iPhone Rumours OS3.0

and no horrible rubberised/matte black back
and new iPhone available June 19th, os3.0 available on 17th June
"There will be rolling launches every couple of weeks until it reaches 80 countries by August. U.S. is obviously getting it on the first day June 19. "A short wait this time. Nice indeed," Kent says."

so prob mid july!

It is out in US, UK, Canada, France, Germany etc etc on the 19th Jone - from there on it will be rolling launches.

Apple Store now up with new 3GS... :D ... but phone obviously coming soon... :shrug:

EDIT... Added LINKY to Apple Store... ;)

Why the UK [pricing] sucks.....

Iphone 8gb/3G in US: £122 ($99)
Iphone 8gb/3G in UK: £342!

You can hook your laptop/pc to it and use it to get on the internet (as long as your provider supports it).

Im not that impressed with the new iPhone to be honest, i think the 3.0 upgrade is good though.
If the early reports are to be believed, exsisting iPhone customers will not be offered any sort of early upgrade option which, in one great sweep, demonstrates all that is wrong with exclusivity deals from a consumer standpoint.

It will also, IMO, seriously dent the take up of the new 3Gs as it doesn't offer that much over the current handset for exsisting customers to want to buy out contracts etc.

Let's hope they see sense (or that the early reports are wrong).
I won't be rushing to upgrade the hardware based on that - I did for the 3g, but it's not significantly different enough.

I will be upgrading to OS3 though. A2dp is what I've been waiting for
If the early reports are to be believed, exsisting iPhone customers will not be offered any sort of early upgrade option which, in one great sweep, demonstrates all that is wrong with exclusivity deals from a consumer standpoint.

It will also, IMO, seriously dent the take up of the new 3Gs as it doesn't offer that much over the current handset for exsisting customers to want to buy out contracts etc.

Let's hope they see sense (or that the early reports are wrong).

Existing AT&T customers can upgrade early, but it will cost them $200 more than new customers for the phone (so, $299, $399 & $499), an upgrade fee and a new 2 year contract on upgrade. I hope this doesn't give O2 any ideas!!!

Existing AT&T customers can upgrade early, but it will cost them $200 more than new customers for the phone (so, $299, $399 & $499), an upgrade fee and a new 2 year contract on upgrade. I hope this doesn't give O2 any ideas!!!


They don't need any ideas. Buy out your existing contract if you want an early upgrade, otherwise wait.

Even then, you'll be paying silly money for the handset.

If O2 is even anything like that Jim and I, for one, will not be taking their kind... :cautious: ... offer up... :shrug:

O2 pricing is up. £275 for the 32Gb one, and no upgrade for current 3G owners unless they buy out of the contract. Erm I'll pass the O2.

For me to upgrade will cost £520...
They will have to change that. Even for new customers (who historically get better deals than upgraders) those prices are seriously unattractive!
Tell me about it, in no hurry for it at that price. They will reel in plenty who are willing to pay it though.
It's a point update really, probably worth skipping and waiting until this time next year. Hopefully the next one will include all the other 3G features which are standard on other phones (video calling, for example) and I won't be at a point where I have to sell a kidney to upgrade!
Now Snow Leopard, that I can't wait for. September seems a long way off. Fantastic deal with the price for those who forked out for the Leopard upgrade. Perhaps they're not just after our money? ;)
Well the 16GB 3G cost £160 on a £35/m tariff when it came out. Now the 16GB ( which isn't the top spec this time ) costs more. For the extra features, it's not a good prce this time.
Now Snow Leopard, that I can't wait for. September seems a long way off. Fantastic deal with the price for those who forked out for the Leopard upgrade. Perhaps they're not just after our money? ;)

Definitely I'll be picking up Snow Leopard for all our machines once it's out.
Jesus, I've been holding out for one but not at those prices.

It would seem there are indiscrepancies on their prices. http://shop.o2.co.uk/update/paymonth.html

If you look, they've made a mistake on the 32gb price for the 24mth contract, it's shown as both free and £96.
They might be driving their prices high to try to encourage people to go with the 3G phones, and when they've sold all these out they might return to some normality with the 3GS prices
Looks like someone hasn't quite worked out copy and paste on their new iPhone 3GS while updating the O2 website! :D
I'm still on my original 2g iphone (just out of first 18 month contract). Considering I paid £290 I think for the first one, £185 doesn't seem to bad for me to get such big increase in performance. That would be another 18 month contract and 16gb phone.