to be the best way of progressing. Often my ideas (and I must admit that my wife has some inspirational ideas) come quickly but the circumstances don't arrive for a few days (venue, weather , lighting etc) so I don't stress, just do it as and when I can. Some themes are better than others obviously but on the basis that only a few of my general photos are any good compared to the number that I take, only a few of the theme shots tend to be keepers. I try to keep in mind a comment made by a pro many years ago on a TV prog about photography when asked how many shots he was satisfied with replied that he was happy if he got one good shot out of a roll of 36 (film - I said it was a long time ago!!) And he did it for a living.
Hi Iain

Connection- #1 - good idea with the connection to the hand and the connections in the figure, but for me the image is a bit washed out and lacking impact.
#2 - here you have created lots of impact with an impressively eerie stance and really good PP. Those highlights on the joints are very effective. A good shot, well on theme. I take it from other comments that this was taken with the 105mm lens and the only slight distraction for me is the oof feet.

I agree with your point ".... take note of the weekly themes but don't sweat it if I don't get an idea and wait until something comes up.

the only danger is if I get so far behind that I would just end up sacking it altogether "

I have found that to be the best way of progressing. Often my ideas (and I must admit that my wife has some inspirational ideas) come quickly but the circumstances don't arrive for a few days (venue, weather , lighting etc) so I don't stress, just do it as and when I can. Some themes are better than others obviously but on the basis that only a few of my general photos are any good compared to the number that I take, only a few of the theme shots tend to be keepers. I try to keep in mind a comment made by a pro many years ago on a TV prog about photography when asked how many shots he was satisfied with replied that he was happy if he got one good shot out of a roll of 36 (film - I said it was a long time ago!!) And he did it for a living.

Thanks for your encouraging comments Alan.

I know as photographers we are not going to nail it every time, really just got to accept that fact. Onwards and upwards eh?
Week 33 Beginning

My thinking behind my shot below is infinity, without beginning/end.
I am not sure if that is too much of a stretch on the theme but I am happy with it.

My laptop decided to pack in this week, so this has been put together on a borrowed laptop and minimal processing.

C&C welcome as always.

No Beginning by iain blake, on Flickr
oh, very nice, great idea too - so how long did it take to find all those stones!
oh, very nice, great idea too - so how long did it take to find all those stones!

Thanks John (y)

Mrs blakester and I took about an hour to search for the stones.
This is on the shores of Loch Lomond, we are away at the moment visiting family in God's country ;)
God's country! Now my wife might agree with you (she's from Paisley), she is wrong too - God's country is Yorkshire ;)

Actually we were up there in the last hot spell and it was glorious - I could more up there!
God's country! Now my wife might agree with you (she's from Paisley), she is wrong too - God's country is Yorkshire ;)

Actually we were up there in the last hot spell and it was glorious - I could more up there!

It's a small world John, I am originally from Renfrew, Paisley's more upmarket neighbour ;):LOL:
in God's country ;)

Does not compute :thinking: then again, I might change my mind in a few week ;)

Well, well, well, another cracker.

I saw it on my phone and thought you'd made the line from sand.

Infinity, nice twist. I Googled, 'does infinity have a beginning?'....I now have a headache :D

I really can't offer any crit.....and this does annoy me because I always like to offer crit.

Another one that would sell, I'm sure.

Does not compute :thinking: then again, I might change my mind in a few week ;)

Well, well, well, another cracker.

I saw it on my phone and thought you'd made the line from sand.

Infinity, nice twist. I Googled, 'does infinity have a beginning?'....I now have a headache :D

I really can't offer any crit.....and this does annoy me because I always like to offer crit.

Another one that would sell, I'm sure.


I take it you are coming from the same school of thought as John Andy? :LOL:

You can both be wrong together :LOL:

Thanks on your comments (y)

I wouldn't think too deeply on it, I crowbarred it into the theme :LOL:

Want to buy a canvas? ;)
Nice idea. It's coming from an angle but it's on target theme-wise.

Really inventive, and well put together. On first look I thought parts of the symbol had been added in PP, it almost looks overlaid in parts. It's hard to crit really, it just works.
Nice idea. It's coming from an angle but it's on target theme-wise.

Really inventive, and well put together. On first look I thought parts of the symbol had been added in PP, it almost looks overlaid in parts. It's hard to crit really, it just works.

Thanks Nick (y)

No it's had minimal pp as my laptop went t1t$ up and I used a borrowed one to process the shot. That would be beyond my skillset in any case :LOL:
Yeah, I read that... can never trust you arty types though!:D
Can't offer any crit, just want to say very nice image.

I expect to see it on canvas in one of my local stores soon :)
Can't offer any crit, just want to say very nice image.

I expect to see it on canvas in one of my local stores soon :)

Thanks Mark,

They are coming to a store near you soon..........I wish :LOL:
blimey iain, for me, the quality of this is not in the technicalities of the shot - which is fairly simple, but in the execution of the layout of the stones, a simple infinity shape of stones just wouldn't have done for you!!

Spending an hour scouring the banks of a loch for stones with lines running through them sounds a blissfull way to while away an hour... Not sure I have the patience / determination to do it though!

Perfectly done. (y)
blimey iain, for me, the quality of this is not in the technicalities of the shot - which is fairly simple, but in the execution of the layout of the stones, a simple infinity shape of stones just wouldn't have done for you!!

Spending an hour scouring the banks of a loch for stones with lines running through them sounds a blissfull way to while away an hour... Not sure I have the patience / determination to do it though!

Perfectly done. (y)

Thanks Graham,

You have hit the nail on the head about the simplicity of the photography in this image. That, essentially is the appeal for me in this and indeed all my pebble/stone photographs, simple in their execution and technicalities but ultimately satisfying to me in that it's all my own work.

Searching for the stones is equally enjoyable as the photography itself. I have enjoyed many comments, not only here on TP but in other places, social media and such where people have commented about how they were going to do this with their kids, next time at the beach, well more the pebble feet but inspired all the same with this simple activity.

Thanks again (y)
Jeeze do I have to do everything around here? :D
lower case "s" as per PM and "/" not "\" :p
I cannot believe the time and effort you put into it. When i looked at the image i was scratching my head wondering what you had done to the pebbles to get the scores.
On reading the thread i then discovered you had searched for them.

Top stuff. Well done.
Hi Iain :)

Beginning - You and Mrs Iain deserve a double room in a asylum a medal :clap:

A good twist in more ways than one and that center stone I bet you chuckled when you found that :D

<EDIT> Hmmm what's happened to my strike-through :thinking:

Thanks Dean,
It was a good day spent on the shore, Michele enjoyed it too.
Yes, the centre stone was a fortunate find :LOL:

I cannot believe the time and effort you put into it. When i looked at the image i was scratching my head wondering what you had done to the pebbles to get the scores.
On reading the thread i then discovered you had searched for them.

Top stuff. Well done.

Thanks Alan,
They took a bit of finding but I am pleased with the outcome.
Hi Iain
have to agree with everyone else, just the amount of effort to find the stones deserves a :clap: I can tell the PP is not as good as your usual pics it seems a bit to light for you,
time for a new laptop then (y)
Hi Iain
have to agree with everyone else, just the amount of effort to find the stones deserves a :clap: I can tell the PP is not as good as your usual pics it seems a bit to light for you,
time for a new laptop then (y)

Thanks Allan,
A little effort but enjoyable all the same.
The laptop is in the menders at the moment but even if it makes it out alive, I am going to invest in a new one. Well maybe not another laptop, I quite fancy getting a PC.


Is there no stopping you Iain.....even when not trying you come up with cracking images both in though & execution , I can't offer crit as there's nothing to crit.......suffice to say...PERFECT :clap::clap:
Beginning : Once again you have a fantastic take on the theme. :clap: - inventive, clever and technically spot on. You have a rare talent sir.

Not to mention how on earth did you find that middle stone?

Edit: Kathie just suggested that you could clone the lines across. Could have saved yourself a good bit of time there Iain. :LOL:
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Is there no stopping you Iain.....even when not trying you come up with cracking images both in though & execution , I can't offer crit as there's nothing to crit.......suffice to say...PERFECT :clap::clap:

Thanks Lynne :)

You're too kind. Back to my default option but I can't help it ;)

Beginning : Once again you have a fantastic take on the theme. :clap: - inventive, clever and technically spot on. You have a rare talent sir.

Not to mention how on earth did you find that middle stone?

Edit: Kathie just suggested that you could clone the lines across. Could have saved yourself a good bit of time there Iain. :LOL:

Thank you too Brian, again you're too kind.

Kathie would be mistaking me with someone who had a clue about photoshop :LOL:
Fantastic shot and all the more impressive for being 'real'.

I think we can all agree that God's Own Country is a mixture of the Borders, the Highlands and North Yorkshire.

Let's say 20-20-60.

Thanks Tony (y)

:cautious: @ your ratio :LOL:
yeah - nice nice nice nice.......

the OOF of the gravestones really makes the edge of the cloverleaf shape stand out, as does the contrast of the colour with the faded gate. To get all the details in the rich blacks of the knocker / handle is the icing on the cake. And the perfect positioning of the headstone in the left hand cut out wasn;t accidental was it.. (y)
Wow, both of us have been outside for a change :) Your still has a sense of respect to it, IMO. Good detail in the wood and well composed. If I were to be uber critical, and it may be my iPad, I'd like a tad mor detail in the latch...but not e ought to distract from the tombstones.

Great image Iain. The out of focus bokeh coloured portion of the graveyard through the gate really makes it imo.

Thanks Alan (y)

yeah - nice nice nice nice.......

the OOF of the gravestones really makes the edge of the cloverleaf shape stand out, as does the contrast of the colour with the faded gate. To get all the details in the rich blacks of the knocker / handle is the icing on the cake. And the perfect positioning of the headstone in the left hand cut out wasn;t accidental was it.. (y)

Thanks Graham (y)

It was quite harsh sunlight when I took this but I am pleased I managed to hold the detail in the blacks despite that.

No not accidental, I wanted to frame the headstones through the gate, also to use the path to draw the viewer in and through the scene but that part didn't quite work out compositionally.

Wow, both of us have been outside for a change :) Your still has a sense of respect to it, IMO. Good detail in the wood and well composed. If I were to be uber critical, and it may be my iPad, I'd like a tad mor detail in the latch...but not e ought to distract from the tombstones.


Thanks Andy (y)

:LOL: yes it's good to get ouside once in a while ;)

It may well be the iPad Andy, as I am seeing detail in the latch.
Hi Iain
Taken over my job of mooching round graveyards :LOL:
Lovely detail in the oak gate and latch and a perfect out of focus BG
Whats not to like :clap: