Or you could try dripping some lighter fluid into the shutter mechanism - it'll loosen up the grease and get it firing again, worked on the slow speeds of my Ensign 820.
Or you could try dripping some lighter fluid into the shutter mechanism - it'll loosen up the grease and get it firing again, worked on the slow speeds of my Ensign 820.
In general I'd agree with this approach, but as it's a camera with sentimental value to you I'd go for the cla approach. As mentioned above, there's a good chance it is just a bit gummed up with old oil and smoke particles (even if your dad never smoked I'm sure some of his uni pals did). The lighter fluid will dissolve it and redeposit it hopefully out of the way, freeing things up. But a cla will properly clean the gunk out completely. If there's nothing damaged, then there's no reason you couldn't be passing the camera on to someone when you're 80 yourself!
Miles Whitehead has been used by quite a few of us on here. Roughly £50ish +postage each way. He's busy though so don't expect to get it back in a week as he will look after his pro customers first.

He has a very basic website but the easiest way to contact him is to just drop him an email.
More goodies in the post today:
First a paterson tank, now I can order some chemicals (and B&W film).
View attachment 21750

And 2nd a 50mm f2 for my Pentax P30T which was the first SLR I ever bought back in 2006 for a trip to New York. It came with a basic Vivitar 28-70 zoom that I never really liked. Hoping this means I put more than 3 rolls through the camera!
View attachment 21751
Looks like the Vito definitely needs a CLA. Just tried some old expired film in it, the advance and that seems to work, shutter is most certainly locked solid. Also realised why the front keeps opening, looks like the latch has worn out!
This beauty is heading over to me from Japan


Been wanting one for a long time and one came up at a good price just after payday!

Now to spend the rest of the month living off beans!
Will it be here before Arundel?
[QUOTE="robhooley167, post: 6512563, member: 38128"

Now to spend the rest of the month living off beans![/QUOTE]

Yeah but you got your priorities right.......kit first, stomach after:D:D

Hope you have it for thé 18th;)
[QUOTE="robhooley167, post: 6512563, member: 38128]

Now to spend the rest of the month living off beans!

Yeah but you got your priorities right.......kit first, stomach after:D:D

Hope you have it for thé 18th;)

So do I Asha, So do I...
Picked up this little beauty with 3 lenses and a bag for £35 in a charity shop on my way back from the Beeston meet on Saturday. Sold as non-working. Having the very similar Contax 139 Quartz in my collection I know that it needs batteries for the shutter to work, not just the meter. Bargain! The lovely 28mm F/2.8 alone is worth about £50 - and now I have two! :)

I bought a Ricoh 500g off ebay yesterday. It needs the light seals replacing but it was only £7.50 and as the seller lives nearby he's dropping it off tomorrow.
Yes and that includes batteries. I already have light seal foam too. The description said the shutter and meter work, unlike the Konica Auto S2 I bought recently.
Sorry that's wrong, it's the shutter and the rangefinder on the Konica. The meter works
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Picked up this little beauty with 3 lenses and a bag for £35 in a charity shop on my way back from the Beeston meet on Saturday. Sold as non-working. Having the very similar Contax 139 Quartz in my collection I know that it needs batteries for the shutter to work, not just the meter. Bargain! The lovely 28mm F/2.8 alone is worth about £50 - and now I have two! :)

Jammy git... I never find anything in charity shops.
Will it be here before Arundel?
Sadly it doesn't look like it will be, it's been awaiting customs action for 3 days now and there are no signs of it moving through the process :(
My cousin's boyfriend sent along a Pentax ME Super to look at. It needs new seals, and the aperture ring of the 50mm 1.7 was a little stiff, but I took one look through the HUGE viewfinder and decided I was buying it from him. Why can't all SLRs be that size and have that viewfinder, eh?

It also came with a Vivitar 28-210mm 3.5-5.6 zoom, but I'm not really interested in that - sticking such a bulky thing onto the small body is missing the point for me. Can anyone tell me if it's any good, and how much he should eBay it for?
This beauty is heading over to me from Japan


Been wanting one for a long time and one came up at a good price just after payday!

Now to spend the rest of the month living off beans!

How are you getting on with this? Im seriously temped to get one. Just got rid of my ETRSi and looking for something newer. Did you pay much in the way of import duty? Could you post some shots up when youve dev'd them :)
How are you getting on with this? Im seriously temped to get one. Just got rid of my ETRSi and looking for something newer. Did you pay much in the way of import duty? Could you post some shots up when youve dev'd them :)

Hi Ash

I only paid the customs fees on Sunday due to Parcel Farce messing me around, I should get it on Friday and I'll try to get through a roll at the weekend to evaluate it. I'll try to put something in the F&C review thread.

Import wise, I paid £143 but was expecting to pay more.
Received a jobo 2523 tank though I didn't notice in the pictures that there isnt a stopper included so it would be a little damp in use.
ME Super update: seals ordered from Jon Goodman, so I'm not going to use it in the mean-time in case I gum up the mirror. On the other hand, I do keep picking it up to look through that lovely viewfinder . . .
[QUOTE="robhooley167, post: 6535050, member: 381add ]Hi Ash

I only paid the customs fees on Sunday due to Parcel Farce messing me around, I should get it on Friday and I'll try to get through a roll at the weekend to evaluate it. I'll try to put something in the F&C review thread.

Import wise, I paid £143 but was expecting to pay more.[/QUOTE]

Ok cheers. Is there any reason you went for the afd other than it being able to hook up to digital backs? The af ones seem a lot cheaper.