Nikon D800......

probably not, but ive no morals so, hey, tough :)

Customs officers have no morals either, but they do have rules, and laws, and they're not stupid.

If you get caught, then at the very least they'll hit you with duty/VAT, or more likely just confiscate it, possibly hit you with a fine on top, and a criminal record, or whatever else appeals to their lack of morals.

Keep you waiting hours, turn everyones's bags inside out, strip search, sniffer dogs. They love a cocky smuggler :D

Been there myself :LOL: but thankfully only the waiting for hours bit, while my UK purchaces could be verified. I carry receipts now :eek:
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The thing i don't get is how do they find out on your purchase? I could carry a D300 around with me that i bought couple of years ago and the receipt were lost before is long time ago.

I understand new item maybe hard to make excuse but every camera gear i bring back is not possible to have purchase receipt.
The thing i don't get is how do they find out on your purchase? I could carry a D300 around with me that i bought couple of years ago and the receipt were lost before is long time ago.

I understand new item maybe hard to make excuse but every camera gear i bring back is not possible to have purchase receipt.

Like I say, customs officials are not stupid. Neither are they out to wreck the holiday or business plans of honest travellers.

They just need to be 'satisfied' that whatever you're bringing in is not liable to duty/VAT. A receipt is instant proof, but a reasonably used D300 is not going to look like a brand new camera, and it will sit in your bag alongside all your other gear. It all looks totally legit, and they'll just wave you through.

When I got pulled aside, I had a load of very expensive gear, some of which was new on the market. Compounded by the fact that at the time, bringing stuff in from the US could save a lot of money. So they were naturally suspicious and confiscated the lot until a few phone calls were made, to both my work and the US, to verify I was who I said and therefore quite likely to be carrying all this stuff.

They were very sh!tty at first, but nice as pie once they were convinced. Never apologised once though - basically it was all my fault :( If the worst comes to the worst, all purchases can be traced via serial numbers etc. They have a lot of that stuff on computer these days, they know the hot models and can tell in seconds if it's not UK sourced. Then you're in the poo...
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Besides, all of this just to save a few measly percent on the going prices? Frankly, if you really wanted a two and a half grand luxury/non-essential item, wouldn't you rather just pony up the street price and be done? I know I would. [I say non-essential because if it was essential, you wouldn't be having this conversation at all!]

Anyway, to each their own. Looks a great camera, the Nikon 5D killer rather than the D4-lite, with all the pros and cons that statement entails.
I always find it odd that just because you are spending so many thousands of £'s, that trying to save some of that money is somehow wrong or a cheap thing to do. :shrug:

Try and get stuff for as cheap as you can. If you're buying something new to the market, you're already paying the early adopter premium, so try and get it the cheapest way you can, legally. ;)

If you try to circumvent Customs then you take your chances, but there are big savings to be made, and even if you are paying thousands, it doesn't mean that saving hundreds is not significant. ;) If you get caught though it could become much more expensive. :eek: :nono:
Trick I was told 15-20 years ago was to go through the red channel and say you have bought a few bottles of wine or something that is just under the limit. They put the dozy old officers there so get waved through.

You buy a camera in US, put it in your camera bag with other lenses and stuff, not likely to be detected!
I always find it odd that just because you are spending so many thousands of £'s, that trying to save some of that money is somehow wrong or a cheap thing to do. :shrug:

Try and get stuff for as cheap as you can.

One thing to remember is that this is a new-to-the-market product, the warm feeling of saving a couple of hundred quid will soon disappear if it transpires there are teething troubles and you can't return the camera or get it sorted as you have no warranty....
Flash In The Pan said:
One thing to remember is that this is a new-to-the-market product, the warm feeling of saving a couple of hundred quid will soon disappear if it transpires there are teething troubles and you can't return the camera or get it sorted as you have no warranty....

And then in a few months the uk price drops to what you paid anyway....
as it stands, i suspect i will be sticking with my 700 for a while yet. However, we can't really tell until we start seeing some quality reviews. If it turns out that this matches the noise performance of the d700 but has vastly superior dynamic range etc then it might well be worth the upgrade. Who can say until the reviews start cropping up
I try not to disagree on anything but facts. It's the interpretation of them, and their significance, where we may differ ;)

One thing that I think we may agree on is the potential of the D800E, particularly, with a tilt and shift lens. Folks tend to be a bit wary of them and think that Scheimpflug is a difficult concept to understand and apply, but it's really easy once the penny has dropped. They're expensive too, but for landscapes their optical quality is simply peerless.

A T&S's potential for greater effective DoF, at diffraction-free f/numbers, should be amazing. But note that it's the lens that is realising the potential of the sensor, not the other way around :)

This is very true and when you realise that if you use a D700 you can use apertures as small as f/16 before diffraction starts to make a visible difference. The 12 megapixel full frame sensor on a D700 means the pixel pitch is a whopping 8.5µm. compared to 4.9µm with the D800. The diffraction threshold for the D800 is only around f/9. :)
This is very true and when you realise that if you use a D700 you can use apertures as small as f/16 before diffraction starts to make a visible difference. The 12 megapixel full frame sensor on a D700 means the pixel pitch is a whopping 8.5µm. compared to 4.9µm with the D800. The diffraction threshold for the D800 is only around f/9. :)

You seem to be referring to diffraction related to pixel density, which is an interesting theory I have never seen any evidence of. Rather the reverse - you get sharper pictures with more pixels, at apertures where the theory says sharpness should be capped, even if the law of diminishing returns means the gains are smaller and harder to achieve.

I am talking only about optical diffraction, which clearly exists and does impact significantly on sharpness at higher f/numbers. This is where T&S lenses score, as they give effectively more DoF at relatively lower f/numbers, ie f/5.6-8, before the optical diffraction limit starts to become visible.
I've unstickied the thread now. We'll create a users thread for it when someone gets one. Just give us a shout.
You seem to be referring to diffraction related to pixel density, which is an interesting theory I have never seen any evidence of.

Pixel density can't cause diffraction but it'll enable it to be seen and identified for what it is at wider apertures.
I got a fiddle with a d800 and d4 today. Both feel / look nice & familiar... no surprise there. Wasn't allowed to use my own card so no high ISO tests I'm afraid...but not long now until the 800 is out anyway!

They denied the firmware story for the d4 delay, said its just a question of not enough supply for the original launch date.
Just for "TP 1st'ness" : please excuse rubbishness of pictures... but very quick snapshots in horrible exhibition hall lighting - now if only they'd let me put a card in, but to be fair, this was the first day both had been shown in the UK to "the public" even if it was at a trade show... so there was a LOT of interest from people who knew, no publicity was needed...

D4 :

D800 :

Envious Spy (!) from Canon Stand :
Does anyone have any idea what the file sizes from this will be?

I get a small bonus in March which is ideal timing so I think I'll have to sell the D700 and get one :D

I'm not overly bothered about having 36mp, the thing that really swings it for me is the 16mp crop mode which makes it a D7000 and D700 in one camera - bargain!
Does anyone have any idea what the file sizes from this will be?

I get a small bonus in March which is ideal timing so I think I'll have to sell the D700 and get one :D

I'm not overly bothered about having 36mp, the thing that really swings it for me is the 16mp crop mode which makes it a D7000 and D700 in one camera - bargain!

76mb ish

So a 1200 shot wedding would be around 80Gb per wedding. 40 weddings per year. 3tb to edit and store.

So about 100 images or so on an 8gb card.

That said 32gb compact flash cards are about £60 and I'd image a lot of people who are prepared to shell out £2k+ for the body would take that on the chin.

So a 1200 shot wedding would be around 80Gb per wedding. 40 weddings per year. 3tb to edit and store.

It does sound a lot when you put it like that. I guess there will be some ruthless photo binning going on.
There already is. It's also having a machine powerful enough to handle that many images that size without killing a workflow.

So for many add another £1500-2500 for a suitable computer.
There already is. It's also having a machine powerful enough to handle that many images that size without killing a workflow.

So for many add another £1500-2500 for a suitable computer.

just upgrade.
bought i7 with new mobo and ram for around £400.
No question.

At almost £5k a pop wedding photographers might not be so keen!

Bastic - I run Macs. I really can't be arsed with the faffing I used to have upgrading motherboards and the like. I want to spend as little time as possible mucking about with my machine.
well i slapped down a deposit for a D800 this afternoon, roll on the 22nd :) I just hope the D4 delays dont affect the release date of the 800 now!
I think the 75MBish file sizes were for 14bit uncompressed files.

The D800 will apparently have 12 or 14 bit, lossless compressed, compressed or uncompressed RAW file options, plus TIFF and Jpeg.
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No question.

At almost £5k a pop wedding photographers might not be so keen!

Bastic - I run Macs. I really can't be arsed with the faffing I used to have upgrading motherboards and the like. I want to spend as little time as possible mucking about with my machine.

flog old one and it wont hurt so much ;)

Im not a mac person and like to be 'arsed with the faffing ' :LOL:
flog old one and it wont hurt so much ;)

Im not a mac person and like to be 'arsed with the faffing ' :LOL:

Is the Mac so much better that it means the extra cost paid is less than the value of time spent upgrading a non-Mac?

Set batch jobs running overnight. :D

Personally, I'm waiting for "Canon 5d Mark 3" specs to come out so I have an excuse to plump for the D800. Just have to sell all my Canon gear. :bonk:
mrthingyx said:
Is the Mac so much better that it means the extra cost paid is less than the value of time spent upgrading a non-Mac?

Set batch jobs running overnight. :D

Personally, I'm waiting for "Canon 5d Mark 3" specs to come out so I have an excuse to plump for the D800. Just have to sell all my Canon gear. :bonk:

We are not going to start a dispute about what's better Mac or PC..not again lol

As for 5d3, it would be nice if they would announce anything soon( before d800 ) hits shelves. The more choice the better :)
As for 5d3, it would be nice if they would announce anything soon( before d800 ) hits shelves. The more choice the better :)

Quite a wait then, given the problems nikon seem to be having getting gear into the UK :razz:

Heard an uncomfirmed rumour that US customers with pre orders on D800 have been given estimated delivery of Jan 2013:eek:

(patiently waiting for D7000 to come back into stock ):shrug:

So a 1200 shot wedding would be around 80Gb per wedding. 40 weddings per year. 3tb to edit and store.

Pppfft! Welcome to 2012!

Thats less than £200 worth of storage on hard drives :D

I come away with more than that most times I shoot video so its no biggy thankfully.
Ironically, we seem to have gone from complaints of not enough pixels in Nikon cameras to having too many! Can't please some people. ;-)
I'm thinking about buying a Nikon D700. However, there are numerous rumours about the Nikon D800 coming out soon. I'm not chasing technology, but if we're close to a product cycle, I might be patient enough to wait. Any advice?:thinking::thinking::thinking:

You have read this thread haven't you? :eek:

In case you haven't realised it's about the D800 being announced and is supposedly available from the end of March, though numbers will probably be limited at first.
vizzair said:
Quite a wait then, given the problems nikon seem to be having getting gear into the UK :razz:

Heard an uncomfirmed rumour that US customers with pre orders on D800 have been given estimated delivery of Jan 2013:eek:

(patiently waiting for D7000 to come back into stock ):shrug:

Don't believe it. If they would not be able to get them on to shelves, they wouldn't announce it.