Let's see some sunrise and sunset shots

Some shots from Iceland...the bonus here, being that the sun didn't come up till 10:40 - so it was possible to get both a lie-in and a sunrise pic.

Sun setting behind a statue of Leif Eriksson - founder of Icelend.

Leif Eriksson by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr
Something just a little bit different: cyclists crossing Old Clyst Bridge at sunset on a winter's day...

Cyclists with bright lights Clyst St Mary bridge G2 P1030077.JPG
Looking East (coincidentally, pretty much directly over the bridge in the shot above) this morning. Shot and resized in a Fuji X-30.

Wow..that's very impressive. The weather forecaster..BBC this morning ...mentioned the wonderfull sunrises some would have seen.Sadly,in the far SW corner it started to look promising but too much cloud to the east.