mrdaviesuk's 365 - Started on 5th August 2011

Thanks Matt, I've been keeping my eyes open for inspiration and whilst it's quite hard to come up with truely unique concepts - I'm trying to put my twist on them.

Really enjoyed the light painting and the extension tubes have opened up the avenue for table-top style photos.
Another macro type shot - this time of an obliging daddy long legs:

Day #40

Big Daddy by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

Nailing focus was hard and this isn't 100% when pixel peeping, but that's possibly the IQ of the lens.
Last edited: seriously have an eye for detail and creativity...stop it else you'll explode.. (y)

I did actually LOL at that comment! Thanks SamuelSlade007!

Great shot of the daddy long legs Paul.

Cheers Michael - that was probably one of the three reasonable shots (out of about 20) of the little critter!

Several updates to follow ... once I've finished tweaking them!
The doorway is excellent, nice composition, I don't think you need to crop it. I like what you have done with the x box controller, quite cool! Abstract leaf is interesting and I quite like it. Shame about the blown sky on Hudson, does it have a blue cast to it?
ALso just going back to your wine shot, I decided to do something similar

Thanks Michael!

Wasn't sure about the x-box controller as it's a bit samey compared to the pacmelon I did earlier - something I really wanted to avoid during the course of my 365.

Hudson is a very stylised processing (so it's not anywhere near natural and likely does have a cast) - there are some "proper" ones in my thread over in Birds. - which I may substitute into the 365.

I can't decide whether the blown sky takes much away from the image (other that it being a technical deficiancy)?

Great work on the Splash image btw - loving the B&W, but the colour has a very "Dexter" feel to it ;)
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Looking at it again, I don't think the sky does take anything away as the main processing on the Hawk it self still makes it stand out. Number 5 on your other thread is really good

Thanks - I was really pleased with how some of those hawk shots came out!

I might go back and see what detail there is to bring back - there was alot of cloud around, so it may be that there isn't much anyway.
So onto today's image and it was back to the extension tubes, this time with the 24-70mm and for some reason it was alot easier than my previous attempts.

*** Arachnid Warning *****

Sorry if anyone doesn't like them, but I think it's pretty cool! :D

Day #46

Incey by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

There are a couple more in my thread in the macro and close up forum
The hawk shot on #44 is fantastic.
365 projects do go faster than you think and draw you in! I'm still going at day 625!
Thanks, as always for the comments everyone.

Joe - the spider was about 1.5cm or so I would guess.

V16ben - I had a quick look at your work, very impressive ... I'm sure I will check back again soon to steal some inspiration!

So I'm due a rather large catch up, which should appear at some point today!
Okay - here goes - BIG UPDATE time!

Day #47 - My first dabble with IR, and whilst I'm not 100% happy with the outcome (possibly some user error - possibly the cheapo filter I used) I quite like the picture.

I ARRRRRRR by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

Day #48 - Just tinkering around with some of my little one's crayons! ;)

Back in Formation, Red by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

Day #49 - Macro Eye ... a lot harder than I anticipated and bit of an odd one from the "is it sharp" viewpoint. The eyelash as the top has some motion blur, but I think the eye itself is sharp?

Big Eye Am by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

Day #50 - It's come around very quickly and must be time to celebrate!

Chapaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagne! by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

Day #51 - One shot from what should have been a "target rich environment", but alas - pram pushing duties put a stop to my fun!

Sunnny Flower by Mr-Davies, on Flickr
And finally two more to bring me up to date (as of yesterday):

Day #52 - Poorly children + 365's don't mix well. Struggled to get motivated to take a shot today, but taking inspiration from Matt (MWHCVT) - anyone care to guess what this is (it's really easy):

Yes, but is it art? by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

Day #53 - Snapped as I left the office (after 2 hours in the office as "grammy" was looking after the still poorly little one).

Laboon by Mr-Davies, on Flickr
47 - not sure what IR is, but I like the picture.
48 - Lovely DOF, awesome background. i like.
49 - Nice lighting, I think the lower lashes are sharper than the eye, but there is enough detail in the eye to make it a superb pic
50 - Lovely DOF again, well composed. Really like it in B&W
51 - Sharp and colourful, nice detail, but doesn't realy do anything for me.
52 - Twiglets?
53 - Good timing, well exposed.


Keep it up :)
47 - not sure what IR is, but I like the picture.
48 - Lovely DOF, awesome background. i like.
49 - Nice lighting, I think the lower lashes are sharper than the eye, but there is enough detail in the eye to make it a superb pic
50 - Lovely DOF again, well composed. Really like it in B&W
51 - Sharp and colourful, nice detail, but doesn't realy do anything for me.
52 - Twiglets?
53 - Good timing, well exposed.


Keep it up :)

Thanks Joe - your comments help to keep me going, so thanks!

#47 - IR = Infrared, in theory you are taking an image in only the infrared light spectrum by filtering out everything else. You can get some quite incredible images - but I wanted to have a dabble on the cheap so just bought a cheapo screw in filter from Ebay.

#51 - I liked the vibrancy of the colour and the sliky texture - but I can see what you are saying. I'll try another crop to see if isolating the centre of the flower improves it any.

#52 - hehe, not quite (I wouldn't want to eat it) :D
So due to the fact I forgot my laptop, I can't upload yesterday's image - but I can upload today's - playing with my IR filter again (with much better PP results)!

Day #54

Fakerir by Mr-Davies, on Flickr
I have to say I quite like that IR effect (y) may have to have a play at some point but I'll stick with the ND for now I cannot treat myself too often :LOL:

But I have to say wow to the macro eye, I've tried and failed miserably at that myself so congratulations on such a crisp photo (y)

Cheers chaps - it's been pointed out that the image is suffering from some pretty nasty artifacts and noise around the top of the image.

I'm going to have a go at reprocessing it and see where I get to with it.
Hi Paul, just had a look through your latest. Very good pics. Liking the pics with the infrared filter, something I have wanted to dabble in more. The eye shot is great, never tried that. The hot air ballon looks really good too. Well done!

Thanks Michael, these challenges are really good for pushing you to do things you previously (or normally) wouldn't have done - in my case, actually buying some cheap bits of kit which have opened up some great avenues of photography for me!
Alright Paul... love what you've done so far... eyes are terribly hard to focus on i found especially if they are your own.. (y)
^Joe said:
How's this going Mr D?

It's still going ... but I now have a rather mamouth processing backlog!

I am hoping to make a dent in it tonight, so watch this space - and give me another kick if you don't see any activity! :)

SamuelSlade007 said:
Alright Paul... love what you've done so far... eyes are terribly hard to focus on i found especially if they are your own.. (y)

Cheers Sam, yeah - the hardest bit was getting enough light in to keep the shutter speed up. Not helped by the proximity of the lens to the eye!
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Right ... deep breath and off we goooooooooooooooo

Day 54 ... choice of two (these are actually the day before the Fakeir pic, as I got a little out of sequence again):

Block and Line by Mr-Davies, on Flickr


Last of the Summer by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

So Day #55 was a choice of the FakeIr pic or this:

Metal Man and His Brethren by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

Day #56 - Quite a few shots still to process from a walk in the woods, but this one stood out for me.

Loneleaf by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

Day #57 and again another choice. I had intended to shoot some star trails , inspired once again by Matt (MWHCVT). Sadly cloud and flat batteries put pay to that, but these were some reasonable results.

Light Up My Life and Death by Mr-Davies, on Flickr


Globetrotting by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

There is a "funny" story including men with guns and searchlights and a conker tree associated with these shots ... so not altogether a comfortable shoot, but hey ho! :D
Pant ... Pant ... ready for some more yet?

Day #58 ... oh look, another choice of two! Struggled with getting something I was happy to add to the 365 on this particular day.

Black and White by Mr-Davies, on Flickr


View from the Ground Floor by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

Day #59 - again a day a struggled somewhat, but liked this one in B&W.

New Moo by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

Day #60 - A "struggling for inspiration" day, but I actually really like the result!

Just Follow These Rules! by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

Day #61 and a shot I had been meaning to take for a while.

Sky High by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

Day #62 and I was hoping for a bigger puddle to get a reflection of the streetlight in. However I liked the colour and feel of this one.

Streetlcurblight by Mr-Davies, on Flickr
More ... More .... who are you, Oliver Twist? Oh, all right then!

Day #63 is the day of the unusual crop and playing around at lunchtime as I was desperate to get out of the office for a stroll around. Again a choice of two ...

Ironmongery by Mr-Davies, on Flickr


Ultimate Panning Machine by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

The latter was an attempt at a "car ad"/product shot, just for fun.

Day #64 and what a change in the weather, a dark wet day - perfect for stroll around a graveyard!

Restin by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

Okay ... I'm spent! That is as far as I got with the backlog processing last night. I'm still about 4 weeks worth of images behind obviously, but determined to catch up!
My Choices;

Block and Line - massive DOF and good lines
Metal Man - Excellent colour!
Lone Leaf - Great DOF as usual - lovely warm colour.
Day 57 - B&W version. Great clouds, eerie feel
58 - Posing swan. Great capture, BW works perfectly
59 - Really like this pose too, what do you do to the animals, tell them a joke? :LOL:
60 - Cool, but slightly boring to me. Whatever it is looks nice, but it's not a photo for me
61 - I like, great lines, pretty abstract
62 - I agree, nice colour, white balance and feel. WET!
63 - Panning because I don't like the lack of separation in ironmongery
64 - Looks good in BW. good composition
My Choices;

Block and Line - massive DOF and good lines
Metal Man - Excellent colour!
Lone Leaf - Great DOF as usual - lovely warm colour.
Day 57 - B&W version. Great clouds, eerie feel
58 - Posing swan. Great capture, BW works perfectly
59 - Really like this pose too, what do you do to the animals, tell them a joke? :LOL:
60 - Cool, but slightly boring to me. Whatever it is looks nice, but it's not a photo for me
61 - I like, great lines, pretty abstract
62 - I agree, nice colour, white balance and feel. WET!
63 - Panning because I don't like the lack of separation in ironmongery
64 - Looks good in BW. good composition

Thanks ^Joe,

#59 ... I'd tell you but then .... :D
#60 - That's fair comment, I guess it means something to me (holiday memories) and it was a day I struggled with a subject!
#63 - I do have a few images of the hotel itself, so might revisit them and see if anything better jumps out!

block and line for me, that's a great picture and for day 57 the black and white church is better. A great catch up, great additions to your 365.

Thanks Michael,

It's funny, I can't decide whether I prefer the colour or the B&W Church shot!?!

More to come, when I get around to it! :D
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I'm a big fan of 61 and 62.
Very simple, but effective shots.
Good luck with the rest of the 365!
Thanks for the comments Ben!

Still playing catch-up ... so time for a few more additions.

#65 - Not on the actual day, but close enough.

Jobs Jobbed by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

#66 - Choice of two again!

Purdey Tat by Mr-Davies, on Flickr


Bee! Not a Hova! by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

#67 - This is pretty weak, but I haven't uploaded my alternate shot for the day yet (as I'm getting near my monthly limit on Flickr - should just go Pro really!).

Hot Track by Mr-Davies, on Flickr


Lights, Splash, Refraction by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

#69 - Very heavy cloud cover, but the Moon managed to peek through a break to let me capture this!

Shrouded Moon by Mr-Davies, on Flickr
And another .... any comments welcome!!!

Day #76 - Got a little OCD after some DIY, had to LOL about it. Snapped a few, these are the two which worked out:

Regimental Hardware by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

and this:

Screw Solidiers by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

Day #77 - Decided to create an infinite Canon array!

Infinate Canon by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

As usual with my experimental stuff - I shot a backup too:

Can I Be In The Swiss Army Now? by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

Day #78 - Another abstract.

This way to shadow by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

and a safer bet, with inspiration shamelessly stolen from Matt!

Page Three Hundred and Sixty Five by Mr-Davies, on Flickr
Last bunch of processed images up on Flickr .... still some on the laptop and more still on CF in the camera!

Day #79 - My first ever Triptych ... of a lurvley F430 Scuderia!

Prancing Horses in My Dreams by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

Day #80 - Still automotive, just not quite as flashy :D

VDD - Vee Dubya Detail by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

Day #81 - Pixelated ... macro tubes are great! (y)

Pixelated ... 365! by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

Day #82 - Abstract ... HP MicroServer

Teenie Tiny HP by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

And a backup too ...

Sliver of Grain by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

Day #83 - Once you start with your Triptych, you just can't stop ... tried out a vertical this time:

Weathered Farm by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

(Can't decide whether I like the blue sky shot in the middle - might revisit the ordering - also might work better with a black bg)