Michael23's 52! Revised Slide Show Added

Hi Michael

much prefer the color versions of your Volume shots....(y)

Well done on the ballon shot..one try & you got it (y)
Hi everyone, thanks for the comments. The Commom Dolphin was taken off a boat, which I was doing a pelagic trip on. That was a great trip, we were steaming throught 7-10ft swells heading for a fishing trawler and we got 100+ Common Dolphins coming at us and bow riding with the boat. So finger on shutter and hope for some good ones! Not had chance to check properly if I got any of the common dolphins leaving the water, but on another pelagic trip I did this week we had 30 Bottlenose Dolphins bow riding and I got this

Bottlenose Dolphin by scilly puffin, on Flickr
Hiya Michael,

It looks like you have such an amazing holiday .... I am so envious.

Your last few shots are great and very fitting for the themes.

Safe journey home.


Dawn :)
HI Michael....looks like a great holiday (y)

Rapid shot number one for me...great capture :clap:

I like the boats as well & possibly they say rapid better....but wildlife everytime for me (y)

:crying: I posted yesterday but ... it's vanished.

I love the dolphin shot but feel #2 suits the theme better (y)

Hiya Michael,

It looks like you have such an amazing holiday .... I am so envious.

Your last few shots are great and very fitting for the themes.

Safe journey home.


Dawn :)

Thanks for all the comments. Pleased you like the pics. It has been an excellent holiday, one of which I really did not want to end! Weather was fine, fog bound for the first 3 days, but that didn't bother me at all, not much togging done though! But plenty of other things to keep me going, being into bird watching the islands gave a great show of rare birds to see, which are a great bonus and the pelagic trips have me occupied very well! As they do each year. One of the best bits was towards the end, our shower broke down in the flat we were staying in and the people who own the flat also own one of the top hotels just across the road, we let them know about the problems, and the hotel management moved us into the hotel and did us breakfast and evening meal for free for the last 3 days! I have to say, I have never eaten so well!

Now onto my week 42 photograph for weave

Week 42, Weave by scilly puffin, on Flickr

Week 43, Abstract

Week 43, Abstract by scilly puffin, on Flickr

My brain is not getting into gear much on abstract, but I liked it whilst having a play with the above image.
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Love the dolphin shot. Supurb!!
Maybe a bit of a crop, some off the left and a little off the top, just to move the dolphin from the centre, but still a great capture. :clap:

Love the rope, although there are some slight blown highlights on the top of the knot. The colours of the rust are great, and the composition is just right. Well shot. :clap:

Not sure about Abstract, but in fairness, I'm not sure about any of them for this theme, and I haven’t even shot my own yet!

Good shooting, and looks like a good holiday too!
Hi Adie, thanks very much for the comments. I have done a crop of the dolphin which will be posted below. I was a little annoyed at not being able to totally get rid of the highlights, but it was awkward to get the angle right for this one, it was to close to the harbour edge to move round without falling in :LOL:, so I ended up using the rotate arbitrary function in photoscape to give me this angle, which jumped out nicely.
I understand your thoughts on abstract, I have found this tricky and I am not sure if I will get anything better, also it appears to have lost a bit of punch in the colours. Holiday was super!

Rapid (crop) by scilly puffin, on Flickr
michael....love weave.. simple tone... nicely composed. (y)

..abstract though...is as abstract goes... (y) ... its all buckets and spades to me... apples and pears .. i'm told if it means something to you... thats enough.. nice touch the reflection.

..good crop on the dolphin...but is its body rather noisy?
Hiya Kev, thanks for the comments, much appreciated as always. I'm not 100% happy with the abstract theme and I think my pic just scrapes in with the theme :LOL: I did include some catch lights in pp to give some of the buckets some eyes, abstract art! I think I could call it that :LOL::thinking: Unfortunately the dolphin is a bit noisy as it was underexposed thanks to the bright background of the sea, I have noticed that my 30d doesn't like under exposure, as it is then it shows up the noise, but I am still pleased with it (y)
I remembered yesterday about a picture I had taken back at the food festival, where I also got my smell photograph. There was a canvass for everyone to paint there own things on, and I decided to get a pic of it, and now I have managed to find it on my flickr. Edited a little in picnik as I had lost the original when my last computer died. I think this fits abstract quite well.

_MG_0742 by scilly puffin, on Flickr
michael.... ONLY one word comes to mind for this.... this... this photo.... 'abstract' ... (y)

...oh and monkeys.... so i guess thats two words... whose counting though..
Hiya Michael,

Like your latest shot for abstract.

Seems like I am suffering from the fatal techno world .... got 3 pins from the CF card reader stuck in my CF card so can't access my photos :bang:

Oh well .... hopefully I will be able to recover some files .... as most of the pics were from Reuben's camera of which he had taken some fantastic shots.


Hi, Michael, well, lots to catch up on.

Rapid, #2 for me. I'd like a wider photograph, just feel a little, tight for me...:thinking:

Weave, nice and tight and some great detail. It's a bit central though. I think an interesting angle would be photographing up the role to lead in, perhaps. Now I know there's no colour cast but the colours a bit samey thought out.

Abstract, #1, cracking colours and I really like the reflections. It's not abstract for me, though. I did a crop to remove quite a lot from the top and bottom..placing the centre across the division of the reflection and preferred it.

Abstract #2, you could quite easily see that it any art gallery. Not abstract, for me, by my definition.

My 3000th post!!!!!!! :banana::woot:
Amazing how much time I spend on here!!

Thanks Andy, for your thoughts, very much appreciated. I was only just happy with the buckets and spades theme wise, and was pleased I managed to find my 2nd abstract pic. It has been an interesting theme this week, I am certainly going to look out for abstract images from now on.

Thanks again to everyone for the continued support throughout my 52! (y)(y)

My only crit of your last abstract photo is the art which makes it abstract is not your work... its someone else's work! All you have done there is snap a pic... for that reason I much prefer your bucket and spade shot which I think is just as abstract because of the reflection but your work has made it abstract!

The rope shot is a great shot but I dont see it as abstract.

Love your Dolphin shots.... I defo would love the opportunity to shoot dolphins and whales... especially a humpback!
Hiya Mark thanks for your thoughts. I understand what you mean about it being someone elses art. I am terrible when it comes to painting so i admire everyone elses. The buckets grabbed my attention even on a dull day. My rope shot was for weave, week 42.

Photographing dolphins is superb. To see a humpback would be amazing. Not seen one of those yet. Did get some shots of minke whale which I have not checked out yet.
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Hi Michael

thats a great image for Weave...., lovely simple colrs & great textures...poss a little to light on the tops of the rope...but a (y) from me...great shot

Abstract....def fits the theme so (y) for that...not an image that appeals but each to their own & you did good to spot it & put it to use for this theme (y)
Hi Jeff, thanks for that, have done a crop as you suggested, here it is

abstract crop by scilly puffin, on Flickr

I think it works very well, thanks for showing me.

Now onto week 44, I have taken around 70 photos today with a couple of subjects, 1 was a couple of sunflowers, which did not turn out very at all, so in the bin they went, I also decided to use pine cones which worked better. I also used light painting to light these, so an exposure of 8 seconds at f2.8, lens used was my 200mm lens. My torch was diffused with some material as it was too bright.

Week 44, Pair by scilly puffin, on Flickr
Flickr is having problems by the looks of things, so some images may well be missing!

Pair, sharp, good use of dof, on theme (y)

Hi Tina, thanks for your comments. Much appreciated.

That really is a cracking use of light painting mate, it really brings out the subject very well (y) and the DoF is cracking :clap:


Hi Matt, thanks for popping by, pleased you like it. Very pleased with this one.

michael, thats a lovely pair that you have there... great idea to do light painting.. (y)

Hiya Kev. Thanks very much (y)(y)
Hi Michael,

Weave is nice, love the colour of teh rust.

The crop of the buckets is much better and fits the theme better.
Your second abstract isn't abstract as I define abstract, either as a photograpgh or as art!
It is a fun bit of art though.

Pair is certainly a pair and hits the theme.
I'd rather a bigger DOF though so they're all in focus.
Hi Michael,

The abstract crop is spot on (y)

Great shot for Pair ... fits the theme well. Nicely lit and composed.

Well done


Dawn :)
Hi Michael,

Weave is nice, love the colour of teh rust.

The crop of the buckets is much better and fits the theme better.
Your second abstract isn't abstract as I define abstract, either as a photograpgh or as art!
It is a fun bit of art though.

Pair is certainly a pair and hits the theme.
I'd rather a bigger DOF though so they're all in focus.

Hi Neil, thanks for popping by. I much prefer the crop of the buckets, thanks to Jeff for pointing it out on my flickr. I did do another of the cones with a bigger dof, but for some reason was very under exposed and I couldn't get it right, a candidate for another play.

Hi Michael,

The abstract crop is spot on (y)

Great shot for Pair ... fits the theme well. Nicely lit and composed.

Well done


Dawn :)

Hiya Dawn, thanks for popping by. Again thanks go to Jeff for the crop suggestion. PLeased you like the pair shot, I am very pleased with how this turned out for a first proper attempt.
Pair, I viewed on my work's PC earlier in the week and was quite disappointed.

Now, just viewed on my laptop and much, much better. They appeared soft, lacking contrast and seemed quite flat at work.

Now looking at then they have great depth, have nice details and are well composed. The tips of the cone appear a tad over exposed but you've done really well doing such a long exposure and they don't look like 8 seconds exposure to me.
