Still haven't taken anything today, getting a bit last-minute on some uni work. Expect a token macro shot some time around midnight :p

hehe, mine was pretty much a "Damn, not got a shot yet" kinda thing :p

Think I need to make a list, as I keep forgetting ideas :(
How did you do it? get yourself in the pic 3 times?.

was it PS?
How did you do it? get yourself in the pic 3 times?.

was it PS?

hehe yeah it was done in photoshop. It is really simple. Just set up the camera on a tripod, I then used the self timer on 10 seconds, pressed the shutter go in position 1 (on the bed) waited for it to take the shot, got up pressed shutter again, etc...till you have as many shots from different positions as you like, then open them all in Photoshop copy each photo ontop of one of them (so I had lying down shot at the backgroud, then sitting watching tv, then at pc as three layers) then I just erased the area where the sitting me and the lying me was on that top (PC) layer, then again the lying area on the second layer (TV) so you have the background image (lying) untouched and the TV and PC layers as 'masks'. Sounds complicated now I say it, but it really isnt :)
Day 6:

I realised I haven't got one of the must have "My Kit" shots with my new 40D etc. So here is it :) Not a very good shot, but came out nice and sharp from the IXUS 75 @ f2.8, but doesn't seem to like compression as much as shots from the 350D and 40D which is a little odd.
Boo, no replies for either of us today JL - I think we're boring people already and there's still 360 days to go :LOL:

Can't wait til the day after tomorrow when I'm free from all this crappy work and can actually make it out the house!
Boo, no replies for either of us today JL - I think we're boring people already and there's still 360 days to go :LOL:

Can't wait til the day after tomorrow when I'm free from all this crappy work and can actually make it out the house!

hehe the poor sods dont know whats hit them! Think I have a shot in my head for todays though :D again wont be outside as the weather is shocking :( Roll on Summer :p
Day 7:

I decided to get my photoblog up and running today. It took me a bit longer to do than I was expecting, as I couldn't really find a theme I liked, so I am now customizing one a fair bit. So as a result I havent really had chance to take a propper photo, but came up with the above as a bit of a last minute idea.
LOL Thats great JL!

Youre doing a smashing job with these 365's. Not easy to be so creative every day is it?
Day 8:

This shot was the result of some messing around with my flash. This is just one exposure but with multiple firings from my flash. It took a few attempts to get a nice pattern and then more processing work to make the black completely black, as the flash made my nice black background more grey and a bit blotchy!
Hehe thats cool!

Is it a moving/bouncing ball? or laid on a piece of cloth or something?
I think he lost his marbles!

(cool pic!)
Day 7:

I decided to get my photoblog up and running today. It took me a bit longer to do than I was expecting, as I couldn't really find a theme I liked, so I am now customizing one a fair bit. So as a result I havent really had chance to take a propper photo, but came up with the above as a bit of a last minute idea.

you could just continue this theme (picture of a picture of a picture) for the rest of the year!
Thats really different - but what on earth is it :thinking:

hehe, it is one of them really bouncy balls, and was bounced across my table which was covered in black fabric. I think I managed to pretty much hit the top of each bounce with the flash, hence why it gets lower to the right.
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Day 9:

I still had cloths drapped over the dining table from yesterdays bouncing ball shot, so thought I would play about some more. This was shot in pitch black and painted with a torch, I have a few variations trying the same with my speelite etc, but the torch gave the interesting background and was far better at removing most of the shadows. I need to play around with more shots like this, it is quite good fun!
Really good that last one. How many attempts is 'a few' ? ?

hehe thanks :) Not too many attempts really, about 20 in total maybe, was just a case of trying to time the flash with the bounce of the ball.
Some interesting experimenting going on there JL ... :thinking: ... good to see you keeping up so far ... ;)

I check 2 threads before calling it a night. This and Marcel's.

So far I haven't been disappointed with either. Well done to you both. :clap:

PS Have said the same in Marcel's thread.
Thanks for the hu Jimmy. Just been over to have a look. How I envy you all for the commitment you've shown so far.

No Lemon? :D

Great idea this thread, and no doubt will keep the old brain cells churning trying to figure out shots.

Day 10:

I waited most of today for some interesting clouds so I could go out and photograph the local flooding. I live near a flood plain so this happens quite often, but not normally as bad as this! I managed to get a few shots of cars going slowly through the flood on one of the main roads, I then went to check out some other locations and when I returned to the main road it was being closed by the Police, so I decided to try some photo journalism, the Police didnt seem to impressed and asked me not to photograph them, but I wanted a shot of the road closed and they were in the way, so here they are!
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Hehe, I spent most of today waiting for the clouds to disappear! Did you get any good shots of the floods themselves?

By the way, I think we both deserve a round of applause for reaching double figures! :clap::LOL:

hehe yeah I agree about the round of applause :) Aint we good, lol

I got a few shots of the floods, nothing amazing though really :( Wanted some cars splashing through the floods but they were all crawling through and it was a bit dull :( ah well. Just been out getting some more today :)
Day 11:

The recent floods are dissapearing quite fast so I went out hunting for some interesting shots before it all vanished. I pulled over to have a look at the river and noticed a flooded field on the other side of the road. The water was almost perfectly still and gave some excellent reflections. I am hoping to go back this evening if there is any sort of sunset, but it isn't looking likely.
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I like that one - would be interesting to see it with the sunset (y)
That is spiffing mate. One of the nicest ones youve posted so far (y)
All I can say is, you have surpassed yourself with Day #11 (y)

I have a feeling I'll be saying it over and over again as the year progresses. Excellent. :clap: