weekly Minx 52 for 2016 -Finished

Poor cat! Good sharpness and I like the little paw stretching out of his cage. Maybe you could have added a bit vignetting to make the photo look more closed-in?
Bless. love the expression on the kittens face and the protruding paw sums it all up nicely!
Old - Sepia effect works really well.
Metal - very creative and looks great
Captive - Lovely cat, beautiful eyes and spot on for the theme.
Thanks for the lovely comments Hazel the cat was rewarded with treats for her short time in the carrier and
didn't have to go to the vets which was a bonus for her. she is a tortoise shell and white and most
of her back is black tortoise shell so it was always going to be dark.
These poor pets are really going through it for captive :D

Nicely presented (y)
Cute picture! Nice touch that the cat's paw is sticking out! :)
Poor pussy, our cat always hides when he sees the cat box come out :eek:

You've caught the light on her eyes really well and the paw adds a nice touch (y)
Hi Minx

Old: Lovely image defiantly fits the theme (sorry Mr Minx) I like the sepia tone

Metal: Very creative indeed well done

Captive: Another lovely shoot that fits the theme lovely catch lights in the eyes and her paw poking out looks like she's trying to reach a key to escape
I really like your week 3 shot. I'd generally suggest either panning out to fit it all in or a tighter crop, but this looks just right. Colours look good too. Only slight crit (part due to my ocd) would be to turn the left hand plate so the 'B' is at the same angle. That's really fussy though!
Miniature looks good - love that jug and flowers. Nice little set - like the angled composition. Would maybe have liked all the picnic basket in frame but good either way.
For me it needs a CCW rotation and I dont like the the dust on the bg. But that's all subjective of course. Nice exposure with a good range of strong colours. (y)
Hi :)

Quick catch up from me...

Metal - Not the best of backgrounds but a wonderful idea, I really like the way you have set this up, and the light reflecting on the metal butterflies :)

Captive - The alignment is this ones only let down for me, could do with a slight straighten, other than that again a real good idea, and I like that the cat has his paw out :)

Miniature - Doesn't need anything for size reference, works real well, a nice bright image :)

Liking your ideas so far, looking forward to the rest of your 52 (y)
Hi Minx,
I like the crop you've used, having it cut off on each plane works imo, so I'm going to disagree with @Carl Ayling
I also like the strong colours and didn't notice the dust / blemishes in the bg until I saw Brian's comment. Still there is nothing there that 10 minutes in photoshop couldn't fix.
Miniature - Great colours not overdone as Ian W said shame the plates weren't both the same way round oh and it's lacking cake.........
Nicely on theme, perhaps needs a little white balance adjustment to make it sing a little more
Hi MInx.

I'm late on the comments circuit, but trying!

I love your Metal shot....clever.
Agree with Chris @sirch regarding the white balance for happy.
Happy, plain and simple works very well IMO (y)
Happy - Nice and simple (why didn't I think of this as it was my brothers Birthday last week.)
Happy is a greatly composed image. I'd be tempted just to raise the exposure a tad, the white looks slightly under exposed. Keep up the good work :)
Miniature - I really like this - lovely bright crisp colours.
Happy - lovely composition with great colours.
Hi Minx

Lovely colourful Happy image, but I agree about the WB. :)
Love your idea for Miniature and any crit has already been covered. A lovely, colourful image.

Happy - who wouldn't be happy with a card and present. Needs a bit more punch to show it at it's best as it looks a little dull on my screen.