iPhone Rumours OS3.0

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Okay, so we know we have copy and paste, forward, tethering (if O2 allow it) and according to many websites, 32GB! What I am really interested in is a rumour that, as O2's original 3 year deal has now expired, iPhones will be available on all UK networks when 3.0 is released in July/August.

Has anyone else heard these rumours or having any knowledge?


I've heard orange and vodaphone were looking to take it up, but nothing more concrete than a rumor.

Looking forward to OS3.0 although I doubt o2 will allow tethering :(
My 3 contract runs out in September I will have an Iphone with a choice of networks woo hooo cant wait.
I am considering a 16gb iphone on the £35pm tariff with £57 up front.
Should I wait or will the tariff / up front cost be higher?

I'd wait until after the WWDC and any new iPhones, if announced.
Even if you still only want the 16Gb version, better to have the one with the latest internals (y)
I'm curious to see what O2's stance is on people who want to upgrade to the latest iPhone hardware. There will be a lot of hardcore followers out there who are only ~12 months through their 18 month contract.

haven't had anything about multiple carriers in the UK though, so I'm sceptical about that one.

Really looking forward to Push notification. I really hope they've got it right this time!
The upgrade to 3.0 is purely software. Free for iPhones and £9.95 for Touch's

The upgrade to 3.0 is purely software. Free for iPhones and £9.95 for Touch's

Yeah, the OS upgrade is.
However, all the rumors seem to point at Apple unveiling an updated handset as well as the OS update. If the rumors are to be believed, we could be getting:
- Faster processor
- Updated case design
- Front facing camera & enhanced rear camera
- Magnetometer (digital compass)
- Sizes from 4Gb - 32Gb

As with all things Apple, we'll not know until the day!
I'm curious to see what O2's stance is on people who want to upgrade to the latest iPhone hardware. There will be a lot of hardcore followers out there who are only ~12 months through their 18 month contract.

Yeah me too, im really hoping they let me upgrade like they did for all the iphone users last time.
haven't had anything about multiple carriers in the UK though, so I'm sceptical about that one.

This rumor floated around recently and vodaphone launched an iphone portal which added strength to rumors that they might also get the iPhone.

All just rumors though.

Yeah me too, im really hoping they let me upgrade like they did for all the iphone users last time.

I've heard it said in various forums that the only reason it was allowed last time was becuase the original iPhone was not subsidies by the network (the user paid the full amount for the phone) whilst the 3G iPhone was subsidised, for this reason o2 still need to make money back on the handset and so wont be offering 'upgrade' deals. This makes sense to me but would be nice if it wasnt the case.
All looks good, but i've found that other than checking emails i'm not using the iPhone i have (16gb 3g White), so will be skipping the new release, and probably selling the one i have and going back to my trust little nokia.

I think as a 'device' they are superb, but with hindsight not for me.
have heard the rumors of iphone on other networks epecially on vodaphone. from what i gather this is a new way to boost sales of the hndset from apple and increase contracts on networks (blackberry storm flopped on vodaphone)

although there is a worry that the minutes on the deals wont be as high as they are at the moment on O2
I think that the change in carrier would be all/most UK selling iPhone rather than O2 losing deal and moving to Vodafone as sole supplier. I think the main reason the Storm flopped was more to do with Vodafone than the handset - they have to be the worst company I have ever dealt with, not just phones but in general they have the poorest customer service known to man (me).

Vodafone are pretty crap to be honest, I'm looking to change, but we'll see how it goes. I still have 2/3 months to run on my contract, waiting for them to offer me an upgrade to keep me on.:D
Please god don't let it be rubberised as rumoured. Bleedin' awful material for a phone and will make handsets look old waaaaay before they are :shake:

Got a rubber cover for my 3G for while I'm outdoors and it's awful!
Vodafone may have crap customer services, but corporate wise they're great.

Also, the Vodafone coverage in the UK is second to none.
Also, the Vodafone coverage in the UK is second to none.

Try telling that to the clients I try to speak to in my office in Birmingham City Centre. Do not get a signal on Broad Street! Also their corporate customer service is even worse than private customers (in my experience over about 7 years)

Vodafone mentioned the iPhone on one of their beta sites.....and IIRC the O2 exclusive was only ever for two years. They will have captured all the new customers they ever were going to with the iPhone so it makes sense to release it on other networks.
one for many people

Tethering is a seamless experience -- once it's on, you don't have to run any additional software. Requires carrier support -- 22 supported carriers when launched -- AT&T was not included.
11:01 am iTunes U is now supported in the iTMS on iPhone as well. Parental controls -- especially fine-grain over movies -- even over apps from the App Store. Internet tethering -- can use your phone's internet connection on your computer (Mac or PC) using USB or Bluetooth.
one for many people

Tethering is a seamless experience -- once it's on, you don't have to run any additional software. Requires carrier support -- 22 supported carriers when launched -- AT&T was not included.
11:01 am iTunes U is now supported in the iTMS on iPhone as well. Parental controls -- especially fine-grain over movies -- even over apps from the App Store. Internet tethering -- can use your phone's internet connection on your computer (Mac or PC) using USB or Bluetooth.

Be very suprised if O2 on the list...

Just noticed on the list that O2 will support tethering. Vodafone is a iPhone supplier elsewhere in Europe, doubt they will sell iPhone in the UK

No forward facing camera. OS3.0 will be released on 17th June for upgrading iPhone and Touch users. Still going through the hardware deatils of the new iPhone though.

Good news is 3.0 will be free for ALL iphones, including 2G, and £9.95 for Touch users.

just confirmed 32GB - $299