Capture a stranger street style : Part 2

Very nice candid street style capture Garry.

"Have you got that mood app on the free trial? I'd be really interested to know your opinion of it.
I've also been messing about with it for a few days now and have only a couple of days left before deciding what I'm going to do, ie purchase or pass"
Very nice candid street style capture Garry.

"Have you got that mood app on the free trial? I'd be really interested to know your opinion of it.
I've also been messing about with it for a few days now and have only a couple of days left before deciding what I'm going to do, ie purchase or pass"

I like the high-contrast B&W filter, and the Chrome filter is ok, but Imhaven't had time to experiment much with the others. I find the exposure slider a bit insensitive, but I like the choice of zoom levels on each lens.

The high-contrast B&W can be tricky to get right on very sunny days as it's close to a noir look, so I have to be quick with the exposure adjustment or miss the shot.

I like it well enough for casual use to be worth the £14.99 price, but the subscription seems unnecessary.
I like the high-contrast B&W filter, and the Chrome filter is ok, but Imhaven't had time to experiment much with the others. I find the exposure slider a bit insensitive, but I like the choice of zoom levels on each lens.

The high-contrast B&W can be tricky to get right on very sunny days as it's close to a noir look, so I have to be quick with the exposure adjustment or miss the shot.

I like it well enough for casual use to be worth the £14.99 price, but the subscription seems unnecessary.

Many thanks for that Garry, pretty much the same opinions as myself, so I'm guessing you've purchased it at £14.99 which is probably what I'll be doing.
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