Dog Appreciation Thread, post your fave dog shots here...

Finally took the camera out with me when we took the dog out. Only got 2 pictures due to the battery dying in my camera lol, must remember to take a spare next time.
It has been quite a while since I went out with a camera due to unfriendly people and my nerves lol.

Well here is "Skye" on her walk, Taken with the Oly EM10 ii and a vintage Pentax 50mm film era lens.

A beautiful Weimerana/Labrador cross I met out on my walk.

I asked the owner if he would like some photos of her. He said yes so I fired off a few bursts. She was only 8 months old so full of energy and a good subject to photograph.

Apologies if there's some awkward blurring on her tag. Just before I was about to upload I noticed the lens had done such a good job it resolved the home address on the tag so I've crudely cloned it out in Lightroom.
