Michael23's 52! Revised Slide Show Added

Hi, Michael, you did well with living; it's not easy lightpainting to get the light even, but you've done well. It looks almost like fire which adds to the effect.

Light, I like this. Mostly the fact that the monkeys are looking up. The triptych work well, but I feel the left and right could work alone.

hi Michael

love those monkey's (y) Like Andy images 1 + 3 could work well on their own

Well done on your light painting..I've yet to try this ! Great work there (y)
michael..i've now studied your light photo and can now see the monkeys.. (y) light painting/writing/swirls... well done.. can see them better now. i do like it.

as for cute... michael. thats a smile you cannot deny is cute. good portrait (y)
I've heard one should do ones make-up with an eye on the outfit of the day, this young lady has taken the advice to heart.

She certainly likes pink and your image is well shot and on theme (y)
Hiya Tina, my daughter certainly does love her pink! This was courtesy of free face painting whilst waiting to see Santa. Light wasn't easy, and I reckon this was the best out of the lot.(y)

michael..i've now studied your light photo and can now see the monkeys.. (y) light painting/writing/swirls... well done.. can see them better now. i do like it.

as for cute... michael. thats a smile you cannot deny is cute. good portrait (y)

Hiya Kev, thanks for the comments! Pleased you like the monkeys, very pleased with this portrait
Hiya Michael,

Well done on both the Light and Cute photos. The triptych works well for the light shot.

Your daughter is certainly cute and the photo you have taken is fantastic. Brilliant colours, great detail with nice catchlight in her eyes and lovely background.

Well done


Dawn :)
Hi, Michael, cute indeed and nice smile. I'm thinking whether eye contact would take it up a notch?

Also, toning the BG may also draw the eye to your daughter.

Hiya Michael,

Well done on both the Light and Cute photos. The triptych works well for the light shot.

Your daughter is certainly cute and the photo you have taken is fantastic. Brilliant colours, great detail with nice catchlight in her eyes and lovely background.

Well done


Dawn :)

Hiya Dawn, thanks very much for your thoughts, pleased you like the pics.
Hi, Michael, cute indeed and nice smile. I'm thinking whether eye contact would take it up a notch?

Also, toning the BG may also draw the eye to your daughter.


Hi Andy, I tool loads at this time, trying to get her to look straight at me, but there was to much giggling going on :LOL: The bg is a bit bright, your thought of toning the bg, I will have ago at if I get the chance.

I have decided to try doing another style of pics and processing if you fancy taking a look
Well, I was hoping to keep the pics in order. But I have still not managed to do talk yet, having not got any ideas really and lack of inspiration for that particular theme. So still working on that one.

I managed to get week 50 done on a very wet day! Only had my compact with me as I didn't want to risk my slr. So as we got to the garden centre I was looking for something different, and I saw some car lights reflecting in the puddles, added a bit of selective colouringand hey presto we have weather!

Week 50, Weather by scilly puffin, on Flickr
Hiya Michael,

I have to say ..... I really like your 'weather' shot.

Granted you may be waiting for snow ..... as are many of us ooooop North, but they forecast snow for Friday ...... so I may have to wait for the weekend ..... failing which I will have to post by backup which is frail.

Hiya Lynne, thanks very much for your thoughts. Pleased you like it also!

Now going back a week to Talk! I have had no inspiration for this theme whatsoever! So this evening I have been having a play, and produced 1 very weird and interesting image, and 2 images which will no doubt be marmite! These will have to do :LOL:, unless a find the ideal picture in the next couple of weeks

So first of all, I am going with the interesting picture! What do you see??

Bizarre Talk! (Week 49) by scilly puffin, on Flickr

Week 49, talk by scilly puffin, on Flickr

Week 49, talk, reflection by scilly puffin, on Flickr

blurred a bit on the dividing line

talk reflection blurred by scilly puffin, on Flickr
Last edited:
Hi, Michael, I had the same idea for weather but didn't get the opportunity to photograph it.

I do like the minimal approach. I'd like to see either more of the car or less of the car. The tiny buit of car just doesn't fit right for me. I know the theme was weather, so nice one.

Talk, the talk in the first one is a bit bright and ineligible. I've been trying rear flash sink - setting the camera up (30 second timer), turning the lights off, and paint, after 30 seconds the flash will go off and the room (or location) will be illuminated. The 30 seconds just gives you more time to paint the text, or whatever you're painting - just a thought.

Talk #3, now I'm liking this. B&W was a great choice. It reminds me of something but I can't think what it is. My only minor issue is, I'd rather the division (line) wasn't so visible...if it blended in a bit more, that would improve it for me.

I see a fiery talk in #1. The processing on the telephone shots doesn't appeal to me at a ll but teh fiery looking talk is much more interesting (y)

Hiya Tina, thanks very much. There is a face in there, very storm trooper like! To the right of the letter K!

Hi, Michael, I had the same idea for weather but didn't get the opportunity to photograph it.

I do like the minimal approach. I'd like to see either more of the car or less of the car. The tiny buit of car just doesn't fit right for me. I know the theme was weather, so nice one.

Talk, the talk in the first one is a bit bright and ineligible. I've been trying rear flash sink - setting the camera up (30 second timer), turning the lights off, and paint, after 30 seconds the flash will go off and the room (or location) will be illuminated. The 30 seconds just gives you more time to paint the text, or whatever you're painting - just a thought.

Talk #3, now I'm liking this. B&W was a great choice. It reminds me of something but I can't think what it is. My only minor issue is, I'd rather the division (line) wasn't so visible...if it blended in a bit more, that would improve it for me.


Hi Andy, thanks very much for the comments. Weather, was an awkward shot as I was at a garden centre and I stood in one spot and there were so many cars going in all directions, so failed to get any other compositions that were as good as this. The light painting was done around 30 seconds I think, but not using the built in flash, I wasn't able to dim the torch enough this time. I added the pic really because I can see a face after the letter K, quite apt for talk! I will have a play around at some point and see what happens. I noticed the line as I posted it :bonk: I have added an extra version in the same post which I have attempted to blur it a bit, not sure if it has had a big enough effect on it though :thinking:

I like Talk 2, very simple and very apt.

Hi Stan, thanks very much!

So does anyone see the face or am I going bonkers :LOL::LOL:
michael..i'm impressed by the light writing? but i have to squint too much to see the word..

the first telephone is my favourite for talk. the reflections on the others don't ring my bell. simple mono, with lines, bit of background. i wonder (without reading text as its too early on a saturday) if you used find edges or glowing edges and went mono from there? nothing wrong with using filters if you did... i use a standard few to get my effects (y)
Hiya Kev, thanks very much. I believe I did use the find (glowing) edges, can't remember exactly what I did :bonk: As for the talk, I think I actually held the torch the wrong way, so most of the light was facing the camera. I was surprised at the face appearing! Amazing what light manifests itself as.

Now, if it is light again this week, I am going to post this following pic, and will see what other light related stuff I can get through the week. (y)

Christmas Helper! by scilly puffin, on Flickr
Hiya Michael,

I have to say the light painting of LIGHT doesn't work for me pal. It is too noisy and I can't make out the Light formation.

Talk I do like, my only crit would be that I would like to see a clean background, i.e., clone out all the artifacts so you have clean, crisp, clear reflection. Great idea though.

As for the 2nd rendition of 'lights' .... if that is the way we are going ... then I have to say ...... I really like this.


Dawn :)
:wave: Dawn, Tina and Stan. Thanks very much for the comments. The monkey one was used in my project, selective monkeh thread. Also utilised in a tp christmas logo, which you should be seeing at the top at some point! As it is one of my fave pics of Monkey, I had to include it here! :D I may well attempt a reshoot of the light painted talk, I know I can do better, so if I get the chance, I will do so (y)

Have been having another play with the talk reflection shot, thanks for the points you mentioned Dawn, so here is the result

talkedit by scilly puffin, on Flickr
End of the line, All change please!

I have just made it! My laptop has suffered what seems to be a complete hard drive failure. Which is so damn annoying! So tomorrow I find out how good argos are at tech support! Just hope I can recover all of my pics off it.

So, Week 51 and Glass. Whilst being on Scarborough beach on Christmas day, I had an out of the box thought for glass! Which was to photograph an element of glass and I went with a picture of sand. Also a pic with my nifty fifty.

Week 52, Glass by scilly puffin, on Flickr

Also got my Nature shot as well at Scarborough

Bonus Week, Nature! by scilly puffin, on Flickr

So there you go one and all, the completion of my 52 week project!

Thankyou so much to everyone that has supported me through out the year, it has been great sharing this part of the forum with all off you. I will be on the look out for you all over the rest of the forum.

I did have a slideshow and music compiled as a finale for you, but unfortunately I couldn't finalise it due to my hard drive failure. If I am able to I will post it up at some point.

Thanks again everyone.

Michael. That was a crafty bit of lateral thinking for glass....crafty!! Well done on rubber stamping the end of the assault course that was the 52...
Michael, strong finish. Light...I can never not smile when I see that happy chap.:D

As Kev says nice bit of lateral thinking for glass (y)

Nature, like it. Nice and sharp with eye contact and I love the bird's legs.

Cheers and well done for finishing...:clap: