weekly Nat's Photo52 *2012* Week 51 Negative added 25 Dec

Week 50 - Round by C Fredriksson, on Flickr

Another Christmas themed shot. I had another idea, but I liked the outcome of this more. I failed to remove the ridge in the top left of the bauble in photoshop, so it had to stay... I went with black and white because the tree decorations are primarily silver while the lights are warm yellow. I thought it looked better like this.
Thanks Andy and Michael.

Shadow - This is possibly the least inspiring theme of the year. I've managed to come up with nothing so far.

I still haven't got my Negative shot done... The ideas I had for it were mostly to do with sub-zero temperatures, of which we've had none since the theme was announced. The week before, of course, we had one day of amazingly atmospheric tree frost... I also spotted a frozen dandelion wishie (yes, in December!) that I REALLY wanted to photograph. The next day, it had thawed. Grr.

On the bright side, this week I won a photo competition for the very first time, with one of my harvest mouse pictures.
Round is really nice and sharp and works well in b+w, love the cat pic for glow excellent :clap:
Hi Nat :)

I like round a lot, but am hankering after seeing the colour version; something's telling me this needs colour, but I'm not sure without seeing it?

Week 51 - Negative by C Fredriksson, on Flickr

The original idea I had was to photograph sub-zero temperatures; frost, snow, ice or similar. Unfortunately, we've had very mild weather here recently, and the leaves I tossed in the freezer to photograph did not turn out the way I had hoped.

Today, for the first time since the injury 3 months ago, I went for a walk in the woods with the camera. It was a dreadfully dull and grey day, but I enjoyed the fresh air, and it felt good to point the lens at something that wasn't a lifeless man-made object.

I'm aware that the only thing about this that says "negative" is the border. It was more of an exercise in PS than photography... but at least all the photos were taken today.
Well, it's always been about how we feel about what we post, and I like it.

I have a warm Christmassy feeling going on so, well done for getting out and about.

Looking forward to your final post (y)

That's beautiful Nat. OK so only the frame has anything to do with negative, but who cares! Each shot works well on its own, but also balances well in the triptych.

Lovely colours :)
Round - Nice shot. I like the combination of negative space a bokeh in the background.

Negative - It's not shouting negative at me but I like the framing with these three images. Definitely liking the left hand image. The diagonal on this one works really well.
hi Nathalie

lovely tryptich for negative...as Andy said ,a lot of the time it's about how we feel about the images we post....the negative connection may just be the framing but each image stands out in it's own right...particularly like the middle one , great colors & DOF (y)

Congrats on the competition win as well...I recall seeing those fieldmice shots & think I comment then about how good they were :clap:
Round, excellent.. Mono suits it really well, and the reflections really add nicely too it.

Negative, clever... lovely images in the tryptych and the border makes it so.

Congrats on the comp win... a lovely image, and well deserved
Hi Nathalie

Round - good shot. I like partic the sharp bauble and the good oof b/g - good technique. Also an SP to boot. :D

Negative - good intrepretation and an excellent tryptych. The shots are all clear, well lit and lovely muted tones. Good diag on the left leading the eye through and absolutely smashing bird looking back into the centre (y)

Good to hear that you have finally been able to get out and about and well done with the harvest mouse shot. Beautiful, heart warming image.

Week 51 - Negative 2 by C Fredriksson, on Flickr

I was playing around with some of the flower photos from today and I thought this was better than the triptych for the theme, plus I also like it more, as a picture.

Week 48 - Shadow by C Fredriksson, on Flickr

Final entry for the challenge. I wanted to shoot something else, but the weather's not allowing for it and I could be waiting months for the sun to come out!
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I can't seem to edit the title of the thread anymore, but in any case, I've now completed this. :)

A big thank-you to those who have followed me on my journey and offered feedback. (y)

Some weeks were hard, but it was worth it in the end. I've experimented with new techniques, become more confident in using my camera in manual mode and perhaps most importantly, the way I look at the world around me has changed. I often find myself thinking "How would I photograph this?" even when I haven't got the camera with me. Hopefully this is something that will stay with me even if I haven't got a photo challenge to keep me on my toes!
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Shadow - Sun! What's one of those then? :LOL: Looks like you've finished with one of your favourite subjects.

Congratulations on completing your 52.

PS - Unless you are a Mod it looks like thread titles can't be changed after 12 months. See here
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Hi Nat.

Busy is perfect; I love the simplicity of it, and it's bang on theme :)

Negative reshoot is nice, and is more on theme, but I still prefer your original shot.

Shadow is deceptively good; it looks very simple, but it must have taken ages to get such a perfect cat shaped shadow.

You made it!
Hi Nathalie :)

Catch up time, sorry but it will be brief as I want to get comments up to date :)

Glow - I like that, how the star is in focus rather than the flame, the square crop seems to work ok too :)

Glow 2 - Aweeee nice Kitty :) Doesn't say glow as much as the first, but a lovely image :)

Round - 'I can Seeeee you :D' a great shine there, would be hard not to get caught in the reflection, the B&W suits it very well

Negative - I like the way that is set out, 3 lovely images - nice one (y)

Busy - Love it :clap:

Negative 2 - Now that is good, some strange colours have come out there, It's a great image but I prefer your first :)

Shadow - There's that kitty again - A nice image to finish off with, well done for getting through it all :clap:
Hi Nat, sorry it's taken me a while to get back here!

Round, nice composition and the conversion to B&W works. I can see you in the reflection but you got yourself nicely tucked in one glittery segment (y)

Negative, yay for being able to get out and about again:clap: I know it's only the border that fits the theme but who cares, the photos within are lovely especially the middle one, great colours for such a drab month (y)

Busy, :LOL: did you get any funny looks lurking for this shot? It's perfect for the theme but looks a tad soft.

Negative 2, is surreal, the bright bit in the middle draws my eye in. I like the green surrounds too.

Shadow, it seems fitting that your final submission is one of your favourite subjects :clap: Well done for finishing your 52, I know the end was a challenge but glad you got there :woot: :woot: