weekly Helen C's 52 for 23. Week 52 - Favourite shot of 2023

Lovely picture, all lambs look cute but their mothers not so much. Don't mind a bit of lamb but got to admit felt a bit of sympathy for them when I watched a clip on TV a few days ago - running ewes and lambs down a chute to separate them
Stop it you horrible woman and send me the really cute little black and white one!;):D:ROFLMAO:

Lovely photo, good grouping I like the way the way the sun is on their backs and they are all looking at the camera. Bet you said "say mint sauce" to get that shot!
@Baloo :LOL: I agree, the black and white one was rather cute!
Good eye contact with them all.
Nice robust lambs in a good group portrait position.

Great image and well timed. Really like this (and I agree, they do look tasty :D)

Lovely interpretaion of the theme Helen. I would never have thought of that.

Lovely picture, all lambs look cute but their mothers not so much. Don't mind a bit of lamb but got to admit felt a bit of sympathy for them when I watched a clip on TV a few days ago - running ewes and lambs down a chute to separate them

The start of some robust sweaters and toques!

Thanks for dropping by and taking the time to comment. It's much appreciated.
I was waiting for the sun to shine this week so I could get a lovely image of the wildflower meadow which is only a hop, skip and a jump from my door. Blanket cloud all week so here's one I took anyway! A well worn path by dog walkers. Not great but the light didn't exactly enthuse...

PW6A4743 by Helen Cannon, on Flickr
I think those poppies lift the image.
nice location to go for a walk Helen.
Ooooh I could spend some time with the macro le4ns there Helen! :0
The poppies make a real difference to the picture, nicely helping to follow the path
Nicely done for nearby - the lead in from the path and the dots of red and white in the green of the grass work so well.
Lovely image, great leading line and fantastic colours.
As above with the poppies.
That’s lovely Helen. As others have said, the red poppies make the shot. Lovely lines of flowers and the path leads in to the picture.
For the first time I'm running late... last week's shot which is a 8 image focus stack of a wonderful rose that grows by my door and smells amazing! It's unusual in that it has quite an irregular petal structure. And no, I'm not going to remove the fly :D

Rose by Helen Cannon, on Flickr
Nice shot and an interesting flower, love the little bug, I think they always enhance flower shots, help add context to the life of the flower and the life that comes and goes around them.
I'm not liking these bright blue clear skies! I went to take a picture of the local pasture which has recently been cut for silage as the local stockman informed me that it's "rubbish"... grew too quickly with the rain and sun and has hardly any nutritional value. I came across some bad boys in the field... bought for their looks and, according the the same stockman, also "rubbish for anything"!

PW6A4888 by Helen Cannon, on Flickr
He sounds like a happy chap, nice to see a different take on the theme
Head scratching again this week until I was close to the Mendlesham mast which now broadcasts DAB radio. It is over 300m and was built in the 1950s. The sky was non existant so I had to go for a minimalist image of the tip of the mast.

PW6A4923 by Helen Cannon, on Flickr
Nice one Helen :)
I really like structural/architectural subjects, this has worked well with effectively a blank canvas behind
Great rubbish commentary Helen, I enjoyed your it.

I like the processing on the sound photo, it suits the stark industrial nature of the tower.
Nice one Helen :)

That’s a nice interpretation of the theme.

Good choice for the theme Helen.

I actually like the crop and the white out sky - makes for a nice graphic image.

Though I'd be equally frustrated if I was stood there taking the shot.

I really like structural/architectural subjects, this has worked well with effectively a blank canvas behind

300 metres high and is that a guard rail at the top?
@nog I certainly wouldn't fancy a trip up there! Given the heavy duty cables holding it still I would imagine the top moves quite dramatically!
Great rubbish commentary Helen, I enjoyed your it.

I like the processing on the sound photo, it suits the stark industrial nature of the tower.

Thanks for dropping by and commenting. As ever, much appreciated.

Sound shot - great idea and nicely processed in difficult light.
I always struggle with my enthusiasm for photography during the summer months and, given the weather conditions here in the East, it's been even worse than usual. However, I trotted down to Lowestoft for an image of this sculpture which has been temporarily installed for their First Light Festival. The news said that it would be submerged at high tide so I had this sort of image in my head... https://www.teokefalopoulos.com/portfolio?lightbox=dataItem-l5be72ye2

I arrived just after high tide to find their idea of "submerged" obviously doesn't agree with mine! Just after I took this shot three council workers arrived with a digger and told me they were moving it "further up the beach"... Best laid plans etc. etc..

PW6A4950 by Helen Cannon, on Flickr
What a bonkers piece of "art" :)

Nicely photographed!
I love it, if I was being hyper critical I might of taken out whatever the two structures are on the horizon.Wish there was some art installations like this in Cornwall
I am the same when the sun comes out, I find it hard to maintain my enthusiasm during the summer months, too many other things to enjoy and I suddenly have hundreds of friends who want to visit for the week! :D
Lovely pic Helen. I rather like it when pieces of art are installed in unexpected places.
It looks as bemused as everyone that looks at it!
I hope from a H&S point of view it’s visible at night :)