Official Talk Leica thread

Hi, old iron samples, cropped (with order of camera acquisition) ...

1. OLYMPUS PEN Ep-1 - Panasonic 1,7/20:


3. SONY A7R2 - FE 1,8/35 :


2. Leica M9 - Summicron 2/35 :


One can live quite happily with old iron, I think ... ---
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Well after just about 8 months I finally have my M10-P back from Wetzlar. Repair cost almost £1400 which seemed to be a simple rangefinder mechanism sticking, but somehow appears to have turned into half the innards of the camera being replaced!

I’m really not impressed by how the whole process has been handled, no positive communication from Leica UK - each time I’ve had to chase for an answer- the camera is supposed to have been cleaned inside and out & yet there’s still a dust spot on the sensor.

It’s soured the feeing I have about Leica a little, to be honest I’m not sure now whether I’ll stick or sell with the camera now.
Well after just about 8 months I finally have my M10-P back from Wetzlar. Repair cost almost £1400 which seemed to be a simple rangefinder mechanism sticking, but somehow appears to have turned into half the innards of the camera being replaced!

I’m really not impressed by how the whole process has been handled, no positive communication from Leica UK - each time I’ve had to chase for an answer- the camera is supposed to have been cleaned inside and out & yet there’s still a dust spot on the sensor.

It’s soured the feeing I have about Leica a little, to be honest I’m not sure now whether I’ll stick or sell with the camera now.

Hi, I would be very disappointed. Leica is expensive. So, one would expect excellent service and quality ... ---

(M9 - ZEISS Distagon 1,4/35 f 2,8 ; crop) :

I'm returning to my old hobby after a long absence (work seems to have taken over my life), and I could do with some advice. I'm looking for a really good quality travel camera and I've been reading about the Leica Q3 for the past week or two. I would be using this for travel and architecture photography. However it would also be nice if it could be used as a high quality webcam on occasion.

If anyone is currently shooting with one of these I'd love to hear your thoughts.
I'm returning to my old hobby after a long absence (work seems to have taken over my life), and I could do with some advice. I'm looking for a really good quality travel camera and I've been reading about the Leica Q3 for the past week or two. I would be using this for travel and architecture photography. However it would also be nice if it could be used as a high quality webcam on occasion.

If anyone is currently shooting with one of these I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Don't dismiss the original Q - 24mps and at £2k for a very good example, it is now a bargain by Leica standards

or a very good M240 if you want interchangeable lens - again £2k will get you a good body

24 MPs can be the sweet spot
Back out in my normal habitat today with the M10-P & 50mm Summicron... a favourite combination for my woodland photography.

280824_L1009194 by Dave Young, on Flickr
I have to say Dave, although I have a 50 Summicron I rarely use it preferring my 21, 35, 75 combination for my photowalks. The most use my 50 gets is for the Nifty Fifty Challenge. I should use it more...........
I have to say Dave, although I have a 50 Summicron I rarely use it preferring my 21, 35, 75 combination for my photowalks. The most use my 50 gets is for the Nifty Fifty Challenge. I should use it more...........
I find 50mm a bit tight for more open spaces, I prefer my 35mm ‘cron for that, but in the woods which is where I spend most of my time 50mm and up works well… I have a Minolta 90mm M Mount lens, which works well, but I find it a little too long conversely at times. If I’m out with my Z7ii and a 24-120mm lens its amazing how many times I shoot at anywhere from 40mm to 65-70mm looking at the focal length in LR. I guess out in the woods I tend to ‘see at 50mm.’

If I was lucky enough to be shooting on Dartmoor as you do I’d definitely want much wider options. I tend to use my 35mm quite a lot when I’m out on the Malvern Hills for example. I also have a 28mm TT artisans lens, but find the focal length a bit neither here or there… probably the reason I haven’t bought a 28mm Elmarit.
I used my 1965 M2 and my 1986 M6 for a trip to Brick Lane London with some camera club / FLICKR Mates - the M2 was loaded with a test bit of the new FP4+ Type 517 'Cine' film cut from 400ft Bulk by entrepreneur Dan Kerin who kis selling it at £2-99 for 36 exps and my M6 with 2005 Tudor ( FUJI) 100 kept in freezer for years since my Boy was given 80 cassettes of 24 exps lots. I rated the FP4+ at 100ASA and the Tudor at 80 ASA and processed in C41- the Bulk FP4+ was done in a 2-bath Formula ---
1957 90mm f4 Elmar
Brick Lane 01 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
Brick Lane 03 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
1966 Canadian Leitz 35mm f1.4 Summilux
Brick Lane 04 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
Brick Lane 09 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr

1989 50mm f2 Summicron
Brick Lane 19 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
Brick Lane 21 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
Brick Lane 10 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
Hi, not just one car today ... (M9 - VOIGTLÄNDER Super Wide-Heliar 4,5/15 V3 f 5,6 ; crop) :

Hi, just curious ... (M9 - VOIGTLÄNDER Super Wide-Heliar 4,5/15 V3 f 5,6 ; 500K crops, upscaled, sharpened) :






As stated above, I wanted to see how the lens performed when cropped massively. Not too bad, I would say, even on a low res cam.

A uwa lens is not made for reading the number plates of cars in an overview like the one shown above, of course ...
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