weekly Nat's Photo52 *2012* Week 51 Negative added 25 Dec

A good take on the theme Nathalie, I like the composition of the little shoot between the larger roots. I do agree with the others though but that being said it is your 52 and you are quite right to stick with your choice. Iain
Thank you all for the comments!

It appears I'm still to leave feedback for a few Photo52 participants - my apologies for that. I'm hoping to cover the last few of you this weekend.
Thank you all for the comments!

It appears I'm still to leave feedback for a few Photo52 participants - my apologies for that. I'm hoping to cover the last few of you this weekend.

I'm really, really struggling to keep up with commenting on everyone's 52's. :(
Nice shot and I like the concept, old root and the little sapling showing what its roots were. It would have been nice though to see a shot at a slightly smaller aperture, with just a little more DOF to see how that would have worked.(y)
I've been taking a lot of pictures recently, but sadly nothing to do with this project!

I'm submitting images for Week 8 and 9 at the same time.

First, Handmade, which is a cop-out. It was a case of getting it done and moving on.

Week 8 - Handmade by C Fredriksson, on Flickr
1/200sec f4.0 60mm ISO800 Flash

The only thing I had at home that was definitely handmade was a few pairs of woolly socks my mother knitted for me and sent over as part of my Christmas pressie last year. They're all fairly colourful and in my opinion actually quite pretty. However, I struggled to find a composition that was even remotely interesting. I tried extreme closeups but none of them worked for me, same thing with 'normal' stuff showing most of the sock(s) rather than just a small part. In the end, this photo was the what I disliked the least.

... Swiftly moving on to Money, which was more than just a quick snap-shot and required a bit of work.

Week 9 - Money by C Fredriksson, on Flickr
1/200sec f3.5 50mm ISO400 Flash + natural light

Bag of money.

Unfortunately, the contents of this bag is a large 'collection' of the very annoying 2p coin.

In my opinion, the bag on its own is really interesting and I love the pattern and colours - but I should have known it would distract from the coins, especially in full colour. I decided to play around with selective colouring - a first, for me, and I'm sure this is something that can be improved upon.
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Dont think ive been here before, great 52 thread, liking the homemade shot, very colorful.

Handmade I like due to the depth of field colours and angle, Im assuming it goes from colour to grey wool which is a bit of a shame because I thought you'd actually one a selective colour on it at first and was doing my head in wondering why you'd do it on a sock.

Money though, yes, I bet the bag would distract, but I think so does the selective colour on it as the colour of the money's not popping out
Like both of those, selective colour a good choice to bring out the coins.
Handmade I like due to the depth of field colours and angle, Im assuming it goes from colour to grey wool which is a bit of a shame because I thought you'd actually one a selective colour on it at first and was doing my head in wondering why you'd do it on a sock.
LOL. No, I wouldn't have used selective colouring on a shot like this. In fact, I'm not a fan of SC, but I decided to try it on the Money shot to see if it would make the bag less distracting - which it certainly did, but perhaps not enough to make it work.
This is what the bag looks like in colour. Not sure what I was thinking. :wacky:

Edit: Photo removed as some thought this was a second entry for Money, when all it was meant to do was show what the bag looked like in colour.
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Like the hanmade shot very nice , glad you did the SC on money it seems to work better than the colour shot.
Oh and yeah i agree "What were you thinking".....lol

Great use of selective colour; without it it's a picture of a bag, with it it's a lovely shot of some money in a bag! I think it's wonderful!
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Your money image has a great POV although I agree with an earlier comment that the money doesn't really stand out too much. Maybe you could have desaturated the colours of the bag. :thinking: :shrug:
Hi Nathalie

lovely shot for Money ( 1st image)...like the little bit of SC & the angle :clap:though maybe you could have saturated the colors a little more :thinking:
Thanks for the comments, everyone.

What this challenge has done so far is made me think a little bit more about what I want to do before I pick up the camera. I am also thinking a lot more about what I am doing while I'm doing it, which for me is more important than the before part. I'm shooting in manual to a much greater degree than before, which has given me a better understanding of what I'm doing from a technical point of view, and with regards to wildlife in particular appears to be resulting in better exposed and sharper images.

Quite interestingly, the concern I had that I might end up doing nothing but taking photos for this and my other personal project and that I would have no time, energy or inspiration for other photography turned out to be completely unfounded. If anything I've felt more inspired, and this month I've taken about three times as many photographs as I did this time last year (not counting the photos for the two projects). :)
Root – I agree with some of the comments regarding the oof root at the front

Handmade – Nice colours and texture in the wool

Money - Definitely the selective colour version for me
Handmade, it works really well. Nice angles and colours.

I actually quite like #2 of the money shots. Works because of the white background I think. Difficult I know but would like so see a tad more of the money in them both. Only a smidge! But they work really well already. More of a selfish comment :)
I think that all has been said that can be about hand made apart from are they comfy?
Money! I like the first shot as I think you are rite and the bag does detract from the coins great shot well done
The first money shot for me too.

Some brighter coins may have been better, pound coins if you have enough laying around would be great for the gold colour and would perhaps give it a 'treasure' type feel.
Handmade, another knitted, very popular. Nice depth and combination of brights and muted colours. I'd prefer a CC rotation, maybe?

Money, really liking the composition of this one. Possibly one of the better money photographs I've seen so far.

I actually quite like #2 of the money shots. Works because of the white background I think. Difficult I know but would like so see a tad more of the money in them both. Only a smidge!
I know what you mean and I'd have liked to see a bit more of the money, too. The 2nd photo I only posted to show the colours of the bag - it is not a second entry for the week.

I think that all has been said that can be about hand made apart from are they comfy?
They are indeed, very comfy and warm. :)

As for money, I like the 1st version and think the sc works well.
As mentioned above, the 2nd shot is not an entry, it's merely there as a reference, to explain why I went the mono and sc route.

Some brighter coins may have been better, pound coins if you have enough laying around would be great for the gold colour and would perhaps give it a 'treasure' type feel.
This is a good idea -- thanks. :) I wish I had a large stash of 1 or 2 pound coins but sadly the coppers are all I have.

Handmade, another knitted, very popular. Nice depth and combination of brights and muted colours. I'd prefer a CC rotation, maybe?
Thanks for the suggestion. This is something I hardly ever consider. Not because I don't want to do it but I forget it's even an option!
Thanks for the comments, everyone.

What this challenge has done so far is made me think a little bit more about what I want to do before I pick up the camera. I am also thinking a lot more about what I am doing while I'm doing it, which for me is more important than the before part. I'm shooting in manual to a much greater degree than before, which has given me a better understanding of what I'm doing from a technical point of view, and with regards to wildlife in particular appears to be resulting in better exposed and sharper images.

Quite interestingly, the concern I had that I might end up doing nothing but taking photos for this and my other personal project and that I would have no time, energy or inspiration for other photography turned out to be completely unfounded. If anything I've felt more inspired, and this month I've taken about three times as many photographs as I did this time last year (not counting the photos for the two projects). :)

I agree with you on this, it certainly makes you slow down and think more about what you're doing!:)
First shot for me I think the selective colouring works well and draws the eye into the bag to the money, the second one the colour of the bag takes your eye away from the money.
Thanks again for the feedback.

For this week's theme, I really wish I had the medals and trophies from my basketball days... but they're stowed away in my brother's attic a two hour flight from here, so that's not going to happen. I have an idea, which again involves shopping, but hopefully not spending more than a few quid.

Week 10 - Win by C Fredriksson, on Flickr
1/200sec f4.0 50mm ISO400 Flash

The first idea I had was to shoot a chess board, but someone else already submitted one of those and I like to at least try and do something that has, to the best of my knowledge, not been done yet.

Yatzy is one of my favourite games, probably because it is pretty much all down to luck!

I find it hard to arrange things like this in a such a way that it does not look overly staged... I had the same problem with Sweet in week 4.

I wanted some colour to offset the white and put the dice on my new funky coffee table.

Am I happy with it? Not sure. If it wasn't for the orange tabletop, I think it would be a painstakingly boring picture.
No, not boring at all. I know what you mean by difficult to arrange for a natural look, but I think you've pulled it off nicely; it looks so good that I genuinely wondered how you'd managed to throw five sixes for a moment or two!

Great shot. Lovely colours, lighting composition and exposure, and the DoF is spot on too.