Mini-Roundabouts : Who has right of way?

That diagram surmises the two roundabouts near me exactly, down to the single / double white lines.

I'm the one pulling out of number 2 and trying to turn right.
I can't believe the law would allow a driver to tank it down the road from the right (number 1), and have right of way in doing so.
This used to be a t-junction, so if that was the case then it would seem pointless putting a mini roundabout in.

If you care coming out of #2, cars coming down towards #1 have right of way.
That diagram surmises the two roundabouts near me exactly, down to the single / double white lines.

I'm the one pulling out of number 2 and trying to turn right.
I can't believe the law would allow a driver to tank it down the road from the right (number 1), and have right of way in doing so.
This used to be a t-junction, so if that was the case then it would seem pointless putting a mini roundabout in.

That is what I had, he hit the rear of my car. My insurance co. said I was 100% to blame :shrug:
That is what I had, he hit the rear of my car. My insurance co. said I was 100% to blame :shrug:

It's clear from the Highway Code that you were. You have to give way to traffic approaching from the right. If you pulled out and a car coming from your right hit you, you obviously pulled out when it was unsafe to do so.
It's clear from the Highway Code that you were. You have to give way to traffic approaching from the right. If you pulled out and a car coming from your right hit you, you obviously pulled out when it was unsafe to do so.

Give way to right, but also give way to traffic already on the roundabout.

Section 185 - watch out for motorists already on the roundabout.

It is first come first served.
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So if there is no car coming up the road at point 4....Then if I'm driving down the road at point 1, I can just pretend there's no roundabout there and continue on at full speed and shoot straight across? That doesn't seem right to me.
I've just re-read your original post Marcel and have to ask about the restricted view and speed limits.

If someone 'honks' you while they are 'tonking it', then they are an arse - worrying, but i'm sure the speed limit and signage is sufficient to tell them there is a roundabout ahead. If not, get on to the council or whoever it is that deals with it.

There's a certain trucker on here that could clear this up very quickly - lawfully is another question though :D
When I was on holiday in Jersey a few years ago, the rule for mini roundabouts was "give way in turn" so basically people took turns rather than all traffic from one direction having right of way and it seemed to work well. Not sure it would translate very wel to the mainland though.

One thing that always amuses me at mini roundabouts is went vehicles from the 3 different directions arrive at the same time. They all sit there looking at eachother and it turns into a game of "who's the bravest". :D
So if there is no car coming up the road at point 4....Then if I'm driving down the road at point 1, I can just pretend there's no roundabout there and continue on at full speed and shoot straight across? That doesn't seem right to me.

That's right. That's what I meant about it being badly designed. Ideally there should be something to slow traffic approaching from the right before they enter the roundabout to slow the kamikaze pilots down and give you a chance to pull out without getting T-boned.
If you feel the roundabout is dangerous, contact your local council and complain.

Personally, I would stop and let the nutters go. No point in damaging my car- or worse.
If you see someone on a normal road approaching from your right quickly you wouldn't pull out. Its the same with mini roundabouts. Anything you do shouldn't involve someone else having to alter their course or speed. They still have right of way even though they're being a bit knobbish. It would be the same if they were travelling more slowly but were already closer to the roundabout. Right of the way is the same.
There seems to be quite a few of you missing my point.
Yes, the best option is to wait and let them go...
Im talking about right of way.

Is it give right of way to traffic on the right ON the roundabout, or is it give right of way to traffic on the right on or approaching the roundabout?

That's the burning question.


It's give way to traffic approaching from the right, unless markings, signs say otherwise.
Give way means the same on a roundabout as it does everywhere else.
If you can see a vehicle on approaching a roundabout, on your right hand side, irrespective of whether if has reached it's own give way line, and you cannot pull out without causing him to break or alter course to avoid you then you MUST give way to him. Not doing so makes you liable to prosecution for failing to comply with the give way or reckless driving.
I's as simple as that.
i have been driving for 28 years and i have always went by the On the right - in the right as phil said unless the road markings say other wise but how many look at the road markings ?
The best "set" of mini roundabouts is the magic roundabout in Swindon. 5 round the outside in a pentagon and one in the middle.
This used to be a t-junction, so if that was the case then it would seem pointless putting a mini roundabout in.

Only pointless from the practical, motoring perspective. When it comes to the council spending money on anything they can think of in order to use up their council tax budget and therefore be able to ask for more next year, it all becomes clear
Give way to the Right + Read the road ahead + what Heather said
Personally, I think that the 'rules' of the road should be banned from discussion just like religion and politics.

That would depend on whether the roundabout was intelligently designed :LOL:
Badum tish :p

Well it seems I've been proven wrong! I always thought it was traffic from the right *on* the roundabout.

I'm still convinced it's a stupid rule. If it was the above, then it would stop people just tanking it towards a roundabout with scant regard for others. Would make them more cautious.

I'll go and take a photo of a couple I mean now...Back shortly :)
One thing that always amuses me at mini roundabouts is went vehicles from the 3 different directions arrive at the same time. They all sit there looking at eachother and it turns into a game of "who's the bravest". :D

If everyone else is dithering, it's my turn to go!

Badum tish :p

Well it seems I've been proven wrong! I always thought it was traffic from the right *on* the roundabout.

I'm still convinced it's a stupid rule. If it was the above, then it would stop people just tanking it towards a roundabout with scant regard for others. Would make them more cautious.

I'll go and take a photo of a couple I mean now...Back shortly :)

Except it would be foolish for them to speed, any traffic coming from your left and turning into your road would have right of way over them, so the council will see the mini roundabout as a method to slow down those coming from your right.
The best "set" of mini roundabouts is the magic roundabout in Swindon. 5 round the outside in a pentagon and one in the middle.

Nah, Hemel Hempstead. There's 6 of them.

Only pointless from the practical, motoring perspective. When it comes to the council spending money on anything they can think of in order to use up their council tax budget and therefore be able to ask for more next year, it all becomes clear

Why is a roundabout at a T-Junction pointless? If there is a large amount of traffic using a T-Junction, it makes perfect sense. At a standard T-Junction, one direction has right of way over the other two so you get long queues of traffic waiting to turn right off the main road and got help you if your waiting to turn right into the main road.

Stick a mini roundabout in and everyone gets their turn.
Driving a 2.5t Landrover, I tend to find most people dither and let me go anyway!


There's a mini roundabout on the way to town and there are often 3 vehicles arriving at the same time. We're generally so polite down here that we all wait for someone to make the first move. I've noticed that some makes are less likely to be given the benefit of the doubt (German "executive saloons"...) but they are also less likely to give the BotD as well! Since we almost never go into town at (what passes down here for) "rush hour", the few seconds we would save by barging in aren't worth the hassle! Again, probably as a legacy of biking, I'm usually what would probably be classed as hesitant when there's potential conflict of RoW and driving gentleman's cars (and bike) these days, I tend to let people out of junctions etc - especially when there's a Bimmerkok behind me!
Nah, Hemel Hempstead. There's 6 of them.
Yep that one is fun, and there are still a lot of people that don't know how to use it either and its been there a lot of years.

Stick a mini roundabout in and everyone gets their turn.
Absolutely, you only have to look at the times when they have changed
mini roundabouts to traffic lights here, they soon changed them back again ;)

Or a T junction that has had a mini roundabout stuck on it,
it certainly keeps stuff moving. (y)
Yep that one is fun, and there are still a lot of people that don't know how to use it either and its been there a lot of years.

Absolutely, you only have to look at the times when they have changed
mini roundabouts to traffic lights here, they soon changed them back again ;)

Or a T junction that has had a mini roundabout stuck on it,
it certainly keeps stuff moving. (y)

I don't know if you know the dog leg junction across the A5 at Hockliffe Chris. You could sit at those traffic lights for what seemed like hours A few years ago they replaced the lights with 2 roundabouts and the traffic flowed beautifully then, 2 weeks later, they put the lights back! :bang:
Nah, Hemel Hempstead. There's 6 of them.

And everyone tackles the six clockwise. Go anti-clockwise round the ring and you get there much faster! ;)

The problem with mini roundabouts at old T-junctions is that half the locals don't notice the road's changed and charge straight over as they have done for the past thirty years! :bang: Where Hampstead Lane joins The Bishops Avenue they had to replace the new roundabout with traffic lights!
Stick a mini roundabout in and everyone gets their turn.

But that's the problem. Because the traffic coming from the right only needs to slow down if the traffic ahead of them intends to turn across their path.

Two of the three mini roundabouts near me, that wasn't the issue. The issue is those wanting to turn right.....and traffic from the right was too constant for anyone to pull out and cross it.

I've just been and taken a couple of photos, will post them shortly.
I don't know if you know the dog leg junction across the A5 at Hockliffe Chris. You could sit at those traffic lights for what seemed like hours A few years ago they replaced the lights with 2 roundabouts and the traffic flowed beautifully then, 2 weeks later, they put the lights back! :bang:
I know it well Marc!
Poxy place :(

And everyone tackles the six clockwise. Go anti-clockwise round the ring and you get there much faster! ;)
Absolutely J absolutely (y)
But that's the problem. Because the traffic coming from the right only needs to slow down if the traffic ahead of them intends to turn across their path.

Two of the three mini roundabouts near me, that wasn't the issue. The issue is those wanting to turn right.....and traffic from the right was too constant for anyone to pull out and cross it.

I've just been and taken a couple of photos, will post them shortly.

There is one that sounds exactly like that about a mile from me,
the ones coming from the LEFT seem to think they
have right of way too, as it used to be a staggered cross road,
many years ago ;)
The other other thing you need to remember about roundabouts is,
he who hesitates is ****ed ;)

Come and stay with me for a few days, I'll soon show how to navigate
the little'ens ;)
And everyone tackles the six clockwise. Go anti-clockwise round the ring and you get there much faster! ;)

Definitely. I used to work in Hemel Hempstead (in fact, I earned to drive using that roundabout) and it always amused me that people used to queue up to go clockwise whilst the other way was always pretty clear. They used to treat it as a roundabout instead of 6 roundabouts on a circular road.
You've all got it wrong, whoever has the most battered car goes first, followed by the rental cars then the new shiney ones last.