Nice shot jimmy, I love the way you just pop out and find these wicked locations..keep it up not long to go now!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hehe, it is nice to be able to just pop out and be in the middle of fields (well lakes at the moment) - was even better that the road was officially closed so was pretty dead.

Last one is gorgeous JL... love it! (y)

Thanks :)

day22: nice effect, how did you achieve it?

It is tone mapped from one RAW (took three exposures but we slighly miss-aligned so didnt work) Then applied a bit of a warming tint to it to bring out the yellow in the sky.
That's a really beautiful landscape JL(y)

Not too dark for me and the reflection of the sky in the water is superb.
The sheep pen shot is quite stunning JL ... (y) ... great reflections and good sky make it a cracker imhgo ... :D

BUT ... you could've buffed your mouse up first m8 ... :cautious:


Love the flooded field and great sky.

Living round here means you'll be able to get the same picture during the Spring floods and then the Summer floods.

During this time of year I go to work in the dark and return in the dark. I've got next weekend off though so I'm planning on trying some flood shots. If I get anything half as good as yours I'll be more than happy.
Thanks for all the comments on the last one :) Seems I do get a lot more possitive feedback for the landscape stuff, I wonder why, lol :p If this thread starts to get to long I will just post studio stuff for a few months :D

My 365 - Day 23

Went for a bit of recee arond the local area today to see what was effected by the flooding and where might offer some good shots if/when the floods return. On my way home I noticed these trees all flooded and in a perfect line. I was hoping to be able to get a shot looking down the line, but I couldnt get off the road side, but I quite like this angle.
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Absolutely fantastic pictures (y)

There's definitely plenty of potential landscape photo's for you to take where you live - the scenery is beautiful - mind you I am biased 'cos I only live about 10 miles or so from Skipton :LOL:

We drove on the bypass last night to Crosshills - the flood waters were still very high - in places well over 6ft!

Anyhoo - I think this a fantastic thread (and Tom B's) - keep the good work going chaps (y)
I am amazed at your fantastic eye and versatility. Whether indoors or out, they are all good....and some superb. I am really looking forward to the rest of the year!

You and Marcel and anyone else doing this "shot a day" deserve a medal. :clap:
That last is the type of shot I bet many of us pass by and don't even give a thought to capturing and yet you have transformed an ordinary view into a stunning image JL ... :clap: ... again ... ;)

JL can i ask did you use anu special effect or any filters in PS or is it straight out the camera
great series Jimmy, really enjoying this :)
JL can i ask did you use anu special effect or any filters in PS or is it straight out the camera

It is tonemapped or an 'HDR' image, with a warming tint added to it to give the sky the slight orange glow. The shot straight out of the camera is very flat and not very interesting really.
Thanks Byrhtnoth :)

Was just looking through my shots trying to remember which shot I had used and thought it would interesting to see what they looked like unprocessed then the tonemapped version, had not really realised how much I have change it Before and After It is on days like to day you have be thankfull for things like tone mapping (well I do) just to give a frankly boring shot some life.
Your before and after images sure are eye openers. I would prob' have taken the 'before' and been, not exactly disapointed but, sorry I didn't manage to shoot what I had seen.

I would then have 'messed around' in Elements before eventually giving up. Can I ask, how long did it take you to come up with the image you've posted ?

All the pic's you've posted so far are well worth viewing, but I must admit I like the landscapes more.
Your before and after images sure are eye openers. I would prob' have taken the 'before' and been, not exactly disapointed but, sorry I didn't manage to shoot what I had seen.

I would then have 'messed around' in Elements before eventually giving up. Can I ask, how long did it take you to come up with the image you've posted ?

All the pic's you've posted so far are well worth viewing, but I must admit I like the landscapes more.

Unfortunatly I did capture what I had seen physically with my eyes :( The weather was horrid but I needed a shot and had already passed a few places and taken a few shots, but driving a long the road I saw the trees in the water and thought "ooo might work" and now since really trying to work out this tonemapping in my head I can actually see shots how they would look after some tone mapping. I see bits of detail in the grey clouds and think "that might come out well" etc and I think it really helps with shots like this. I wouldnt have taken it if I hadnt known abou tonemapping. I wouldnt have even been out with my camera, I would have been sat at home :(

Anyway....waffling a lot, to process that shot it probably took me 10 minutes. I looked through the jpegs to see which exposure looked best, opened the RAW in photoshop, did 4 exposures from the 1 raw (-2 stops, -1 stop, 0 and +1 stop) all saved as tiffs. Opened those tiffs in Photomatix clicked the generate button, let it do its stuff. Clicked on Tonemap and up it came with last times settings (which were the day befores settings) so were almost spot on, small fiddle with the sliders (think it was just black level and colour temperature) and then saved it as a 16bit tiff, opened it in Photoshop, small crop, resized, sharpened added logo and saved for web. So yeah it probably only was 5-10 minutes. I used to spend ages moving each slider on photomatix seeing what they did, but now I almost can predict it in a way so it makes the whole process a lot quicker.

God this is a long reply!!! But yeah the tonemapped image is not what I saw on the day and is not true to some beliefs that a photo should be a document of the scene as was etc, or that it should be got 'right' in-camera, but I do think this was the shot I was shooting for at the time :) and before writting this I dont think that had occured to me :)
My 365 - Day 24

I didn't manage to make it outside again today :( so another shot from my window. The sky and sun almost looked summery at one point today, so I grabbed this quick shot to add to the collection of shots I am gathering of this view. I almost have the four seasons in one month, which is interesting! (in a sad sort of way)
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Thanks for a great reply. Makes me feel just a little better. I've read a lot about Photomatix and tonemapping but somehow the processes/methods won't sink in. Apparently 'practise makes perfect', and I need a lot more practise !

Day 24:- Yep, another good un.
I love the warming tint on day 24, that really makes the difference. :)
My 365 - Day 25

Went shopping today and took my IXUS 75 with me to keep me entertained. Realised if I put it on the handle bar thing I could shoot through the loop on the baby seat. I ended up just walking round trying to frame people inside the loop capturing the rest of the shop to the sides.....I was bored!!
Well bordom suits you Jimmy (y) I like this as well as your beautiful HDR shots in this thread. Keep them coming :clap:
It has been noted that you are loitering in the beer section. :D

Great series which I am enjoying immensely. :clap:
Ingenious! :LOL: That is ace. My kind of photography :D
Day 24 = another lovely image of this location JL ... (y) ... good to see you've dropped the car but ... :cautious: ... the little corner of pavement is still distracting my eye ... :shrug:

Day 25 = simply inspired is that one ... :D ... great thinking and nicely done ... (y) ... :thinking: ... I think it's a bag hanger isn't it ... :shrug:

You keep taking ... :cautious: ... and I'll keep looking ... ;)

I'm loving this thread although I haven't popped in to comment so far because I'd just be saying "wow I LOVE that, it's fantastic" every day. I live in Keighley so I know the flooded fields you've been shooting pretty well and I'm really annoyed with myself for not getting out there and doing anything myself.
Having been telling myself I haven't taken any photos for ages because I haven't had time to go anywhere, you've now blown THAT excuse out the water for me as well! Sainsbury's of all places. I wouldn't mind but I probably have my compact in my handbag nearly every time I go there!
Anyway, "wow I LOVE that, it's fantastic!"
Keep it up.
Thanks everyone and Melanie I decided to do this as I was always angry at myself for not going out and taking photos of this part of the world. I was half expecting security to ask me what I was doing taking random photos around Sainsburys but didn't have any problems :)
Melanie, Not so far away myself and can just about see Sainsbury's roof from my kitchen window. Never ever thought of getting the camera out whilst browsing the shelves. LOL

Nice one JL, did you actually BUY anything ?
My 365 - Day 26

Went for a takeaway pizza tonight, and as I havent taken any shots all day this was pretty much my last chance. Tried a few different shots but quite like the slow shutter shot, decided to keep it quite orange looking too as the shop really has an orange glow to it compared to the really dark night outsite :)
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I don't see much veggie offerings on the menu?

You've been sneaking some burgers in on the side havent you?
Makes for a warm composition does that JL ... (y) ... and I really like the movement too ... makes the place seem busier than it is ... :D

Did you have to ask permission ... :shrug:

Nah Ven I just sat there playing with my camera waiting for my pizza ;) thankfull live view let me line up the shot roughly without being to obvious :D
My 365 - Day 27

Not the shot I had planned for today. The sky looked interesting so I decided to head up the hill to what is pretty much part of the pennines and is pretty high but lacks any sort of view. I hoped to get a lovely sky with some nice simple rolling hills below it. When I got to the top it was blowing a gale and there was a misty haze all over the hill tops and big rain clouds rolling in (hence the grey sky on this shot - with some odd glare in the top right). I tried a few shots and they didnt look good, so I set up the tripod in the car and fired off a few shots on the way home. It isnt a fantastic shot, but it is one I have wanted to have another go at for a while. I really should have cleaned the windsreen and maybe tried to get the edge of the wingmirrors in, but ah well, another shot to try again one day :)
And how you firing that off whilst moving Mr JL ... :cautious:

Good experiment and actually a nice crisp shot too ... :D
