weekly Jaycee' 52 for '22 .........Finished

Week 37 looking up ..... at someone looking down ....

Not sure what bird it is but I am sure someone will know

Week 38 Looking up by John, on Flickr
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Nice shot! Kestrel.
Great capture and detail in the bird, was it hovering or moving? I always find it difficult to capture birds at the best of time when almost stationary at ground level, so achieving the bird in flight makes me jealous.
Well captured and sharp too.

Great capture and detail in the bird, was it hovering or moving? I always find it difficult to capture birds at the best of time when almost stationary at ground level, so achieving the bird in flight makes me jealous.

Thanks guys,

The bird was hovering, it would move it's position now and, again drop a metre or so then fly around and re-set itself.
Two good shot John
Electrical; you 've exposed the shot very well
Song: another crack?
Thanks Bill, incorrect on the song though, :) ........
The song is .....Big Log ......Robert Plant
Electrical well on theme. I hadn't heard of the song either, but agree with Bill, it fits the song. I thought it was going to be Burnt something or other :)
Two good images John,
Looking Down: great use of leading lines
Rustic: makes me want to go there and explore...
Thanks for the comments guys.

I had a few takes on each but settled on these two,
I would have liked to have got the train coming around the corner but it was a Sunday and I had just missed one.

It is Aberthaw @SimonH used to go there loads, one of my childhood haunts
Looking down and Rustic both good fits to the theme.

Maybe crop the odd branches out on the left and loose a bit of sky. Nice colours

Ah...looks like the path to Aberthaw nature reserve to me...although I could be very wrong! (love trying to spot local locations)
Ah...looks like the path to Aberthaw nature reserve to me...although I could be very wrong! (love trying to spot local locations)

Just a bit further down the coast Monknash

Thanks Simon trying to catch , had a tough few weeks,
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Week 46 Destruction

St Athan Boys Village was opened in 1930 by the Ocean Coal Company as a summer holiday camp for the sons of families in the south Wales coalfield. The facilities included dormitories, a dining hall, concert hall, games hall/gym, swimming pool, tennis court, putting green, cricket pitch and pavilion; a chapel was opened in July 1937. In the centre of a small formal garden a war memorial was erected.

[url=https://flic.kr/p/2o76g22]Week 46 Destruction by John, on Flickr[/URL]
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Week 47 Ornamental

Not the sharpest of pics as it was starting to rain, my mate had disturbed them and I wasn't expecting to see a Manadrin

Week 47 Ornamental by John, on Flickr
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Sometimes it’s about the opportunity not the image quality John. A lovely mandarin bookended by the other two .
Almost there! ... Lovely curves on the guitar - an interesting finish - has it been rubbed down?

Tools interests me. Are those for woodwork or sharpening pencils? I've just been getting into drawing and saw something similar for pencils. If so, are they any good?
They look to be all different sizes, so I'm guessing they are for woodwork? Something that was never taught to girls in my day, sadly.