Canon 5D3 price, how so low?

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How can companies like digitalrev and slrhut sell the 5D3 so much cheaper than anyone else?

I'm after buying the 5D3 and most places are still selling for 2999, but there are companies out there selling for between 2100 and There must be a catch? I don't want to get stung...

They manage it by not paying or charging tax on any of the goods that they sell, either EU or UK versions.
Also they have no store fronts, so no overheads. Personally I would favour Digitalrev as they have sold to lots of people on these forums. Mind you either way I would suggest paying with a credit card for protection and peace of mind :)
They manage it because early adopters are paying through the nose at inflated prices and there is a big fat profit margin in there which some suppliers are willing to cut into. You only have to look at the price plunges on most camera gear soon after release. The Canon 7D is a great example. At release I think full price was £1,699. Within only a few weeks it was down to £1499 and a couple of weeks later it was down to £1,299. That's at big High Street names like Jessops, who supplied mine.

I certainly doubt that their wholesale price dropped that quickly, so it was easy money for the first few weeks from those impatient souls who just couldn't wait. Now, of course, the 7D can be bought brand new for comfortably under £1,000, although not from the High Street where it is currently a little under £1,100.

7D price history at Amazon -

Much the same for the 5d2 -

Want to try a lens - - and that's with exchange rates moving against us very badly around four years ago. Back in 2006 Jessops wanted £500 for that lens.

I've pretty much stopped spending on gear now, but I have always shopped with best value (not necessarily cheapest) in mind, so I've bought from UK suppliers (Jessops, Jacobs, WHE, Morris Photographic), Digital Rev, UR Galaxy, Onestop-Digital and Kerso. If I wanted a 5D3 today I'd probably be looking to use Kerso, but I'd also look at the others mentioned above and Hdew too. Cashback websites can also swing the balance in favour of the UK once their lunatic launch prices have been trimmed.
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check those prices include taxes as the small print often says its the buyers responsilbity
check those prices include taxes as the small print often says its the buyers responsilbity

Looks to me like the price is inclusive of taxes and free shipping....

DigitalRev can sell cheaper because they are based in Hong Kong. The prices they charge are actually expensive by Hong Kong standards, but they still remain cheaper than UK stores. The new 5D seems to be about £300 cheaper in the high street stores of Hong Kong than with DigitalRev (But these stores are geared towards the local market and getting a slice of the 25 million mainland tourists crossing the boarder every year, so they probably don't want the hassle of sending stuff half way around the world). They actually used to have two stores in Hong Kong (at the Peak and by the harbour), but closed them down pretty quickly.

Edit: Just had a check with Canon's HK website and the 5D's suggested retail price is £2,234. I guess the £300 mark up price covers fees they pay to Her Majesty's Customs.
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You must remember,that UK prices are set buy the UK market.

Other Country have their own prices,and they can be diffrent from our,on all things not just cameras :)
tdodd said:
Looks to me like the price is inclusive of taxes and free shipping....

No, it isn't. DR are charging you a self insurance fee in case your package is charged import tax/VAT by HMRC.

Read the T&Cs properly.

Rod.F said:
Edit: Just had a check with Canon's HK website and the 5D's suggested retail price is £2,234. I guess the £300 mark up price covers fees they pay to Her Majesty's Customs.

Digital Rev pay nothing to HMRC. The £300 is straight profit.
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Fair enough, I was under the impression that if Customs held your package then DigitalRev would shoulder the burden/reimburse you (and whenever a package slips through customs, they would have £300 extra profit).
The point is that DR take on the responsibility for import duties/tax/handling as a service included within the price. There is nothing more for the customer to pay. I don't see how that is different to buying from a UK supplier. The customer pays an inclusive price. The supplier deals with the tax affairs. That's how I read it. If DR do not pay the taxes due that is surely their concern, not mine. I've done my bit. They're the ones handling the import, not me. There's no conspiracy to defraud and no dishonesty on my part. It's all in good faith from where I sit.
tdodd said:
The point is that DR take on the responsibility for import duties/tax/handling as a service included within the price. There is nothing more for the customer to pay. I don't see how that is different to buying from a UK supplier. The customer pays an inclusive price. The supplier deals with the tax affairs. That's how I read it. If DR do not pay the taxes due that is surely their concern, not mine. I've done my bit. They're the ones handling the import, not me. There's no conspiracy to defraud and no dishonesty on my part. It's all in good faith from where I sit.

Seriously - read the terms and conditions.

YOU are listed as the importer. If HMRC decide to prosecute for tax avoidance, it's your door that they'll be knocking at, not Digital Rev's (if they even had a UK office). This is even more relevant when the goods have been incorrectly described and the value misrepresented on the import form.
Hmm this is getting more confusing as time goes by....

For most overseas delivery addresses, we apply an Import Handling surcharge for handling the importation of the order into your country of delivery. As importing products from overseas can be a hassle for most of our international customers, we choose to handle this process on your behalf by adding a surcharge to your order total. The purpose of this charge is to simplify the process of buying internationally and make budgeting easier for your purchases.

Once you have paid the Import Handling Fee, we will handle all the following costs should they occur during customs clearance:
Any Import Tax and/or Duty in your country
Any courier's Free Domicile handling charge (Duties and Tax Forwarding Surcharge)
Any Local Customs clearance fee

The fee also covers our administrative costs. The final total is all you have to pay to have the order delivered to your door without delay. Please note that you are the importer of the order, and it is your responsibility to check with your local Customs regarding matters of import restrictions/prohibited goods.
Seriously - read the terms and conditions.

YOU are listed as the importer. If HMRC decide to prosecute for tax avoidance, it's your door that they'll be knocking at, not Digital Rev's (if they even had a UK office). This is even more relevant when the goods have been incorrectly described and the value misrepresented on the import form.

Hmm this is getting more confusing as time goes by....

For most overseas delivery addresses, we apply an Import Handling surcharge for handling the importation of the order into your country of delivery. As importing products from overseas can be a hassle for most of our international customers, we choose to handle this process on your behalf by adding a surcharge to your order total. The purpose of this charge is to simplify the process of buying internationally and make budgeting easier for your purchases.

Once you have paid the Import Handling Fee, we will handle all the following costs should they occur during customs clearance:
Any Import Tax and/or Duty in your country
Any courier's Free Domicile handling charge (Duties and Tax Forwarding Surcharge)
Any Local Customs clearance fee

The fee also covers our administrative costs. The final total is all you have to pay to have the order delivered to your door without delay. Please note that you are the importer of the order, and it is your responsibility to check with your local Customs regarding matters of import restrictions/prohibited goods.

So, DR claim they will deal with all fees should they arise.

Solution is simple. If the goods are received with no duty paid simply contact HRMC and highlight the error. You have then clearly absolved yourself of any possible claims of tax avoidance and you are comfortable in the knowledge that Digital Rev will pick up the tab.
RichardtheSane said:
So, DR claim they will deal with all fees should they arise.

Solution is simple. If the goods are received with no duty paid simply contact HRMC and highlight the error. You have then clearly absolved yourself of any possible claims of tax avoidance and you are comfortable in the knowledge that Digital Rev will pick up the tab.

Well, yes, apart from this little caveat in the T&Cs:

When shipping to some countries, we may choose to add an Import Handling Fee to the customer invoice. If the customer's invoice includes an Import Handling Fee, DigitalRev Limited will pay for any cost that is directed related to the importation of such invoice to a maximum of 200% (Say "Two Hundred Percent") of the amount of the Import Handling Fee paid. Related importation costs include any import tax and/or duty levied on the invoiced order, any courier's customs handling surcharges, any Free Domicile forwarding surcharges levied by the courier. Different customs policies around the world may apply other additional customs costs or clearance costs. We have no control over these charges and cannot predict what they may be. Any other addition charge is not considered to be directly related to the importation and is therefore not covered by Digitalrev Limited. Customs policies vary widely from country to country, so you should contact your local Customs officer for further information. Additionally, please note that when ordering from DigitalRev Limited, you are considered the sole importer of record and must comply with all laws and regulations of the country in which you are receiving the goods. Your privacy is important to us and we know that you care about how information about your order is used and shared. We would like our international customers and customers dispatching products internationally to be aware that cross-border deliveries are subject to opening and inspection by customs authorities. For more information see Import Handling Fee for Non-Hong Kong Customers.


What I am saying is if you want to buy from a non EU exporter, fine, but at least be aware and honest with yourself about what it involves, and what the legal implications are! :)
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With regards to slrhut, the price they advertise doesn't include tax. Try adding the item to your shopping cart, and suddenly you'll see the full price. There's a reason sites like that aren't included in search sites like camerapricebuster - because they have intentionally misguiding prices, and should be avoided.
In Dubai at the mo it can be had for around £2350 and the stores will still make a profit. The UK just rips consumers off (as usual).

theres no sales tax in Dubai, so there is very little difference between that, and what the stores will keep here
It should mean canon UK will accept the camera....
I'm so tempted but said to myself needs to be £2.5k :bonk:(y)
The only problem with getting it off Kerso at the moment is that he's not got any stock. I got mine from Hdew cameras in surrey, with a 3 year warranty, for £2,850 and they do have stock and was delivered within 5 days.
For great prices and all import tax and duty covered try They haven't got the 5D3 listed yet, but their prices and service are excellent. I've just got a 60D body delivered in 4 days for under £600 and you can track delivery all the way.
I must admit, I was a bit worried the first time I used them, for a Sigma 150-500 OS delivered in 4 days too, but my fears were totally unfounded and they are the first place I check when looking for gear now.
Thats from Kerso who generally imports his stuff from America.
And that matters because.......? :thinking:

I've bought from Kerso in the past and would do so again in a heartbeat if the item was priced right.

As it happens five of my six DSLRs have all been supplied by Jessops (one by Digital Rev), but only because at the time the planets were aligned in my favour and the price was a bit of a bargain, but I always shop around. Using cash back shopping sites like Quidco and Topcashback are one key to making big savings. Others include cash back offers from Canon themselves or simply spotting a pricing dip. I got 10% cash back on both my 7D and 5D2 when I bought them. Today the figure is nearer 3%, so there are savings to be had if you want to buy from Jessops. I just think that ~£400 from Kerso is a more interesting saving then £100 from Jessops, especially if your warranty will be honoured by Canon UK either way.

As it is I'm resisting the temptation to buy a 5D3 and at the current prices it's not too hard to resist. Maybe one day. :D
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And that matters because.......? :thinking:

I've bought from Kerso in the past and would do so again in a heartbeat if the item was priced right.

As it happens five of my six DSLRs have all been supplied by Jessops (one by Digital Rev), but only because at the time the planets were aligned in my favour and the price was a bit of a bargain, but I always shop around. Using cash back shopping sites like Quidco and Topcashback are one key to making big savings. Others include cash back offers from Canon themselves or simply spotting a pricing dip. I got 10% cash back on both my 7D and 5D2 when I bought them. Today the figure is nearer 3%, so there are savings to be had if you want to buy from Jessops. I just think that ~£400 from Kerso is a more interesting saving then £100 from Jessops, especially if your warranty will be honoured by Canon UK either way.

As it is I'm resisting the temptation to buy a 5D3 and at the current prices it's not too hard to resist. Maybe one day. :D

But someone here said that stock prices from the known highstreet brands like jessops all reduced the 5dmk2 and 7d within weeks of release and im telling you lot that is NOT the case this time round as the 5dmk3 is not budging PLUS the price of the 5dmk2 has actually increased a bit from £1500 to £1660
Just to add my tuppennorth, most of the online dealers somehow get around the requirement to add UK VAT to their prices. With most of them, if you add 20% to their price it approximates to the UK dealer price. This seems to include Kerso.

An exception to this is HDEW (there may be others). Their prices seem very low but they supply a UK VAT invoice, with a valid UK VAT number. This may not matter to most buyers but if you are VAT registered it can be a significant saving.
But someone here said that stock prices from the known highstreet brands like jessops all reduced the 5dmk2 and 7d within weeks of release and im telling you lot that is NOT the case this time round as the 5dmk3 is not budging PLUS the price of the 5dmk2 has actually increased a bit from £1500 to £1660

It's only been out for about a month. I think you're being a bit hopeful. Give it another month or two. Then, maybe, it will start to drop a little. After six months maybe a little more.