Curious. Looks like some sort of seed head
Yes, it's off our Liquidambar tree - I was getting nowhere for the theme!
Curious. Looks like some sort of seed head
Fits the theme, nature makes some pretty special structures
Thanks Bob!Natural structures work very well indeed.
I like structure, what an interesting find.
Really nice clear reflections in Straight, nicely done.
Pretty straight, and pretty good! A nice relaxing image. One of those long straight canal barges would have been an interesting addition maybe...
Damn cats eh? But they have given you the chance to get a very nice take on the theme. Very crisp and certainly minimal.
Straight: Love the reflections and nice leading (straightish) line
Bent: Fabulous back story, made me smile.
Thanks Simon!Canals are so photogenic. Lovely shot.
Yep - that be an arch! *Tick!
Nicely composed and shot Paul
Thanks Helen!Subtle and simple but effective image. Works well in mono.
Thanks Bob!Nice. Your close up makes it appear camouflaged!!
Thanks Helen!That says it all at the moment! Nicely captured and lovely colour.
Great picture! I'm playing catch-up at the moment and I thought I would see what everyone else has done and it's not too dissimilar!
Nicely done "water drops on glass" shot.
Certainly seems like the weather going on outside my window at the moment, well shot!
Another good shot! Wish I'd checked the threads before I took mine
Arches - you're right, it is an arch but the combination of B&W and the unusual framing make you have to work just slightly harder to see it, which in turn makes it more interesting
Weather - Can't go wrong with drops on glass, no matter how many I see I always pause to look!
Noy baaaaad at all
Thanks Nick! Yes, box ticked - not sure about the voice-over job though.I can't believe @-Oy- came on here just to make a sheep pun. The shear audacity!
Anyway, critter box ticked, now off for a job in nature documentaries.