iPhone Rumours OS3.0

I posted 10 things I don't like about the iPhone a good while ago even though I actually think it is the best phone I've had. A good few of them have been rectified by v3 (I actually like the messaging as it is). MMS & cut and paste were two of them which I am happy about but one of the other things was tethering. Now tethering has been added but £15 for 3Gb when it is part of a contract too !! I can get 3Gb for £15 with a free dongle elsewhere anyway, if it is part of a contract it should be better value £15 for 5Gb or £10 for 3Gb would have been more appropriate or giving 1Gb free with the £35, 3Gb with the £45 etc would have been better. Having waited all this time I probably wont bother with it after all :(

Not bothered about more storage, I had 16Gb on my 2G iPhone but dropped to 8Gb when I got a 3G. Shame you cannot finish your old contract by taking out a new one like we got when the 3G was released. Most of the other features are welcome. I think that the camera on the 3G model is actually pretty good, hopefully the new one will improve on this further.

My contract is up 29th August but o2 always let you upgrade a month early so I get to upgrade on 29th July or pay more...... Think I will wait till then but I would have upgraded early if the tethering had been free, I already have a buyer for the 3G one so I gain there :).
I think the point was...
I didn't think there was a point. At least, that's what was stated.

you're generalising over the messaging system being "god awful" when actually the issue is your inability to change the way you use a messaging application.
But that's the beauty of opinions. It doesn't matter if it's a generalisation or not. It's an opinion of equal value to any other. Does it state somewhere an opinion can't be general?
I don't really like warm countries to holiday in. That's a generalised opinion. Is it allowed? Well no ones ever stopped or ask me to stop.
But it's not even really generalising is it. I haven't got issue[mostly] with the system other than it doesn't have boxes. That's actually a very specific aspect, which incidentally, I'm sure Apple could amend easily with an option.
But yes, you're right - I like the traditional method of messaging utilised since the first day we had SMS on 99% of all phones. I know I'm not alone due to the numerous 3rd party SMS apps available that offer boxes. I'm certain developers didn't write these for a laugh.

But that's just my opinion, not a generalisation ;)
Yup, because as you've just discovered, there was no generalisation.;)
Not happy about the paying for internet when i already have unlimited internet as part of my contract!
Was really looking forward to being able to tether my Mac up to my iPhone so i could have decent internet at school and generally on the go. I think i would be better getting a dongle.

At least the update is free for the iPhone.
Not happy about the paying for internet when i already have unlimited internet as part of my contract!
Was really looking forward to being able to tether my Mac up to my iPhone so i could have decent internet at school and generally on the go. I think i would be better getting a dongle.

At least the update is free for the iPhone.

I agree :crying:
Ditto... :cautious: ... it ain't big and it definitely ain't clever... :eek:

Money grabbing b'stards... :razz:

Not happy about the paying for internet when i already have unlimited internet as part of my contract!
Was really looking forward to being able to tether my Mac up to my iPhone so i could have decent internet at school and generally on the go. I think i would be better getting a dongle.

At least the update is free for the iPhone.

No your contract is for unlimited internet on your iPhone, not unlimited internet using the iPhone as a modem. There is a HUGE difference in the amount of data used between the two.

I don't have a problem with the tethering bolt on ( although I think 3GB is too low for #15 a month ) and I also don't have a problem with O2 insisting you buy out of your contract ( because we've always had to do that with every other contract we've had.

I do have an issue with the extortionate prices for the 3Gs handsets though. A lot more than they should be based on US prices.
I do have an issue with the extortionate prices for the 3Gs handsets though. A lot more than they should be based on US prices.

The US price for a 32GB is $299 USD (before Tax) on the cheapest $70 tarriff on a 2 year contract.

That's roughly £180.00 + VAT (£207.00) at this months commercial exchange rate.

You can get the 32GB iPhone cheaper from O2 (£175.00), on a shorter contract (18months) for about the same monthly outlay (£45), and you get over double the minutes and texts, plus free data & WiFi. Oh, and they don't get MMS or Tethering on release. IF you opt for 24 months as required in the US, it's HALF the price than the US have to pay for the handset.

When you look at cost as a whole, the US lose out big style.
Outright the price in the us is $399 and $499 so the price is not that bad.

Did you see my post at 93 though Euan... :shrug: ... does this 'offer' not help you... :cautious:


I saw your post yeah, and it doesnt really help me. Im on the £35 contract and dont really spend over it. My contract isnt due up till January so it would be quite pricy for me to upgrade early. I think i'll probably wait till next june and get the next run of iPhones to be honest.
Just pre-ordered a new 16gb 3GS via Carphone Warehouse. I'm told it should be delivered Friday. Saved a bit of queuing.

Presumably O2 will be paying them a commission so why wouldn't O2 allow me to pre-order?

Seems daft to me.
Yeah agree.

I actually lost my 2G iphone on Friday night. Spoke to O2 on Saturday morning to put a block on it etc and wanted to order a 3Gs to replace it. They said it wasn't even on the system yet.

I'll probably just go into store Friday.
Any sign of the 3.0 upgrade yet? I checked first thing this morning and was told that 2.2.1 was still the latest version. I guesss we'll have to wait until they wake up over in the states :(
I have to wait until this evening anyway. Itunes is on my home laptop.
Whenever it happens t'internet is going to be mighty busy for quite a while... :eek: ... especially as it is going to be rather a large/long download... :cautious:

Hope it can cope... :D

Anyone been able to download OS ver3.0? I have iTunes 8.2 (latest) but it says my iPhone is up-to-date (2.2.1)??
Do we know how it will work yet? Other than the obvious of downloading through itunes.
What I mean is, will we be left with our settings or will it be a case of factory reset and set it up again is if its straight out of the box?
The last time there was a major upgrade everything was saved.
When I updated to 3.0 last week this is how it worked:

1) Plug in your phone to Itunes and let it do a backup and sync
2) Tell Itunes to install 3.0
3) Phone reboots a few times while updating (took about 15 min)
4) Phone asked to restore from backup, which I did (took about 20 min)
5) Phone now starts syncing all my stuff back including apps and music (this took almost an hour as my phone is almost always at capacity)
6) Finally I did another forced restart and sync with itunes so that I would have at least a backup with fresh 3.0
7) About 12 hours later O2 sent me a message that MMS had been setup

All your settings, on the phone and all the settings on all your apps (including saves from your games and the pages and locations the icons were in) are saved, including your call register, and all your sms messages.

Sorry to say that alot of my apps are not compatible with 3.0 still waiting on updates.
Handy info there, cheers!

What are your thoughts on 3.0 then?
3.0 has been available for over a week. Have a look at the rules.

Performance is about the same as 2.2.1, but with some apps not working. Landscape keyboard is fantastic (but I already use it in many of my apps). On the version I have the apps store and itunes store on the phone feels a bit sluggish. The spotlight feature that also searches your emails is fantastic (especially since I do most of my email on the phone), and there are a whole bunch of new little improvements that should have been there in the first place that make the phone more usable (eg: repeat the last 30 seconds of a podcast).
Here's a link to a direct download from Apple. Better than risking a torrent ;)

Here's a link to a direct download from Apple. Better than risking a torrent ;)

Assume you've 'done it' that way then Paul... :cautious:

Me... :shrug: ... I'm going to wait for the official iTunes route just in case... :naughty: ... 'cos it's just what I do and... patience is a virtue... or so I am told... :D

I tried that firmware but looks like it's for the 3g iphone and so doesn't work in my iPhone "Classic"