weekly blakesters 52 for 2013 Finally Complete! Last 3 weeks added

Excellent Iain !!!!

Can't really add more than the others have already said, but such a great image I feel I should comment (y)

Cheers Dean (y)

It was a 'post and be damned' image but I am happy enough with it.
It keeps me up-to-date at least.

LOL! I was thinking this! That said, the entire set is superb, great skills and very creative! (y)

Plenty - Not so sure on the vignette, don't think it's needed really. But love the take on the theme - 'Plenty of Time' that gets you extra points right there, and well out of 'post and be damned' territory! (y)

Cheers Matt (y)
The vignette was to concentrate the viewers eye but I can see your point.
Thanks for looking/commenting.

Oh dear lord, take me now! :LOL:

:LOL: Not a fan of Anita's comedy Brian?

She is here all week, aboomtish!!
Week 29 and another week has slipped by in a daze because of work :(

Another still life from me, I had another idea but I need more time and the right location so I had to let that idea go.

This is "Speed of Light", a fun take on the theme thats not intended to be serious photography. C&C welcome as always.

Speed of Light by iain blake, on Flickr
Hi Iain

Very funny, again nice bit of model making,
can't fault it really and wouldn't want to as you say it's a bit of fun
Hi Iain

Very funny, again nice bit of model making,
can't fault it really and wouldn't want to as you say it's a bit of fun

Thanks Allan (y)

Again, it keeps me up to date, I was finding my inspiration for my 52 was lacking a bit, what with work getting in the way, so I am glad I got something for the theme.

Yes, just a bit of fun, hopefully will raise a few smiles :)
I am lovin' the lighting..quality :clap:

As usual, well composed, exposed, nice and sharp, and a very humorous take.

Crit, none....

Last edited:
I am lovin' the lighting..quality :clap:

As usual, well composed, exposed, nice and sharp, and a very humorous take.

Crit, well, I have to look hard. Only when I tilt my screen back can I see the BG is a tad unevenly...hard crit and I suspect most people don't tilt their screens to crit.


Thanks Andy, I got the background as white as I could in camera then had to help it along in pp, I agree, having tilted my laptop screen :LOL:

Very good. :)

Where do you get the ideas for this sort of thing?

Thanks Mark (y)

When the theme is announced each week, I always try and put it into a phrase.

I find this helps enormously as it opens up ideas for interpretation.
Almost immediately with this theme, I had the phrase 'speed of light' spring to mind and spent most of the week trying to think of an idea to convey that.

Initially, my idea was to do some lightpainting, probably involving my car and doing a bit of drawing with my led light, maybe something like a speed sign or something of that nature. I searched locally for a suitable location but couldn't find a suitable spot within the time I had.

The light bulbs were an alternative idea when I thought how could I convey movement of light?

Beyond that, I can't really say where these ideas come from, I am constantly on the look out for things to photograph which fall within my particular genre of what is predominately still life. HTH
hi Iain

Plenty - great idea but not one that you have captured as well as others that you have done. Seems a bit busy to me with difficulty on finding a real point of interest.

speed - excellent idea, such inspiration :clap: I do like the figures and the arrangement and the high key treatment. only minor crit would be that the back hand of him on the right is just a bit too high key! and losing a bit of detail

usual interesting stuff. certainly made me smile.
hi Iain

Plenty - great idea but not one that you have captured as well as others that you have done. Seems a bit busy to me with difficulty on finding a real point of interest.

speed - excellent idea, such inspiration :clap: I do like the figures and the arrangement and the high key treatment. only minor crit would be that the back hand of him on the right is just a bit too high key! and losing a bit of detail

usual interesting stuff. certainly made me smile.

Hi Alan,
Thanks for looking/commenting.
A very valid point about plenty, I think my lack of inspiration/time is reflected in that weeks submission.

Also, agree on your crit of 'speed', the high key was helped along in levels in photoshop, I may have overdone it a little :LOL:
Hahaaaa that great Iain!!!

They sure did make me smile, well made and set up as usual (y) but I must say i'm a bit disappointed that they are not lit :naughty:

:LOL: Cheers Dean,

Lighting them up would require photoshop skills which are way beyond my skillset ;)
Not sure what you mean about the watches on the wrong way?
I thought they were correct for someone wearing a watch on their right wrist :thinking:

Precisely... there is no correct way to wear a watch on the right wrist. :bang: :D

I love the idea behind light, and there's character in the models. Nice positioning, and the high key style adds to the theme.
Precisely... there is no correct way to wear a watch on the right wrist. :bang: :D

I love the idea behind light, and there's character in the models. Nice positioning, and the high key style adds to the theme.

:LOL: Cheers Nick (y)
Thanks Andy, I got the background as white as I could in camera then had to help it along in pp, I agree, having tilted my laptop screen :LOL:

Hi, Iain, I've edited my origional post. I feel I was far too picky; after all, who the hell tilts their screen before giving crit!

Hi, Iain, I've edited my origional post. I feel I was far too picky; after all, who the hell tilts their screen before giving crit!


No worries Andy, I didn't think it too picky (y)
and he does it again.... cracker Iain. (y)

Love the super slim base they are on, and the background looks fine to me, my only tiny nit-pick would be the rear hand of the little guy is nearly disappearing.but that's all.

You're doing well to keep up to your really high standards each week. :clap:
and he does it again.... cracker Iain. (y)

Love the super slim base they are on, and the background looks fine to me, my only tiny nit-pick would be the rear hand of the little guy is nearly disappearing.but that's all.

You're doing well to keep up to your really high standards each week. :clap:

Thanks Graham (y)

The base they are on is actually a large magnet, it held them upright without any other support. I just cloned it along the full width of the frame.

Week 30 - steps.
This theme is right up my street, inspiration struck almost immediately and with it being a Saturday I am off work so to crack straight on.

C&C welcome as always.

Slippery When Wet by iain blake, on Flickr
As this is an early post for this weeks theme, I may well have time to get something else :D
Chuffing hell, Iain, quick off the mark (y)

Cracker. Really didn't cross my mind to interpret this way. Well lit and the foot prints are well made. The textured surface works well.

I can't work out if its slightly OOF?

Now, what else you going to do :D

Chuffing hell, Iain, quick off the mark (y)

Cracker. Really didn't cross my mind to interpret this way. Well lit and the foot prints are well made. The textured surface works well.

I can't work out if its slightly OOF?

Now, what else you going to do :D


Cheers Andy (y)

I thought about the oof look to it but came to the conclusion that it just plays a little funny on the eyes because of the textured background (glass)

I could be wrong though, I will let others decide ;)

Not sure what else to do, determined to stay away from pebble feet as steps, but beyond that, I'm not sure.

i haven't had a London walkabout with my camera for a while, so maybe do that and see what transpires.
Hi Iain
Excellent idea, I like the way you have all the other water drops so it appears that the foot prints are a happy accident :clap:
cant fault it and its nice to see your foot fetish is still going strong ;)
Hi Iain
Excellent idea, I like the way you have all the other water drops so it appears that the foot prints are a happy accident :clap:
cant fault it and its nice to see your foot fetish is still going strong ;)

Foot fetish :cautious:

:LOL: Thanks Allan,
This idea sprung to mind almost immediately, and with a theme like steps it was always going to be a some kind of feet image from me.

I am quite chuffed I managed to avoid pebble feet though :LOL:
Nice! (y)

The light and reflections in the water, and the texture of the background make for a really nice image. They almost look a little metallic.
Nice! (y)

The light and reflections in the water, and the texture of the background make for a really nice image. They almost look a little metallic.

Thanks Nick (y)

Its actually glycerine which being slightly thicker than water holds its shape better. Shot in natural light, I shaded the feet with the black side of a reflector which darkened it down giving that metallic look.
Hi Iain :)

Step(s) - Thanks for letting us in on your technique :) that's a very effective image, i'm not certain if it is oof, each time I look at a section another area looks a bit oof, but when I study that bit it seems fine :thinking:

Cheers Dean (y)

I personally don't think its oof (but then I would say that ;))
I think it plays funny on the eyes as it is a textured surface so the edges of the feet/liquid are not distinct/smooth.

I will let others decide :LOL:
Plenty: Great idea, great take on the theme.

Speed: Again fab, how do you think of these things!?

Step: Another great shot, love the texture in this. Thanks for telling us how you did it!
You did it again Iain, Great idea - Great image. (y)

Cheers Brian (y)

Plenty: Great idea, great take on the theme.

Speed: Again fab, how do you think of these things!?

Step: Another great shot, love the texture in this. Thanks for telling us how you did it!

Thanks Lisa (y)

Speed :LOL: I have a head full of magic & nonsense which probably helps :LOL:
hi Iain

my apologies for being soooo far behind with your thread......I've been busy hunting down some more superlatives for your images :D

Speed of Light......can't say anything other than....JUST FAB....from idea to execution it's just perfect to me :clap::clap:

Time.......cracking idea , well laid out with your usual attention to detail in setting them all to the same time (y)
not entirely sure the hands are straight though ( possibly an optical illusion ? ) & wondering about the brightness of the lower hand...though as I have no idea about lighting I'm not qualified to offer crit

Steps....I did wonder if you'd dream up another pebbles image ....really impressed with this different take on it . You must have the patience of a saint to spend time getting the shapes just right...awesome stuff matey :clap::clap:
No crit from me, but love now you push the boundaries week in week out, definitely gives me something to think about before I post my photo's :clap:
hi Iain

my apologies for being soooo far behind with your thread......I've been busy hunting down some more superlatives for your images :D

Speed of Light......can't say anything other than....JUST FAB....from idea to execution it's just perfect to me :clap::clap:

Time.......cracking idea , well laid out with your usual attention to detail in setting them all to the same time (y)
not entirely sure the hands are straight though ( possibly an optical illusion ? ) & wondering about the brightness of the lower hand...though as I have no idea about lighting I'm not qualified to offer crit

Steps....I did wonder if you'd dream up another pebbles image ....really impressed with this different take on it . You must have the patience of a saint to spend time getting the shapes just right...awesome stuff matey :clap::clap:

Thanks for such kind comments Lynne :D

Plenty of time was a post and be damned shot really and it does have a few things that I'd change about it. Maybe one for a reshoot if there are any more drawn.

Pebble feet did spring to mind but I resisted the urge for steps :LOL:
This is obviously a variation of that so I did get my feet fix :LOL:
It was a little bit fiddly I grant you to get the shape correct but I got there in the end after a couple of wipe that and start again episodes.

No crit from me, but love now you push the boundaries week in week out, definitely gives me something to think about before I post my photo's :clap:

Thank you too Everton for such kind comments (y)

Not so much pushing boundaries I feel, maybe more indulging myself in trying to create a bit of art and seeing how I can fit it in to the weeks theme.
Hi Iain.

missed plenty somehow..... works as an idea - super attention to detail synchronising all the times beforehand, a couple of blown highlights on the rims and the the lower arm not sitting quite horizontal would be points to address if you re-shot.

Love the wet "feet" for steps, the swirly flowing background works super well and the feet shapes just sit perfectly on there.
Hi Iain.

missed plenty somehow..... works as an idea - super attention to detail synchronising all the times beforehand, a couple of blown highlights on the rims and the the lower arm not sitting quite horizontal would be points to address if you re-shot.

Love the wet "feet" for steps, the swirly flowing background works super well and the feet shapes just sit perfectly on there.

Thanks Graham, I agree entirely with your crit on plenty, it was a post and be damned submission that week (y)
Really nice shots there - speed of light is great and the step shot - a great take on it, excellent texture and light and what a odd thing to find :)